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espritv8 10-10-2013 6:03 AM

Amp choice - alpine vs hifonics

I currently building my sound system from scratch.

I've had Hifonics amps in the past and I was pretty impressed with the power. They are really cheap for the watts you get. Quality is not top notch, but compared to other hi-end amps I owned before, I would not see to much of a difference in sound.

I would go with a zrx2000.4 for cabin speakers which is 250WX4@4 ohms with a zrx2400.1d for my sub. this would get me under 400$ for brand new amps.

The other option is to get used alpine PDX (can't afford them new) and to get close to the same amount of power, I'll need probably 3-4 of them (that would get me probably a little over 400$ if I can find some good deals). Maybe two pdx150.2 and a 600.1. I like the fact they are class d amps and that they are smaller, but since I would buy them used, they may be less reliable, with no warranty and really I don't know if they are worth it.

What is the best option here?


chpthril 10-10-2013 7:55 AM

So what in-boat speaker are you going to drive with 250W? Or is that a "when lightning strikes never gonna see peak" output?

Greeko 10-10-2013 8:49 AM

The new exile D class amps are really pumping. I have a couple new ones kicking around. Send me a pm if you are interested.

501s 10-10-2013 9:33 AM

I'm sure people will dog the Hifonics, but I swapped out the little factory JL amp on my MC last year to a Hifonics ZRX 1200.2 (http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_...ZRX1200.2.html)

It powers all 4 of my tower speakers like a champ. Very loud, NEVER gave me a single issue, has never overheated, and has been rock solid running at 2ohms. I would buy another one in a second.

dezul 10-10-2013 9:47 AM

Go the smart route and make sure the amp is a Class D. Trust me, the Class A/B amps are not that efficient and if you are using them while the boat is off, they will drain the batteries a lot quickier than the Class D.

Pick one off of here that meets your power requirements and you should be good to go.


With that being said, I have some PPI amps listed on there and they have performed flawlessly all summer long. But pick whichever brand you feel most comfortable with.

Greeko 10-10-2013 11:09 AM

I disagree with you on D class being more efficient.

IF you run your system at FULL LOAD all the time and with Test tones..then yes...Go for D class.... But most of the time you are running 1/3-1/2 load on your amplifiers.... Mister D class will have a lot less efficiency at 1/3 than at full load. Now if you look at a hybrid...for instance...Arc Audio amplifiers.. Uses a/b class amplifier with D class Power supply (g/h class)...you get MUCH better efficiency than a classic a/b

I am tired of people jumping on the D class bandwagon...It is great for Subs!... But I disagree with its AMAZINGNESS for full range...

Check this out: This is a review for a Arc Audio Ks300.4


Notice the 1/3 efficiency is at 50-57% and Full load efficiency is 66%-81%

Now check out this: Its a review for a Rockford T1000-4ad. One of the better D class amplifiers


Notice the low end efficiency is at 34% and Full load efficiency is78%-83%> they didn't put the 1/3 efficiency on there because its probably lower or the same as the Arc Audio stuff.

Both reviews were done by Cogent Labs...a very reputable source!

I bet you David Analog will chime in..and I bet he will be on the same wavelength.

Don't be so quick to knock the hybrids that are tried tested and true... Guys like Shawndoggy, Midnightv10 and I run the Arc Audio amps and have had really good luck with them.

Good luck with the hunt, don't be so convinced about amazing d class...listen to them yourself first!

dezul 10-10-2013 3:33 PM


Make an equal comparison and not comparing a hybrid amp that is over OP's budget. Compare a $200 Class A/B to a $200 Class D. Do you get the same results the Arc Audio vs. Rockford?

As far as real world experience goes, I had a 5 Channel Planet Audio Class A/B amp running my 8 speakers and a sub. It got extremely hot (if I had some eggs I could have fried them off of it) after a few minutes of play.

When I swapped out my tower speakers for some Rev 10s I decided to pick up a 5 channel PPI amp and a 4 channel PPI amp. Both Class D. Neither amp ran very hot compared to the ambient temp outside, they where in the boat storage area which has poor ventilation.

All the amps listed about sounded comparably the same. I didn't notice anything different when it came to listening to music through them....except for the Rev 10s are loud. :D

You can throw charts and stats around all day but the only real thing that matters is when the human ear hears it. Most of us have probably some kind of hearing loss from loud music anyways...I know I do (I get checked once a year).

Now make him a good deal on those Class D Exile amps you were promoting a few post up and lets send him away very satisfied.

Greeko 10-10-2013 4:26 PM


Fair enough. I would think the a/b class amps run pretty warm...depends how you run them...I will say you get what you pay for most the time!
I get very similar results with the arc vs rockford. I ran them both and noticed a larger current consumption with the Rockford at nominal volume levels... But alas..the sound was very very similar. Especially when your crusing.

I would be willing to give him a deal on the Exile D class amps I have kicking around. I guess I prefer the old school a/b amps with D class power supplies feeding them.

dezul 10-10-2013 5:12 PM

I am old school too then got out of the game for about 8 -10 years only to find all the companies sold out and there are only a select few that hasnt sold out to china. I am from oklahoma (went to Stillwater, OSU for college) and i have toured the kicker plant, i still have a **** taste in my mouth from them selling out.

Greeko 10-11-2013 9:21 AM

I hear ya man, Planet audio, hifonics, mb quartz, ppi,...ALL sold out! I like Arc audio for that reason. they still design and repair all their stuff locally but they went out there and got one of the better factories in asia...

sandm01 10-11-2013 1:03 PM

fwiw, I went with arc on this last boat install and could not be happier. I notice a lot less heat than the fosgate power series on the last boat.

if the exile D stuff would have been out last fall when I shopped, might have that but it wasn't.

agree on the sellout statement.

espritv8 10-13-2013 10:38 PM

apparently, the hifonics amps aren't CEA compliant anymore... the 250WX4 figure might be overated. I'm thinking to look elsewhere. Hear good things about Precision power class D amps, like the 900.4...

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