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05-18-2010 9:57 PM

Sad news, need your good thoughts...
Been awhile since I've posted...but looking for some good thoughts for a young man who's life is in the balance. My son's best friend here in Folsom, CA. had a tragic accident on the lake this past weekend. He and his family were enjoying a day on the water, and although the exact information is still unsure, he apparently he was on a jetski, and was struck by a larger seadoo. He is in the ICU at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, and has major injuries including having his teeth busted out, broken ribs, punctured lungs, siezures, and bleeding in the brain. He clinically died this morning, and was brought back to life within a half hour after.... This 13 year old boy is the most kind and caring young man I can think of, and his family needs our thoughts right now. It's difficult to try and explain the magnitude of what's happening to my own children, and my oldest just wants to go see him and make him all better. Please send good thoughts Conner's way. Thank you

Take care


FreeRider209 05-18-2010 10:00 PM

You got my prayers brotha.

nuckledragger 05-18-2010 10:09 PM

Oh man, that is terrible. My thoughts and prayers are with Conner and his family.

ghostrider_2 05-18-2010 10:46 PM

He's in our prayers!

kyle_m 05-18-2010 11:49 PM

he is in my prayers, i hope he pulls through, there are many blessings for people out there and im sure he will receive one

dkpitman 05-19-2010 12:25 AM

His earlier revival only proves the resilience of this amazing young man. He and his family have my prayers and thoughts.

wakeworld 05-19-2010 12:51 AM

Thoughts and prayers going out. Really sorry to hear this!

mc_x15 05-19-2010 5:39 AM

My prayers are with you. So sorry. What a terrible situation

jonblarc7 05-19-2010 5:43 AM

My prayers go out to you and his family.

mattgettel 05-19-2010 5:46 AM

I will keep you in my prayers, so sorry to hear this.

05-19-2010 7:36 AM

All of you are in our thoughts, Conner and his family, but also you and yours. Take Care!

05-19-2010 8:00 AM

Thanks so much for all of your kind words! My boys are taking cards to their schools today to rally support from all of Conner's friends, teachers,etc. I'm not sure when I will hear the next update, but will be thinking positive thoughts, and will share all of this support with Conner WHEN he comes home!

Thanks again

bruizza 05-19-2010 9:43 AM

Sending positive vibes your way!

jarrod 05-19-2010 10:03 AM

Good luck Conner. Hang in there buddy.

Man, this is the kind of stuff that scares the hell out of me as a parent.

bcail 05-19-2010 10:58 AM

Prayers sent.

gene3x 05-19-2010 11:00 AM

Keeping him in my prayers too.

wakereviews 05-19-2010 11:08 AM

Very sorry to hear.

unclejessie 05-19-2010 2:17 PM

We're pulling for you Conner. Keep fighting man, never give up!

Rik, I am so sorry to hear this. Thanks for bringing to the wake community. Sometime these horrible things happen in our own backyard and we never hear about it. Our thoughts and prayers are for everyone involved.


scotthons 05-19-2010 2:36 PM

Sorry to hear about this. His family and yours will be in our thoughts.

bg__dereks_mom 05-19-2010 2:46 PM

This is very sad news. Conner and his family will be in my prayers, along with you and your family.

bstphen24 05-19-2010 3:55 PM

Very sorry to hear about this. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

hillbilly 05-19-2010 6:49 PM

You got my # Rik call if you need anything you know that !

v220ls 05-19-2010 6:55 PM

Thoughts and Prayers for Conner and his family and friends.
Well said UJ, so sad didn't hear about it stay strong.


lfrider139 05-20-2010 5:53 AM

Hang in there Conner, you got it buddy


l_b 05-20-2010 9:00 AM

Prayers for he and his family.

dudeman 05-20-2010 9:10 AM

Prayers and good vibes from NC. Hang tough and keep the faith.

05-20-2010 9:10 AM


Keep us posted on him, we all would like updates when you have them.

God Bless

deltarida 05-20-2010 9:53 AM

The entire Fifty 1 Fifty Family & Crew send every single positive vibe Connor's way! Our prayers and thoughts are with Connor, his family and yours! God bless and we all hope Connor makes a full and speedy recovery!

pip9ball 05-20-2010 10:26 AM

My thoughts and prayers go out to Conner and his family.


05-20-2010 11:01 AM

Thanks so much to everyone!! I can't tell you how much strength it gives you to have all these positive thoughts, and so may people behind you! I will relay this thread to Conner's parents, and let them know that A LOT of people are pulling for their son!

I'm headed to pick up my son from school and try to visit Conner and his family at the Med Center. We probably won't be able to see him, but will be able to help comfort his family, even if just a little. I will also try and confirm second hand news that he will need lung transplants, as well as some possible good news.....that he came out of a coma and actually recognized some faces! I so hope that's true.

I'm also thinking of picking up a new board, and having all the kids at school sign it, so that WHEN he gets better, he will be able to start shredding again!

Thanks again, and I will try and update you with some GOOD news later tonight.

Take care (Jeff, I totally know that brother! See you soon) Thanks UJ.

slipknot 05-20-2010 11:48 AM

Thoughts and prayers to Connors Family!

ldr 05-20-2010 1:10 PM

This stuff hits me a lot harder since having kids, will definately keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

fuzzball147 05-20-2010 3:04 PM

Thoughts and prayers to Conner and his family! Kids are amazingly resiliant, I have confidence he'll pull through!

05-20-2010 7:20 PM

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UPDATE! Wow....this kid is amazing! My son and I lucked out, and were able to actually visit Connor! We walked over behind the curtain, and his eyes lit up when he saw my son Cooper! So I guess they tried taking him off the ventilator, but his lungs weren't ready, so he's still on a machine with a tube down his throat. But as far as his brain function, he has turned the corner in amazing fashion! The first thing he did was look at Coop, and give him the "thumb across the throat" jesture like they do at school to say, "I'm coming to get you" and pointed at him! It was unreal. He was able to nod, and had a notepad which he could barely make out words to communicate. He was too tired to write when we were there, however, we wrote a nice note for him to check out anytime he was feeling it! At one point he put both hands up and did the double gun point with a slight shake (like the cheezy dude at the bar) :) When we left, he bumped both of our fists and you could see a very slight wrinkle at the mouth, which was a definite smile! I'm trying to attach a pic that my son got off caringbridge.org. Haven't quite figured out this new system yet.

Thank you ALL once again for the support, and ALL of your comments came to life! He's got a LONG way to go, but from what I saw today, he definitely has the will to pull this off! They're not sure of the long term effects, from the blood clot, and a stroke he suffered after the accident, but I'm positive he will come back strong!

cbk 05-21-2010 4:44 AM

TEAM CBK is thinking and praying for a speedy recovery. Hang in there.

wakekat15 05-21-2010 6:19 AM

THAT is EXCELLENT news! Thanks for sharing!

05-21-2010 8:22 AM

AWESOME and just amazing. Kids are absolutely amazing! Great job young man!

bcail 05-21-2010 10:12 AM

Glad to hear he is doing better!

flexnwake 05-21-2010 10:18 AM

Excellent news to hear! Wishin all the best in a speedy recovery.

bg__dereks_mom 05-21-2010 11:14 AM

Great News!!! Sounds as though the worst may be over. I will continue to keep him in my prayers. Thanks for the update.

AP 05-21-2010 11:23 AM

Just read this post... prayers are headed his way and im glad to read the awesome update!

05-21-2010 6:53 PM

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Thanks guys! You're not going to BELIEVE this one...... I leave the kid alone for a few hours, and this is what happens........ (see pic)

He's out of ICU, and they took him off of the ventilator..........and I think they must have capped his teeth??? If you go to www.caringbridge.org/visit/connorchavez/photos you will be blown away by the updated pics without the ventilator and other tubes!! He looks AMAZING! My son and many others have been emailing him constantly on the free caring bridge site!

I am close to having a wakeboard ready for signing, which I will mount in his room for when he gets home! Thanks for letting me share this moment with you! As a parent, this has been the most intense experience I've ever gone through, and still can't imagine how Connor's parents feel inside. I know that everyone is stoked, and looking forward to his return home!

Take it EZ!

05-21-2010 7:03 PM

P.S. That's Ms. California and Ms. Sacramento hanging with my boy!! :D

ryanw209 05-21-2010 8:14 PM

Damn Rik I just saw this thread. So sad, but good to see he is doing much better! If there is anything I can do let me know!


superair502 05-21-2010 9:18 PM

in my prayers

eviltweak 05-22-2010 11:06 AM

My brother one of the Conner's and Cooper's friends (all three of them are in the same grade at the same school) was telling me about this... (keep in mind i haven't had time to read the entire thread) HE says that Conner and a boy a year older then him collided while jet skiing and he broke 7 ribs one puncturing his lung he was immediately taken to the hospital where in the middle of the night he stopped breathing and while putting him on a respirator the doctors punctured his other lung.
The whole story is really really sad and unfortunate i know it effects everyone differently but it really hits home for me (and RIk) knowing that this is one of my brothers friends and one of my wrestling students (for lack of a better word) and knowing that i probably have met and talked to Conner through school and everything.
Glad to hear he is doing well and just keep him in good thoughts.

eviltweak 05-22-2010 6:21 PM

Now i feel like a dick because i spelled his name wrong the entire time its Connor not Conner.
Please look past that in my previous posts

05-24-2010 8:00 AM


How traumatic this must have been for everyone. What a strong and amazing young man Connor must be. This is an eye opener for us parents, for sure. No matter how much water safety we teach our kids...our sport (and all other water activities) can be dangerous. I will continue to send positive thoughts Connor's way. Take care.

mc_x15 05-24-2010 8:07 AM

Amazing!! So happy he is doing better!!

epic1 05-25-2010 8:12 PM

I dont pray, but sure hope this kid pulls through. Good luck

downfortheride 05-25-2010 8:38 PM

AMAZING!!! This hit's me also as a parent...

Keep going Connor!

wakeguru 05-26-2010 9:10 AM

amazing recovery after nearly being gone.

prayer said for connor and his family and friends. stay strong.

cccbuilders 05-26-2010 1:49 PM

Praying for the boy and the family! Hang in there man.....

jayson_49 05-26-2010 10:55 PM

Man, kids are resilient! especially Connor! That hit home wih me having a 7yr old son of my own... glad to see that he's doing well and gonna make it..everyone's thoughts and prayers must be working...see you out on the river soon!.......

poon 05-26-2010 11:07 PM

Praying for him...

aces6692 05-27-2010 3:44 PM

wow thats intense, my thoughts and prayers go out to him and hope for the fastest recovery possible.

andy_nintzel 05-28-2010 7:26 AM

Glad to hear he is coming around!

05-28-2010 10:14 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Thanks guys! Headed down with the family tomorrow to visit again, and will give him his get well board! I heard his recent lung surgery went well, and I will try and post current pics sometime this weekend. See you out there Jayson...

Take care, and be safe this weekend!

baitkiller 05-28-2010 11:34 AM

That is fantastic, great board he will cherish for life.

prayer chains are a real and powerful tool for recovery.
Walk humbly with your God.

mc_x15 05-28-2010 12:05 PM

What an amazing recovery.

05-29-2010 5:53 PM

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Well, this kid is unreal...! He's in his own room, and he LOVED his new board! Connor looks great, but still has a ways to go. They actually did not do the surgery on his left lung, but fought off an infection in that lung with antibiotics. And yesterday, they tried removing the tube from his right lung, and that lung collapsed. So they put the tube back in, and will monitor closely. His six broken ribs will take awhile to heal. The nurses say he's the toughest kid they've seen! They say he only takes half of the medicine that others do when taking tubes in and out of his body, and other painful procedures.

Anyway, had a great visit, and he was cracking jokes and even flirting with the young nurses..;) He is able to walk, and walked by without assistance for the first time when we were there. He has to push all his vitals with him, but it was a trip to watch. I took video, but have no clue how to download it... Thanks again to everyone, and check out these pics from today!!!

From flatline to THIS!

baitkiller 05-29-2010 6:45 PM

The stoke is ON!

Great news, thanks for the updates.

hillbilly 05-29-2010 11:38 PM

So how did he like the card ? Glad he's doing so well and hope the issue's with the lungs clear up quickly ! You can fill me in on all the details tom.

jaybee 06-01-2010 6:19 AM

What a great idea with the board.Glad to see he is doing so well. Props to him.

trinab 06-01-2010 9:57 AM

Super Awesome!!! Gosh, that kid has a great smile! Rik, you and your boys are the coolest. Connor is lucky to have such good friends. We are keeping the prayers and good thoughts going for his recovery. If you need anything, let us know!

fatsac 06-01-2010 10:14 AM

Wow Rik!! Way to boost his spirits...I'm definitely pulling for the kid!

pwningjr 06-01-2010 3:09 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with him.

That is one resilient kid!

jayson_49 06-20-2010 5:18 PM

Saw Connor's story on the news couple nights ago! glad to see he has recovered well and is looking good! Mom doesnt want him on a jetski anymore, someone shud tell her that its much safer on a wakeboard!! :)

kenv 06-20-2010 8:51 PM

Great story. Glad to see things moving in a positive direction. God is good. Good luck Connor and enjoy your summer.

hyperlite 06-21-2010 4:37 AM


06-21-2010 11:25 AM

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Thanks everyone!! Well, here's the final update... Connor is home for good. His mom hosted a big pool party where he lives, and Channel 10 came out to do a follow up story on Connor. It was a trip, as this was his first time in the WATER since everything almost ended there. He was having a blast, and was glad to be back with all his friends and family!

One of the best parts was having the honor of giving Connor a bad azz gift that was set up by my buddy who I ride with, and fellow WakeWorld member, Jason Reidenbach. Jason had recently gone back to The Wakeboard Camp, and was able to hang and out and learn from some of the world's best! So he asked Ben Greenwood, (One of my all time favorites :D) if he might be able to put together a little something for Connor... Well, a few days later, a shirt from the Camp signed by Ben, and all the other STUDS there, arrived just in time for his Welcome Home party! He was so stoked! Thank you Jason, Ben and everyone else involved! Connor is a special kid, and he appreciates all the support!!

Oh, and the firefighter who saved his life had Connor come to the station, and take a huge tour, plus, hooked him up with some gear, etc. Very cool. Not sure if the story is still on News10.net ?

Thanks again for all the WakeWorld love!!

Take it EZ

06-21-2010 11:29 AM

very cool !

andy_nintzel 06-21-2010 11:57 AM

SO glad to hear he is OKAY!!!!!!

06-21-2010 12:12 PM

Dude thats fricken awesome! He is a good looking kid he is going to have a pretty rad story for the ladies lol :) But im glad he is up and kicking ! Talk about some good friends too, you guys are all awesome you def. made this terrible experience somewhat great for him with all the effort you guys put in! Awesome job guys... He will ALWAYS remember this and its awesome he has people like you guys around him and for him!

ps the reporters shirt is epic lol

waterdork88 06-21-2010 4:22 PM

Thats awesome!!! :)

committed 06-23-2010 12:25 PM

That kid is the sht!

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