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03-14-2010 7:57 AM

replacing my windows(home) estimate, questions
im thinking of replacing my windows. i just moved into this house about 6 months ago. the windows need to be replaced. i got a quote for some vinyl windowns, midgrade(lansing windjammer 60 model) for 300 each window installed. i also have a large bay window type thing that id be replacing. the total for the 18 windows(including the huge bay) is 5400. and these qualify for a tax credit. i plan to only stay in this house for another 2 years 3 max.

1) is this a decent quote. (i plan on getting at least 2 more)

2) will i see a return on my investment when i sell the house?

nautiquesonly 03-14-2010 10:55 AM

I do windows with a buddy of mines home remodeling company. If the windows qualify for the credit and you are getting 18 and a bay/picture that is a good price. Does it include wrapping the exterior wood on the window with aluminum to make it maintenance free? If so It is a good deal. If they aren't wrapping the outside it is not such a good price. These type of windows in double hung with low E and argon Gass with an insulated frame in a standard size run anywhere from 115-175 each and your picture window is probably about 300 for the window. Also there is a law coming out soon that will call for all remodeling companies to be certified for lead paint. So if your house is older than 1978 get it done ASAP because the law in my area goes into effect end of april. Not sure if it is a nation wide law or just state of KY. Contractors would be forced to tent each window inside and out before removal to minimize lead exposure much like abspestos. That in turn will raise the cost dramatically. On resale you may not get your money back dollar for dollar bu a buyer will be hesitant to buy a house knowing they are going to have to spend 5-10k on windows right away. Also get references from some other customers so you can go and see what these guys work looks like. Not everyone that installs windows does a good job breraking the metal.

jetskiprosx 03-14-2010 6:59 PM

On higher end windows you will usually get your money back. On lower - mid grade you probably won't get it all back, but it will help sell your house. Being able to put 'New energy efficient vinyl windows' in your home ad will catch a lot of eyes! 18 windows for 5400 installed may be a good deal when you consider you will be getting 30% of your cost (windows only, not labor) back in the form of a tax credit.

I would get a few different quotes as well as ask for a break down between material and labor. Right now we are seeing a lot of people buying windows only and having them installed by someone else because with the current economy there are a lot of out of work handy men and contractors that will work for cheap.

03-15-2010 7:09 AM

dave it does include the wrapping and the aluminum exterior finish. the way i understood it, was he was going to remove the old window, repair any damaged wood, install the new window, add insulation, flashing then top it off with the aluminum.

the window are the double pane argon gas type with the 30 rating.

thanks for the replies.

03-15-2010 12:45 PM

so the dude drops off an estimate at my house and he has atrium as the window, not lansing like he brought to my house. like a bait and switch type of thing. i think im done with this guy.

nautiquesonly 03-15-2010 6:24 PM

Call him out on it but don't write him off. My buddy carries two samples with him. One from Dove and one from American window company. Now the guy should have been up front with you about the brand he had. We sometimes show the Dove sample but order the American Window. We do however tell the customer they are looking at a dove sample. Most of the time they just want to see what the window looks like and most double hungs look EXACTLY the same and are in fact the same. Typically what you are calling a middle grade window has exactly the same efficiency ratings as the top grade. The difference lies in the contour of the frame. The more fancy the frame looks the more expensive the window is. The sashes are usually interchangeable. Good luck. Not sure where you live but American Windows are made in evansville IN and they have excellent products for the money. Their standard grade windows meet efficiency requirements and add insulated foam filled frames.

03-15-2010 6:52 PM

hey dave. so... i did call him out on it. he said the window he showed me was was the window i would be buying. however the window he showed me had lansing stickers on it. atrium is a totally different brand. he stated that lansing is a distrubutor of atrium windows. i tried to find the same model on the atrium website with no luck. im leaning more towards going down the path of buying my own window and then having a contractor install them. from what ive read an experienced contractor can install a window in about 30+ minutes. i figured id offer someone 50 bucks a window(about 100 bucks an hour) for the install. that seems to be a good deal for him and me. lowes charges 100 a window for installation they always seem to by high on everything so im pretty confident i can find someone for 50ish bucks a window.

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