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grant_west 02-23-2010 4:50 PM

What the heck?? Is it like life imitating art I don't understand. The olympic ice skaters outfits are so how can I say it??? mabey its best I dont. Let me just first say I don't watch ICE Dancing but its like NBC wants you to watch it weather you want to or not. It was on the TV last night and I couldn't help but laugh at it. It was like a car crash I wanted to turn away but couldn't help think about the movie "Blades of Glory" <BR> <BR>What was the move the Iron Lotus??? <BR><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5O7JnmUbFw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5O7JnmUbFw</a> <BR> <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/4387/776505.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/4387/776506.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/gallery/2010/02/19/GA2010021904492.html" target="_blank">http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/gallery/2010/02/19/GA2010021904492.html</a>

baschralper 02-23-2010 4:59 PM

so true.

wakeboardertj 02-23-2010 6:12 PM

its soooooo GAY. Was that the word you were looking for G. haha

dakid 02-23-2010 6:34 PM

yeah but tanith belbin is so effing hot!

grant_west 02-23-2010 6:50 PM

Taylor: Yes that the word I was looking for. <BR><a href="http://news.pinkpaper.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=2439" target="_blank">http://news.pinkpaper.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=2439</a> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/4387/776518.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><a href="http://tv.gawker.com/5477862/shaun-white-talks-olympic-fashion-mocks-figure-skaters-on-the-colbert-report" target="_blank">http://tv.gawker.com/5477862/shaun-white-talks-olympic-fashion-mocks-figure-skaters-on-the-colbert-report</a>

wakeboardertj 02-23-2010 8:36 PM

^ LMAO,.... and he was reppin the US... sounds about right these days lol

benjaminp 02-23-2010 9:13 PM

Speaking of Iron Lotus, they have been playing footage of the Canadian pairs team who had an accident in 2007. They were doing those one footed spins, got too close, and the guy tagged the chick in the face with his blade. She ended up getting 80 stitches across her cheek and nose, and they were back training in a couple weeks. Just nuts. Blood everywhere, and you could see her cheek had kinda pulled up. So Iron Lotus that Will Farrell.

lfxstar 02-24-2010 3:08 AM

Did Anyone see the Mike Queer I mean Weir interview on NBC where he takes the main announcer shopping in NYC. He doesn't even carry a murse, it's a strait up purse.

guido 02-24-2010 12:23 PM

Dood... purse, that's nothing. I saw a poster where he's wearing high heals and tights. <BR> <BR>I think he's skating in the wrong division. Should probably be squaring off with the ladies. <BR> <BR>I'm not much of a fan of ice skating. I think it ranks right above curling, but those guys/girls must have taken some gnarly falls to get as good as they are. Imagine catching an edge and getting rock hard ice to the back of your melon. Ouch!

whitewookie 02-24-2010 1:16 PM

Kyle, I think you mean Johnny Weir. I'm pretty sure that Mike Weir (the golfer) doesn't carry a purse.

jarrod 02-24-2010 4:48 PM

My wife is an ex-competitive skater of 12+ years. She lived the lifestyle, grew up on the ice, modified school schedule, traveling, trained with Tanya, Rudy, a lot of the big names. So....needless to say, I have to watch some of it. <BR> <BR>It hard to appreciate without understanding the details. They're judged on things that most of us can't see. Very technical. I learned to enjoy some of it. <BR> <BR>You gotta hand it to them for the falls they take.

dohboy 02-24-2010 7:31 PM

So many of the guys seem fem in skating but when you see some of the bad falls they take it like men. <BR> What was that movie where that guy played hockey but got injured so he switched to figure skating and was paired with some hot spoiled rich hot chick? That movie at least made the sport seem OK. <BR>LOL my wife was watching me type this- The Cutting Edge is it.

colorider 02-24-2010 8:01 PM

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=457N1m4oUZw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=457N1m4oUZw</a>

jarrod 02-25-2010 6:52 AM

"So many of the guys seem fem in skating" <BR> <BR>Because they are!

lizzyb 02-25-2010 9:19 AM

Rick - The Cutting Edge, it is. LOVE that movie!

dohboy 02-25-2010 5:22 PM

Hey Jarrod just trying not to offend anyone! But you said it for me.

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