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wswb4lfe 02-23-2009 4:47 PM

Hey wakeskaters just thought to start a thread and see whats going on right now with everyone. Any new skates you want to talk about? New gear? etc.

eviltweak 02-23-2009 9:32 PM

i got a tnt and some dvs kenyns sp? 4 christmas i am yet to try them ive walked in the river wit new shoes and they drain so easily my feet were frozen water is so cold! once folsom opens im going out the first day possible which should be in a few weeks cant wait!

wswb4lfe 02-24-2009 7:10 AM

Sweet i'm so excited for the weather to warm up it is getting hot out here though im so happy!

lovin_the_wake 02-24-2009 9:19 AM

I pulled my skates out to play with em a little the other day I can't wait to start skating again This should be a good year I'm super stoked. I'm gonna pull the winch out pretty soon to get it ready we have a power plant cooling lake close by and the water never gets below 65 so we're gonna start REALLY soon

bird_dog 02-24-2009 9:53 AM

right now.. working(ish) <BR> i am glad to see a little life in the skate thread though. <BR> up here in the northwest we have been able to get out every couple weeks at least. dry-suite. a short set on friday, another on sat. @ Koppert Lake. <BR> as far as boards. i am curious about the arson as well as when they will be able to get those out. i enjoyed my omen and think the new stuff looks good. <BR> i would really like to get an integ. but cant justify the cost yet. (or Mutiny) so im on a LF for now. and the omen sometimes. <BR> still having a "B" of a time w/ kick flips..

lovin_the_wake 02-24-2009 12:04 PM

I'm planning on getting the Arson concave as soon as it's available and also a Verge bi before the end of the year. I got a Devotid Passion at the end of the season last year and I never got much of a chance to ride it so I'm stoked about that too <BR> <BR>Aaron, was it an Omen Revolt ?

toxis 02-24-2009 1:52 PM

I've heard great things about the Omen so I'm stoked to try out the Arson if it comes out this year. lol I'm going with an Oak Horan here soon as my concave for the year and I have an Onset as my bilevel but I'm thinking of trying something smaller on the bi side of things... Anyone wanna trade? :D

wakemitch 02-24-2009 2:12 PM

I am really stoked on wakeskating right now. Im never not stoked on it but i keep getting more and more pumped. everytime i ride i have more fun then the last which seems impossible. im heading out tomorrow and cant wait. i really want to land a switch 3 shuv tomorrow. i was getting so close last time i rode. <BR> <BR>i dont planning on buying another skate this year because i am in love with my board, but i would love to try the 39.5 nic harlos board from sattelyte. the shape looks so good and i know they make the most durable wood concave out. <BR> <BR> <BR>i have never heard good things about the omen. from being on wakeskating.com from the time they were planned (2004-2005) to now you will see the pattern of everyone wanting to try one, but as soon as they get it they sell it. the omens have a bad 5 stage rocker that plows through the water and and pops really weird. <BR>there is only one person i know that rode one for more then a year and he still talks crap about the board. <BR>ask anyone thats ridden it (that isnt a team rider) and they will tell you. <BR> <BR>i have a feeling arson is going to be a bunch of hype like the omen. but hopfully people like it this time.

wswb4lfe 02-24-2009 4:46 PM

I was so close to a 3 shuv on sunday i might go out again this sunday coming up hopefully il land it then for sure

wakemitch 02-24-2009 7:29 PM

patch, awesome. just make sure to scoop it forward with your back foot. that was/is my problem

wswb4lfe 02-24-2009 10:07 PM

thanks i just always seem to land with my feet a little to close together i try and correct that though on my trampoline

wakemitch 02-24-2009 11:22 PM

just keep your front foot still. dont pull it back or use it to rotate the board. if you dont let your feet come together you dont have to worry about spreading them back out for the landing

wswb4lfe 02-25-2009 6:43 AM

Does only using your back foot affect the rotation though?

wakemitch 02-25-2009 9:05 AM

it makes it rotate faster and smoother. the front foot will throw it off axis, and this isnt wakeboarding so off axis is never a good thing, haha. if you watch snap or the book for wakeskating aaron reed mentions to only use your back foot to spin the board.

lovin_the_wake 02-25-2009 9:44 AM

I have the same problem I seem to always land with my feet really close together. Sometimes I can ride it out but half the time I just kinda bounce off the board. I've been working on it a lot so hopefully I'll be landing em more consistently this season

wswb4lfe 02-25-2009 9:57 AM

I have the book i watch it a couple times when i want to land something new i'l have to check it out again before i go riding. Mitch, what do you think the next trick is i should learn after a 3 shuv?

wakemitch 02-25-2009 10:35 PM

3 shuv consistant. <BR> <BR>thats what im trying to do. some days i have it and some days i dont. today was one of the days where i did not have it. i rode like crap, but still had the best time ever. <BR> <BR>but after you learn a trick you should always learn it switch after or at the same time. <BR>i believe in steps. i try to perfect things before moving on. i dont skip steps. after i get switch 3 shuvs ill have every trick i can do both ways (besides lip combos)

wswb4lfe 02-26-2009 4:01 PM

mitch can you kickflip yet?

eviltweak 02-26-2009 4:23 PM

no he can not ive herd him say because he skateboards goofy and wakeskates regular flip tricks feel impossible.

wakemitch 02-26-2009 5:02 PM

nope, i cant. and carson is right. i just need to start focusing on them one day , but i get frustrated with them so i just dont try them.

wswb4lfe 02-26-2009 6:09 PM

yeah i know how you feel i'm not great with flip tricks i can do a lot on a skateboard but not on a wakeskate.

eviltweak 02-26-2009 8:43 PM

Do I see a trick of convergance in mitches future

wakemitch 02-26-2009 9:20 PM

carson, definitely not a kickflip

lovin_the_wake 02-27-2009 2:32 PM

I can't stick a kickflip for $h|t I usually just kinda eat it on the board basically because I have no f-ing idea what I'm doing when it comes to kickflips but I can do em all day on the tramp

wakemitch 02-27-2009 7:01 PM


wswb4lfe 02-28-2009 6:57 AM


dlwsrider 02-28-2009 9:23 AM

I really want to expand on my flip tricks, and get better riding switch and on Rails. <BR> <BR> <BR>I was sickeningly close to V-Flips at the end of the year, and I know it's only a matter of time before I get a Backside Flip after that. <BR> <BR>I suck at riding switch. I'm just going to get that out there. So I really want a consistant switch Frontside/Backside shuv, and I would LOVE to learn a switch 3 shuv (But I'd settle for getting close).

eviltweak 02-28-2009 10:22 AM

yah this year i want to hir a rail on a skate

wswb4lfe 02-28-2009 12:14 PM

My state doesn't allow rails which sux badly

wakemitch 02-28-2009 12:44 PM

patch, no ones state allows rails. youve just got to put one in for a day where you wont get busted

eviltweak 02-28-2009 1:08 PM

or in someplace where they wont remove it

wswb4lfe 02-28-2009 2:07 PM

ya i'l probably do that

eviltweak 02-28-2009 8:47 PM

Mitch at ncc at far west do you sink the rails friday or are they there already

wakemitch 02-28-2009 11:14 PM

carson, we build them when we get there and take them out.

wswb4lfe 03-01-2009 8:11 AM

What do you use on top of your rails?

wakemitch 03-01-2009 8:55 AM

trex or another brand that makes the same stuff.

wswb4lfe 03-01-2009 9:16 AM

Can you get trex at home depot?

ollieshuvitz 03-01-2009 2:32 PM

yeah it's usually in the lumber section at HD

deepcove 03-01-2009 6:43 PM

1/2 inch rink board slides much better imo.

wakemitch 03-01-2009 8:41 PM

deepcove, this isnt canada, we dont have hockey supply shops on every corner. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

lovin_the_wake 03-02-2009 9:56 AM

deepcove, Yeah take off you hoser lol j/k <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

romes 03-02-2009 10:01 AM

you can also use sheets of HDPE cut down to width. thats the same stuff thats on snowboard boxes and all of the stuff at OWC

wswb4lfe 03-02-2009 10:41 AM

Do you get that at homedepot

lovin_the_wake 03-02-2009 11:54 AM

jr, is that like the shower wall paneling stuff ?

wakemitch 03-02-2009 12:24 PM

patch, just go with trex. its really easy to work with. plastic sheeting tends to get waves in it.

wswb4lfe 03-02-2009 1:33 PM

ok, Hey just a quick question it's a little off topic, i'm ok with video cameras but not an expert, if you were filming from the boat would a fish eye lens look good for filming the rider? or just look like crap?

wakemitch 03-02-2009 6:04 PM

fish eye would be terrible. fish eyes are wide angle lenses for super close up shots. they work for tube shots of reentry tricks but thats about it. you have to be really close for a fish eye to work.

wswb4lfe 03-02-2009 6:08 PM

Yeah thats what i figured

wakemitch 03-02-2009 10:59 PM

patch, what state do you live in?

wswb4lfe 03-03-2009 1:46 PM


wakemitch 03-03-2009 5:48 PM

you should try and hitch a ride to northern california in early may for the Norcalwake.com convergence. there a bunch of guys from socal that car pool up for it and i bet if you could get to palm springs or san diego you could get a ride up.

wswb4lfe 03-03-2009 5:53 PM

whats that?

wakemitch 03-03-2009 8:00 PM

patch, <a href="http://alliancewakeskate.com/features.php?id=178&amp;page=6" target="_blank">http://alliancewakeskate.com/features.php?id=178&amp;page=6</a> <BR> <BR><a href="http://alliancewakeskate.com/features.php?id=628" target="_blank">http://alliancewakeskate.com/features.php?id=628</a> <BR> <BR>this was the thread about last springs. <a href="http://www.norcalwake.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&amp;t=1146&amp;st=0&amp;sk=t&amp ;sd=a" target="_blank">http://www.norcalwake.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&amp;t=1146&amp;st=0&amp;sk=t&amp ;sd=a</a>

eviltweak 03-03-2009 9:45 PM

Mitch that is a far drive when i drove to AZ towing a boat it was 2 days of non stop driving but we had a blowout that ripped off the fender of boat trailer off

lovin_the_wake 03-04-2009 7:45 AM

Anyone riding this weekend ? I'm planning on taking the winch out for a few sets and I can't wait

bird_dog 03-04-2009 9:54 AM

Mitch, are/when are you guys doing stuff this year? 09.. <BR> it would be a drive from WA but would be fun to get down there.

wakemitch 03-04-2009 10:10 AM

We always do two. One in the spring and one in the fall. We try to go before the normal riding season for most people starts. The first one will be in early may, but the dates have yet to be picked. Its a Fri-Sun thing. And it will be at Camp Far West which is near Wheatland, Ca (near sac) <BR> <BR>Aaron, that would be awesome if you could make it. I think you will find that it will be worth it. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by wakemitch on March 04, 2009)

eviltweak 03-08-2009 6:47 PM

if you guys decide to come up you will have a blast i went to my first last year and had a blast. they are so much fun

rideordie11 03-18-2009 5:58 PM

hey im 11 im some what new to wake skate ing i want to know how to do my shove it. I also want to know if it is like doing a shove it on a sk8board

ollieshuvitz 03-18-2009 9:02 PM

it's similiar to an extent. this should help you get started: <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wakeskating.com/tricks/backside_popshuvit.php" target="_blank">http://www.wakeskating.com/tricks/backside_popshuvit.php</a>

madwakeskates 04-22-2009 8:31 AM

Deffinitly similar to skate boarding. As long as you're keeping your core locked down tight, the foot motion is very close. A skate boarding background it deffinitly helpful!

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