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polhamus 10-25-2008 9:19 PM

Hey Jen, Geri, Cris, and Kat. How were your summers? Any new tricks? How is everyone?

wakekat15 10-26-2008 8:41 AM

Hi Kim! Summer was great &amp; I perfected the HS BS180 to head slam! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/blush.gif" border=0> Having done so, I moved on to something more challenging! lol I tried some things that I had never tried, but did not land them (TS Backroll &amp; TS360s). The only thing that I got more consistent on was TS w2ws! I'm going to start working on backrolls for next year. (I think I say that every year!) How about you?

rnopr8 10-26-2008 1:54 PM

Hi Kim...great to hear from you...how was YOUR summer? Going to join us next year? <BR> <BR>I came home from Nationals and nailed my TS w2w...finally! I got more consistent on my w2w half cab and 180. But what I really perfected was balancing myself on crutches and holding it for 30 seconds....stoked for sure <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> Kat's going to help me learn a tantrum and 3 while I am there in Dec <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

wakekat15 10-27-2008 7:42 AM

For sure Geri! We could learn a 360 together! I've been riding @ 80 feet the last few outings and haven't missed a Tantrum yet at that rope length! Really makes you work on holding the toeside edge as well, as I didn't take the boat speed up with the additional rope length!

sexyws6mama 10-27-2008 2:24 PM

Boy, I need some lessons from you KAT!!!! You ever in Texas??

wakekat15 10-27-2008 3:33 PM

lol, Audrey! I'm the one that needs lessons! I suck at riding switch and can't put a competition run together to save my life! That's okay though...I've met some great people at competitions and even joined a gang, right Geri/Jen/Liz?! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0> Billy Garcia has agreed to take on the challenge to improve my riding, so I may be spending more time in Texas next year! <BR> <BR>We have a few dear friends that live on the Pedernales River just West of Austin and visit them regularly. Maybe you can come down and ride with us next time we are there! <BR> <BR>PS Geri - we are getting our winter out of the way this week in Central Florida. It will be in the low 40's tonight in our 'hood! You might need a dry suit in December!! <BR> <BR>(Message edited by wakekat15 on October 27, 2008)

rnopr8 10-27-2008 9:09 PM

Boy, we haven't seen any winter yet. It's 70 at 9pm and 80-90 in the day still. No worries....I'll bring my chamber and dry suit! <BR> <BR>I rode last week....just did some carving, momentum 180 drills, and rode switch. It was sweet! <BR> <BR>Long Live FRG!!! ( I think Liz and Jen are hibernating!!)

rnopr8 10-27-2008 9:10 PM

Boy, we haven't seen any winter yet. It's 70 at 9pm and 80-90 in the day still. No worries....I'll bring my chamber and dry suit! <BR> <BR>I rode last week....just did some carving, momentum 180 drills, and rode switch. It was sweet! <BR> <BR>Long Live FRG!!! ( I think Liz and Jen are hibernating in the cold North!!)

a1flowergirl 10-28-2008 5:21 AM

I don't want to hear any of you talk about riding. It snowed here yesterday . . . just flurries, but still. ;) I got up and went for a jog at 6am. It was 32 degrees. Yeah, I think hibernation is in the works here pretty soon. <BR> <BR>Kim -- I think I made some progress on my ts w2w (although it's far from consistent), landed my ts 180, hs switch w2w, and a handful of halfcabs. Between those new tricks and competing in Nationals and Worlds . . . I'm pretty stoked about how the summer went. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> We are all looking forward to having you join us next year!!

polhamus 10-28-2008 8:12 AM

Hey Guys! I did get consistent on my wtw 180. then added a sick melon grab to it. Half cab just need some balls attatched and then I could totally go wtw. Had a bad heelside catch on the bs180 tried some backrolls. went spinning instead of, flipping. Geri you are going to florida again! lucky!! Yes I plan on being at wake games. But it will still be spring here, and cold. I was planning on riding with cathy williams before the comp. gettin some lessons. Oh and I did bump up my line to 75' Woohoo!! landed the 180 at that length too!

sexyws6mama 10-28-2008 10:20 AM

I'm just 45 mins from Austin....so I would love to meet up next summer!!!! <BR> <BR>Maybe you can come to Belton Lake too...that's where I ride!!

wakekat15 10-28-2008 3:35 PM

I'm very familiar with Belton, as I moved to Florida from Waco. Belton is a beautiful lake, but hard to find good water on the weekend. The best water any day of the week is North of you in Waco on the Brazos. Let me know if you ever want to take a crew up there and I'll give you the low down on where to launch, ride, etc.

wakekat15 10-28-2008 3:38 PM

Kim - STRONG work this summer....Congrats! Post a pic of that Melon to 180! And, you are welcome to join Geri to ride with us here in Florida in December! If you come to Florida for lessons, be sure to let me know when so we can go ride a day!

rnopr8 10-29-2008 9:01 PM

For sure Kim...Love to have you join me. Have an awesome week planned...even includes a day at a nursing conference...have to write it off some how!!

rnopr8 10-29-2008 9:08 PM

Ok guys...I'm getting depressed. Still 89 outside and I CANT RIDE. Maybe I'm too old to keep riding...this injury has really bummed me. I rode last week but just carving. Will I ever be able to jump again? I severly broke that same leg in 91 and it healed well enough for me to ride. I want to ride now as if nothing happened...impatient or what!!!

wakekat15 10-30-2008 5:18 AM

People in the medical field are the WORST patients in the world! :-D <BR>Too old? NO <BR>Too impatient? Very much so! <BR> <BR>Focus on the feeling you get while being on your board on the water, regardless of your current physical limitations! Your body will tell when it's okay to go wake to wake again....just listen, Young Grasshopper!!!

rnopr8 10-30-2008 8:06 AM

Thank you master...oh wise one ;) Yes we are the worst patients (patience??) Going out carving again today....I feel a one wake 180 knocking at the door <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

buzz_grande 10-30-2008 9:36 AM

Hey Geri, <BR> <BR>Hope you are healing up OK, and can get back into the groove.

rnopr8 10-30-2008 8:00 PM

Hey Buzz!!! Thanks so much. I am healing well. <BR>I'm trying to sell my boat and when I do I will e-mail you for a detailing. You riding? <BR> <BR>Kat...I rode today but still just taking it easy. But I did do a toeside 180 then back for a switch ts 180....it felt great!! I got a lot of air hs and could have pushed a w2w but didn't....my mind says wait...my body says do it.....I will wait...<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

wakekat15 10-31-2008 3:23 AM

Congrats, Geri!! That is awesome! Well, as long as it is your mind that is a little slow, we are all used to that! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0>

polhamus 10-31-2008 7:27 PM

<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/195511/641349.jpg" alt="Upload"> Here it is. On the dirty delta. just kiddin! Geri I can't go to Florida. I wish... I wish I could ride right now. We are just waiting for snow now. my friend actually called the grab NOLEN. cause its nose/melon. GOod Times though

polhamus 10-31-2008 7:32 PM

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIJer6XmNP4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIJer6XmNP4</a>

polhamus 10-31-2008 7:33 PM

that was my worst crash of the YEAR!!! ouchy!!!

rnopr8 10-31-2008 8:36 PM

OMG..that was a bad one...nice Nolen grab...goods times is what it is all about!!! <BR> <BR>You had rain today and I hear lots of snow for the winter which means lots of lake water....whooo hoooo!!!

rnopr8 10-31-2008 8:37 PM

Kim..BTW....going to Schwenne's June 1-5 next year....join us!!!!!

a1flowergirl 10-31-2008 11:20 PM

<font size="-2">I miss wakeboarding</font> :'(

wakekat15 11-01-2008 3:24 AM

Kim - I see that you've also mastered the head slam! I hate those and had way too many this past season! Could explain that rolling sound I keep hearing...marbles got knocked around pretty good! Very cool grab on the HS180, as that is the tough one for me! <BR> <BR>Jen - wakeboarding misses you too! By the way, what did you do to Liz? She seems to be M.I.A.

cece 11-01-2008 9:31 AM

Jen - I miss wakeboarding too! <BR> <BR>I start my lube job on the 7th and finish on the 24th. For some reason the doctor thinks that his vacations are more important than my wakeboarding. At least I am back in the gym and the good news is that since I got the cortisone shot in my knee, my back no longer hurts!

rnopr8 11-01-2008 11:30 AM

Hey CC!!! Great how those shots work. I just got my every 3 monther in my back..so much better Ahhhhhhhh. Good to hear you are doing better. <BR> <BR>Kat- maybe Liz is the one hibernating. I will be so ready in 5 weeks. I rode 3 short sets Thursday and even tried a new board. I am walking around with Teva's on today (still hot here)and my stiff ankle is the only reason I am limping...no pain in foot at all. I may try a w2w next week. <BR> <BR>Jen- come to Florida with me

sexyws6mama 11-03-2008 6:23 AM

Kat: I would love to meet up with you in Waco or Belton!!! <BR> <BR>Where do you leave now? in Waco?? <BR> <BR>I rode for that last time last night and finally cleared the wake!!!!!!!!!! and then crashed!! hahaha <BR> <BR>Also, I did my TS 180 and got much better with TS wake jumps!!! My b/f said I was developing a style of riding which looked cool. I'll have to just take his comments and run with them. <BR> <BR>The water is getting much cooler and at times you don't want to try tricks bc you don't want to fall!!! but if you are planning on riding near Belton/Waco soon, let me know! I would love for someone to help me improve!!

rnopr8 11-30-2008 1:54 PM

OK Kat, I attempted 2 ollie BS 180's yesterday and landed both...wrapped. Are you still ready to rock a 3 next week? I am..let's do it!!

wakekat15 11-30-2008 2:07 PM

Look at you getting all Cra-Cra, Geri! Let's do it! Can't believe you will be here in a few days!! See you real soon!

oldgirl 11-30-2008 7:21 PM

good job mob, if you do the bs 180 switch it will prepare you for the ts 3. I tried landing wrapped, and had a back head plant/whip lash so hard that it took a few seconds for me to surface. I am impressed with your technical skill. Good luck on the 3.

a1flowergirl 11-30-2008 7:33 PM

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO green with envy. It's snowing here right now. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" ALT=":-(" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>Geri -- congrats on your bs 180s! You guys better post pics of those 3s! Get it done!

rnopr8 11-30-2008 8:32 PM

Thanks Jen and Allison....I want a 3 and back roll so bad. I did a half cab last week too. That was a big mental plus since that is what I broke my foot on. Riding again tomorrow too. <BR> <BR>Jen....JOIN US!!!!!!

a1flowergirl 11-30-2008 8:47 PM

Grrrr. And ugh. I wish I could join you guys so bad! I hate it when work gets in the way of my wakeboarding! <BR> <BR>Have so much fun and post pics!

wakekat15 12-02-2008 12:33 PM

Geri, <BR> <BR>Look at this lovely weather you are headed to Florida for! The water was 61 last weekend, but will definitely have dropped several degrees with the cold nights! <BR> <BR>Not Liz's FREEZE Ride, but cold for Florida! Have fun, but take care of your self riding in that, Liz!! <BR> <BR>See You Soon, Geri! <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/195511/648783.jpg" alt="Upload">

polhamus 12-02-2008 2:48 PM

Stop talking about wakeboarding! We have no snow, and too cold to wakeboard! it is not fair!!! oh ya Jen, I hate when work gets in the way. Shaw who do they think they are!!

rnopr8 12-02-2008 2:55 PM

thanks Kat <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/angry.gif" border=0>...it's warmer here. In the 80's yesterday....I thought it was a warm summer evening. I think it's time to go from chamber to drysuit. <BR> <BR>It's NEVER too cold to wakeboard!

a1flowergirl 12-03-2008 7:43 PM

When the water freezes, it's too cold to wakeboard. ;) Otherwise, you're right.

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