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-   -   Free Board and Bindings!!! (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=369496)

derby 09-16-2006 1:21 PM

Free Board and Bindings!!! <BR> <BR>No joke here. You could get a free setup. Joe Umali and I are both NFL <BR>fans. We both love our team. I just so happens he's a Lambs er uhm <BR>Rams fan and I'm a Niner fan. <BR> <BR>This is how you get a free board. We could not seem to agree on what <BR>team was going to win the two inter-conference meetings this season. <BR>So I came up with the bet. Ram's lose both games to the Niners, Joe <BR>gives up board and bindings from his stash. If the Niners lose both <BR>games I give up a board and bindings. If we see a split between teams <BR>we go to the best record for the season. <BR> <BR>Who gets the board? You do…well if you deserve it. I was thinking you <BR>could fill this thread with reasons why you NEED the board. I don't <BR>want to hear anything about coffee tables, slider boards and just <BR>because you're cool. <BR> <BR>Give us a real reason to give you the ride. <BR> <BR>The boards: <BR> <BR>Mine: 2001 142 Byerly w/ 2002 XL Ultras <BR> <BR>Joe's: 2004 138 Blindside Blade w/ 2004 L Doubleup Krank

crowmobe540 09-16-2006 1:26 PM

I'm not sure that is a good bet for you. I'm a 9ers fan as well, but I wouldn't bet on them winning anything right now. You can just mail me your board now. I do like the lambs comments. I will have to use that with one of my friends who is die hard rams.

mjfan23 09-16-2006 1:26 PM

I need a board, cause ima poor college student, who cant afford one, making me a boat whore and a board whore!

woohoo 09-16-2006 1:46 PM

I feel I deserve the board because I got my first board from my parents and they have no idea what they bought and I think it is awful, and I can't buy a new one myself. Also the bindings I have cut my feet when I crash and make my toes numb. I'm in highschool so I have no time for a job since I'm in above honors classes that give me tons of homework. I hope I win the board, and I also hope you didn't fall asleep during my sob story. Please let me win!

innov8 09-16-2006 1:57 PM

Just sell the car in your driveway and you can get any board you want Dan. J/K But that A/C Cobra is a sweet ride.

woohoo 09-16-2006 1:59 PM

I don't get any money when we sell it, we built it to sell, and since I didn't buy parts I don't get any cash.

rileyg 09-16-2006 2:04 PM

Here is my reason. My family has an I/O boat that we use quite often in the summer. My family isn't very wealthy so we can only use the ski's we have. We are unable to afford a wakeboard of any kind at this time. I have tried my friends wakeboard and I loved it. It was by far the most fun i have had behind a boat in my entire life. Unfortunately he rarely comes boating with my family and usually goes with his on a different lake. I have been coming on Wakeworld quite often trying to get into the wakeboarding scene and learn more about it. Please help out this in need 15 year old! I have been saving some money for a little while so if needed I could pay for shipping. <BR> <BR>Thanks for your time.

woohoo 09-16-2006 2:07 PM

Do we need any more, I think Riley is going to win it if he doesn't even have his own board yet.

dirwoody 09-16-2006 2:27 PM

I'd try, but give it to Riley, he could be full of it, but ya know what, judging by his profile, he's not lying, he sounds like he'd be proud of whatever ride he was on, SO LET'S GET THIS KID A RIDE!

deltawakerider 09-16-2006 2:46 PM

i wanna win so i can sell it on e bay and take that money and by me a RONIX <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>FBAALLDAY

rvh3 09-16-2006 2:48 PM

The board to be given away will definately be a: <BR> <BR>2001 142 Byerly w/ 2002 XL Ultras

woohoo 09-16-2006 2:51 PM

Riley deserves to win. He needs a board to ride since he has nothing at all.

rvh3 09-16-2006 2:52 PM

Derby, <BR> Wht wait til the 1/2 way through the season when the niners will be mathematically done. Just send Riley the board now.

ryansgt 09-16-2006 3:01 PM

Deserving is relative... everybody has sob stories. I currently ride on a 142 hydroslide backdraft of unknown year behind a 17.5 ft. Smokercraft outboard with an identity crisis. The board is crap, heavy as hell with fins that belong on a surfboard. The real question here is who has the stoke to repeatedly go out use whatever they have to ride and have fun. I learned just this year and have taught at least 15 people to ride this year. Looking for pop and still trying to find my style, but I WILL get it whether I get a free board, or I have to sacrifice a few meals to save up and buy a new board.(jk, i have only skipped grocery shopping once to fill up the boat <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>). Have fun competing for this guys and if anyone is in the whitewater area and needs a pull behind a sacked out fish/ski with a hardware store pylon, i'm always lookin for a 3rd.

kylielogan 09-16-2006 3:50 PM

i'll put out!!!!! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/blush.gif" border=0> (j/k - i want riley to win)

deltawakerider 09-16-2006 4:03 PM

Oh snaps!!!

ryansgt 09-16-2006 4:29 PM

Just in case it was unclear, my vote is for riley as well. I have a boat, crappy as it may be, and a board to ride. Just the other day as I was riding behind my boat I scoped this dude being pulled behind a little aluminum fishing boat from the transom. Couldn't have been more than a 25hp outboard on there w/ manual steering. heh, that dude was surfin up and down his 2" wake with gusto and I was this close to offering him a pull when he went in. Makes what you have seem that much better.

dakid 09-16-2006 8:18 PM

kylie gets my board. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>jk! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

agfan12 09-17-2006 12:32 AM

I think I deserve the board. Because Joe and I made a bet on the NBA playoffs this season. The premise was that if Dallas and Phoenix met and Dallas won, Joe would owe me a day of riding. Well, guess what!? Joe up and moved to Nor Cal, and tried to tell me that the bet was for 'local' riding only....That's not what I have saved on my computer (the bet was via IM). <BR> <BR>I'm still waitin for that invite up North Joe! I'll pay my way to get up there for a weekend or so. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

rnopr8 09-17-2006 4:06 PM

screw the Lambs and 9ers...Just send it to Riley now...he is willing to pay for shipping out of his savings. He gets my vote. GO CHARGERS <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

rvh3 09-17-2006 4:22 PM

Niners played with energy and looked decent for the second week in a row. This may take more then just 1/2 a season to settle. Congrats on the Niner win Derby.

mjmurphy53711 09-17-2006 5:18 PM

Three reasons...... <BR> <BR>1. I broke 4 absolute molds in the last season, including two in the last month. <BR> <BR>2. One of those boards was a buddies who loanded me it while i was boardless after breaking the last one, so after this most recent break I am now boardless and still OWE him one! <BR> <BR>3. One month after purchasin my boat this season, I blew up the motor and cant afford to replace it......and breaking boards isnt helping!!!!!!!!!! <BR> <BR>End rant, give it to someone who deserves it more though.

airwarrior04 09-17-2006 5:24 PM

Riley deserves my vote.

live2wakeboard 09-17-2006 5:37 PM

Riley Riley Riley Riley!! If i could afford to give away a board at this point! I would send it to him and pay shipping!!

mjmurphy53711 09-17-2006 5:44 PM

Riley, dont you have era bindings and an older premier or belmont or something? <BR> <BR>I also remember you recently asking about which LF to buy?

derby 09-17-2006 6:57 PM

Anyone need a 2004 138 Blindside Blade w/ 2004 L Doubleup Krank bindings? <BR> <BR>Kylie I'll deliver it for Joe if you want. <BR> <BR>Riley sounds like a just cause. Remember we got a lot of football left. Let's see some legit reasons for Joe handing over the goods. <BR> <BR> <BR>20-13 baby! <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/370159.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR> <BR>One win down...One win to go Biatch!!! <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/370160.jpg" alt="Upload">

derby 09-17-2006 7:01 PM

Oh yeah...any doubters should remember it just the same Ol' Rams when staring down the Red and Gold. <BR> <BR>Yeaha!

rileyg 09-17-2006 7:12 PM

Mike, <BR> <BR>I was asking about that for my friend Bryan. Thats the wakeboard that I have ridden before. He doesn;t have an account so I posted the question on here for him. Just to clarify.

wakeforce139 09-17-2006 8:35 PM

My Red Storm is back in action. DOn't want to have premature hopes and dreams, but man they are looking like a decent team again. Last week, they put up a good fight against a talented team and almost had a shot to take it into OT, and today they fought hard and made some good plays to beat down the Rams. Well anyways I'm a diehard Niner fan and can't help but get just a lil excited about things so far. <BR> <BR>ANd yeah, RIley seems to be most deserving!

rvh3 09-18-2006 6:11 AM

BK, <BR> Are you referring to the Cardinals as a talented team? Oh, I forgot you are a Niner fan.

kylielogan 09-18-2006 6:30 AM

Derby - wow ... thanks for the offer! Here's my address: <BR> <BR>************************************** <BR> <BR>(You DO have the special decoder ring, don't you???) <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

buffalow 09-18-2006 7:31 AM

Screw the boards, let money talk! I got 5 on it...

jolly_roger_wake 09-18-2006 10:26 AM

i'd like a new board, but i don't deserve it anymore then riley does... <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/333636.html" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/333636.html</a> <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/363616.html" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/363616.html</a> <BR> <BR>i've gotta call b.s. on riley. sorry!

mjmurphy53711 09-18-2006 10:37 AM

I saw those posts too, didnt quite want to call him out publicly, but I sniffed it too.

kylielogan 09-18-2006 10:41 AM

Busted! So Joe ... can I have that board now? <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/kiss.gif" border=0>

byrd 09-18-2006 11:45 AM

What is up with these BS Sob Stories. Anyone who in too lazy get a summer job washing cars, mowing lawns, etc. to get a board shouldnt be given anything. Tell you what you should do, you should auction off the boards and give the money to a local charity, at least someone that really DESERVES help will get it...

rileyg 09-18-2006 6:14 PM

Hahahahaha. Busted. Well it was worth a shot. I think my convincing story deserves it.

dakid 09-18-2006 6:18 PM

derby, please refrain from EVER giving the shocker sign, whether intentionally or unintentionally. otherwise, you lose by default. <BR> <BR>it's ok, we'll win at home, then our better record will yield someone a setup from derby.

dakid 09-18-2006 6:20 PM

daniel, i'll invite you...there's no time limit on our bet. nothing was said as to when i invite you out. i'll invite you up once you get your head out of mac's ass! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>i've just been really swamped w/ my "real" job, the chick flick, new house, etc. you'll get your invite man, with ww as our witness.

flyhigh916 09-18-2006 6:34 PM

Haha derby throwing the shocker <BR> <BR>I need the board derby. I need to finish my wakeboard bench for my front porch and I only have one so far.. I need another <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" ALT=":-(" BORDER=0>

sammm724centurion 09-18-2006 6:37 PM

Look at my profile pic! I love the NINERS! I deserve the board!

agfan12 09-19-2006 10:35 AM

Joe, I'm just razzin' you man, I know I will.

elo 09-19-2006 12:23 PM

ill take it, i need a bigger board so when i teach my friends they can choose a bigger board with larger bindings rather then my 134. <BR> <BR>its not soby but it is true. i probally got 8 people to learn to board/skate this summer

hal2814 09-19-2006 12:26 PM

"steve young + Jerry rice = best duo EVER. i love the niners." <BR> <BR>You misspelled Joe Montana.

derby 09-19-2006 11:22 PM

What's a shocker sign Joe? Or I guess what's it suppose to mean? <BR> <BR>I thought I was just showin' the one win. I'm not hip. I'm just another cracka from suburbia. <BR> <BR>Do tell, I'd hate to get killed over a "one win" in the wrong area. <BR> <BR>Would it be OK when I show the two wins? Heeahhaha <BR> <BR>Also I forgot to mention the other part of the bet from the old thread. The loser, myself or Joe, has to change their profile pic to a head shot with the opposing teams hat on for one month. I just thought I'd throw that out there again seeing the original post dropped off.

derby 09-19-2006 11:37 PM

Kylie, I do have the ring. Thanks for keeping it on the DL. See you at 9! <BR> <BR>...and yes it's Montana to Rice. However in a very close second Young to Rice. <BR> <BR>ALso...were going to need a little more desperation from the prospective recipient. Else, it may have to go to some church group where they don't even have a boat. Maybe an Amish rider that gets pulled in a ditch by the oxen in between plowing the fields and tot'n the kids to town for Amish ice cream if they can have ice cream. <BR> <BR>Outlandish claims should be accompanied with a photo....your photo.

dakid 09-19-2006 11:42 PM

the shocker sign (pinky up, ring finger down, middle and index finger up, then thumb down) is about the trashiest of trashy hand signs out there. roid freaks and hookers use the sign a lot. so take that into consideration. (and no, i'm not kidding!) <BR> <BR>and yeah, it's going to be cool when you change your profile pic to you sportin' a rams hat! you can even pick it out, so you can pick out a cool looking rams hat. it can't be one w/ a red line across the team/logo, though. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

noel 09-20-2006 12:03 AM

I don't need a board, just an excuse to post a classic. <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/371469.jpg" alt="Upload">

dakid 09-20-2006 12:28 AM

thanks noel. that sure does bring memories...of me actually knowing how to ride! haha!

derby 09-20-2006 7:33 AM

Roid freaks....hookers....huh, whatever. <BR> <BR>That's good your optomizim just might keep you afloat until the next meeting. You can watch the records, you kind of have too now, but the rest of us know its over. <BR> <BR>I'll send you a hat if you need one. <BR> <BR>Let me know. <BR> <BR>Nice photo by the way. I like it.

calcio 09-20-2006 7:45 AM

My wife's little brother is in need of a board. He just graduated HS, going to college and cannot afford a board. He is a newb and has been trying the last two yrs, finally getting up this season. He has been using other peoples boards, but hates doing it. I think he would definitely appreciate it...

seansmitty42 09-20-2006 1:26 PM

the real reason i want one is because they are cool boards. the reason i ride has nothing to do with material. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by seansmitty42 on September 20, 2006)

nickdakoolkat 09-20-2006 5:17 PM

(sort of a hijack) the 49ers will surprise A LOT of people this year and here is why: <BR> <BR>1) Frank Gore is a BEAST, he never stops running. <BR>2) Alex Smith is improving by the second <BR>3) Our O-line has improved drastically <BR>4) Vernon Davis is also a BEAST <BR>5) We signed Antonio Bryant <BR> <BR>So the board will be a free-motion board

wakeriderixi 09-20-2006 6:04 PM

Who would win in a fight, Ditka or God?!!!!

marshk344 09-20-2006 7:26 PM

i think that the 49ers are the best team in the NFL <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

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