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jvevil 04-04-2006 3:05 PM

gonna jump on this wakesurf thing this summer but i need some advice on what type of board to buy. 6' 180lbs. reading alot of posts lately but thought i would just come out and ask. btw, why does LF label one of their boards a skimskate/wakesurfer? any advice appreciated. also, how much wt. does it usually take to get a decent wake to surf on. thanks again. also, not looking to buy the best/most expensive board.

entrustclothing 04-04-2006 3:25 PM

i ride a LF skimskate 4'6" but i'm 5'9" and 130lbs my buddy is about your size and rides it as well, but he has a little more trouble just cause it's a bit small for him. i would go with like a LF Venture 5' <a href="http://activewake.com/product.php?productid=313&amp;cat=53&amp;page=1" target="_blank">http://activewake.com/product.php?productid=313&amp;cat=53&amp;page=1</a> <BR>that would be a good board to get started on. or if you wanted bigger go to the 5'6" <BR> <BR>weight all depends on your boat. what kinda boat do you have?

04-04-2006 3:43 PM

or just pull the bindings off the biggest old wakeboard you can find, slap some EVA foam on it and you'll have the same thing. Save $289. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> JayJay, give us some more info about the way you want to ride: skim vs surf, who is going to be riding it and about what size wake you expect you'll have.

jvevil 04-04-2006 4:12 PM

thanks guys. skim vs. surf. i dont know. whats the difference? the board will be mostly for myself and maybe some buddies that have the same body type/wt. as far as the wake, i dont know that either. right now i only wakeboard behind a prostar 190. good/clean/on small side wake but i plan on adding some sacs this summer too. any suggestions? thinking a fat seat with two side sacs, one full the other only partial. ??? <BR>hey jeff, i did pull the bindings off one of my older boards and currently using it as a wakeskate. didnt know it would act as a wakesurf if intended to do so. thanks again guys.

jvevil 04-04-2006 4:15 PM

btw, like i said earlier. would prefer not to spend alot. i found a couple boards that are inexpensive. one is the obrien alias 199 and the other being a LF skim skate 149. both new. <BR>whatcha think?

04-04-2006 4:30 PM

Hey JayJay, <BR> <BR>You can surf a wakeboard with the bindings still on. It's not pretty, but it can be done. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> If you're just wanting to go out and play and not spend a bunch of $'s, I think you'd be ok with either of those boards. I prefer the Alias to the LF, but a $50 differential is quite a bit. <BR> <BR>For newbies, like yourself, I'd really encourage you to spend a few bucks more and look into some of the boards designed for first time wakesurfers - Inland Surfer, Shred Stix, Awake, Shoreline Lakeboards and Trick Boardz all manufacture boards that will make learning a breeze.

jvevil 04-04-2006 4:33 PM

thanks jeff, i'll check'em all out.

entrustclothing 04-04-2006 4:57 PM

i rode an inland surfer for the first time last weekend and it was tricky, i think the skimskates ride great for $149 you can't beat that

jvevil 04-04-2006 5:50 PM

thanks. one last time, maybe its a stupid ? but why do they call them skimskates?

04-04-2006 6:33 PM

Entrust which Inland did you ride? They've got four models. If you're trying to say the Red Tide (which is their entry levl model) is tricky, you've lost your mind! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> Are you getting a LF kickback or something? <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> The basic design of all the LF models are wakeboards. They really do not offer the type of stability as say a Shred Stixx or Shoreline for newbies. <BR> <BR>$149 bites if you get frustrated and give up on it. <BR> <BR>I think I heard someone say that skimskate was a cross between a "skimboard" and "skate" as used by surfboard shapers.

entrustclothing 04-04-2006 7:30 PM

i rode the yellow logey. <BR> <BR>sorry but i love my skimskate, it rides great, it's tight when i need it to be and loose when i need it to be, its great for crusing and great for 360s <BR> <BR>ive only ridden 3 surfboards, the yellow logey, which seems like it would be fun after i got used to it, my skimskate and hyperlite broadcast 5'6". so im not an expert, but i like the skimskate it fits my style well

04-05-2006 5:29 AM

Yeah, the Yellow isn't a beginners board. <BR> <BR>Entrust I think that it's FINE that you love your skimskate. But just qualify it like you did, "I've only ridden 3 surfboards - but I LOVE my skimskate", then everyone is informed. What happens in these forums is that people look for advice, especially when getting started and get things like: The HL Coex is the SINGLE best board...without the caveat of: "I've never ridden anything else." <BR> <BR>I get at last 1 email a day from folks that say they've purchased 2 boards and they still can't drop the rope. And it will be some 250 pound guy trying to ride a 4'8" Broadcast...which he heard was the best board available. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>I'm not trying to hammer your skimskate, I think it's great that you've found a board that fits your style. I just want folks in thes forums to fully disclose when they recommend. That is more helpful, not only to folks seeking advice, but to the sport in general. <BR> <BR>I have owned no less than 25 individual boards, have shaped and built over a 100 boards, have ridden every single board currently available on the market and several that are no longer available, at 49 entred and took second place at the World Wakesurfing Championships - Men's Amateur in '05. I've taught no less than 100 people to wakesurf, will be staging clinics this summer in 6 locations and I'm the president elect of the American Waksurfing Association. IMO the larger more stable entry models offered by the wakesurf specific manufacturers are the best choice for someone just starting out and wanting to learn.

entrustclothing 04-05-2006 9:18 AM

yes i should have said that's ive only ridden a few boards <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> the skimskate was the first board i rode, and for me and some of my friends and wife, it's been a great board for all of us, my wife can drop the rope and surf on it and i can do spins on it, so it works good for beginners to intermediate riders i feel. <BR> <BR>im still not sure how i feel about the true surfboard style of board. i think they look great and im sure are easier to ride, ive surfed here and there since i was about 12, riding everything from long board to short boards. id really like to try a board like the ones you make some time but i just don't know if it would give me the feel i like.

04-05-2006 9:36 AM

I'm trying to convince the folks at Blue Turns up in your area to hold at least one wakesurfing contest. If they do, you'll have to come out and give one of the surfstyle boards a try. Or if you're ever in NorCal, we're on the water twice a week...always welcome to a pull. It's certainly not everyone's fav...James wants to be Rob Machado behind the boat, so he rides surfstyle. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>Just as a point of clarification, I don't manufacture or sell any boards. Mike Walker down in San Diego, just has the same last name, no relation. I build a few boards a year just for friends an family. <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/559019/313728.jpg" alt="Upload">

entrustclothing 04-05-2006 9:58 AM

yeah i would love a wakesurf contest here, i;ll see if i can make one happen with the local shop i work with. i don't have the time to really dedicate to being a great wakeboarder, so i put more time toward surfing <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR>

04-05-2006 10:05 AM

That would be GREAT! We have judging rules and if you do it under the umbrella of USA Wakeboard or the WWA, you'll have all the safety and insurance in place. The USA Wakeboard has a step-by-step guide to organizing a grassroots contest. I also have a committment from Inland Surfers, Calibrated and Trick Boardz for board donations to be used for prizes. Alan at Awakesurf also has been great at donating his skim style boards to be used for prizes. <BR> <BR>If there is anything I can do to assist you in setting that up, PLEASE shoot me an email.

entrustclothing 04-05-2006 10:08 AM

jeff email me <a href="mailto:sean@entrustclothing.com">sean@entrus tclothing.com</a> and lets try to get something setup <BR> <BR>

04-05-2006 10:43 AM

Done. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

lionel 04-05-2006 12:08 PM

Jeff and Entrust. I'll volunteer help and time if you need it. I think it's a novel idea. Entrust, Active should jump on this, if they don't I can talk to MC.

deuce 04-05-2006 12:31 PM

Jeff, so you think that the LF Inlander is not a great beginner board for the bigger surfer? Or even the smaller surfer...??? <BR> <BR>I have very limited experience with any lake surfers, only the LF Inlander and a IS Green Room. Also have used "real" surfboards. I found it much easieer to throw the rope with the Inlander....though it was the final board I ended up on....... <BR> <BR>Note, I would have bought the Phase 5 Oogle without ever riding if someone local had it, but I needed a board for the weekend and thus bought the LF. <BR> <BR>Just for the record, not an argument question... Just trying to educate myself. <BR> <BR>Thanks. <BR> <BR>E.J. <BR>

04-05-2006 1:01 PM

Hey EJ, <BR> <BR>My problem with most of the large manufacturer's boards is that they try to be all things to all people. Liquid Force has some of the most incredibly talented people in the biz, but I do not believe they have given the same level of attention to the surf market as they do their wakeboard market. As we would expect, wakeboards are where the money is. <BR> <BR>In particular, the Inlander is a big board - 5'4". With a confusing array of fins. 1.7" center fins and the LF cupped side fins. Personally, most of the true surf style boards in that size ride better are more stable and don't hang on the front fin when spinning three's or a hard bottom turn. IMO the deeper fins on a more traditional surfstyle board give better drive and make surfstyle tricks easier. <BR> <BR>If you compare the Inlander to some of the bigger skimstyle boards, like the Oogle you spoke of, the Phase 5 is much more capable, without the added heft. The rocker, thickness and weight of the Phase 5 is better suited for the various skimstyle tricks. <BR> <BR>IMO the Inlander could be improved if the design wasn't trying to be everything to everybody. So to answer you question - No, I don't consider it a GREAT beginner board. I think there are many boards in either category (surf and skim) that offer a better ride.

deuce 04-05-2006 2:27 PM

Thank you for the info. <BR> <BR>I assume because I don’t do much without the rope besides get in the pocket and try to stay there, it seems adequate for me. Though now I have surfboard envy(hate this because it always costs me money)….. <BR> <BR>Maybe as I progress something more specialized would be in order. Then again, I am old and progression seems limited…. <BR>

niap101 04-13-2006 8:02 AM

Also, check out: <BR><a href="http://www.HowToWakeSurf.com" target="_blank">www.HowToWakeSurf.com</a>

discolafinger 04-14-2006 9:42 AM

new to the sport, i have a 24 supra GG boat how are you guys weighting your boats, here is a pic let me know <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/559019/317196.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/559019/317197.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR>

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