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crowmobe540 12-05-2005 9:31 AM

Just thought I would let everyone know that we went and rode this weekend and didn't wear any suits. It was probably the last time until next summer without a wetsuit/drysuit, but it was great. The high was 84 degrees. I wish I had a digital camera so you could see the conditions. It is great living in Texas where you can ride skins in December.

tcluv85 12-05-2005 12:49 PM

So will you continue to ride through the winter wearing a wetsuit/drysuit? <BR> <BR>Just wondering. My company just opened an office in downtown Austin and I might be sent down there. Small chance, but there is a chance. <BR> <BR>I ride up here in WA year round (more months in a drysuit than skins).

hypergirl 12-05-2005 1:14 PM

You Texans suck, I wish we still had 80's. We went out this weekend to Folsom. The high was 55 degrees F and the water was 53 degrees. Just us and a bunch of fishermen.

garyw 12-05-2005 3:26 PM

tdizzle. would love to have 53degree water. Just like bsflower we are dry suitin it. Last week h2o was 42 and air temp 39

showtime 12-05-2005 4:20 PM

we went out yesterday, water was 65 or so and the air in the low 50's.. thanks to those power plants... no dry suit yesterday except on the first run..... weather is really starting to take a turn....

audiopro74 12-05-2005 5:16 PM

Ya its all good till they drain all your lakes for the winter.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

crowmobe540 12-06-2005 10:54 AM

bsflower, <BR>ya you can definitely ride here year round. Especially after reading some of those temps people are riding in. What company is it? Is it a wakeboard company? Any openings? <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/talker.gif" border=0>

tcluv85 12-06-2005 11:05 AM

No we are a small consulting firm. I wish I could work for a wakeboarding company....probably alot more fun than what I do now.

cubanismo 12-06-2005 12:12 PM

Bsflower-- <BR> <BR>Until last year, we never used wet suits, and we ride year-round. Granted, the December - February months were pretty cold; however, it can't begin compare to other parts of the country. Nevertheless, I got a thin spring suit last season, and it's so money. In fact, I was getting hot while wearing it just this past weekend. Gotta love South Texas. <BR> <BR>I pray Austin works out well for you. It's a rad town with a good boarding scene. I live only 60 miles south in San Antonio, so feel free to contact me if you have questions about the area. <BR> <BR>Peace be the journey!

12-06-2005 12:33 PM

bsflower, like Andre said Austin is a super cool town and some sick spots to ride. If you get a half a chance to move to Austin i wouldnt pass it up.

madchild1 12-06-2005 12:35 PM

i've always wondered why south tx doesn't produce the amount of pros that florida and california does. damn, i wish it was 84 here. it's been getting down to 36 degrees at night around here. and that's damned cold for san diego!

tcluv85 12-06-2005 12:45 PM

Well I don't think I would ever want to move there, too far to drive to good snow. But I know I will be at least visiting sometime soon (probably in January). And we will see beyond that. <BR> <BR>I will plan on bring my board down and find an extra day on the front or back end of the trip to try to hook up and ride with wakeworlders. <BR> <BR>Andre - I may even drive to San Antonio, I have family there that will probably require me to visit if I am only 60 miles away. <BR> <BR>Thanks for the info everyone. <BR>

crowmobe540 12-07-2005 10:59 AM

I think the reason there aren't more riders coming out of south texas is the lack of good lakes farther south. I mean Austin has awesome riding conditions, but beyond that the boating scene kinda of goes down hill the farther south you go. bsflower, if you come down and want to ride in austin let me know.

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