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fox 09-30-2004 6:48 PM

As unlikely as it seems, I thought it would be interesting to ask if there are any other boarders who are diabetic? I am on an insulin pump so it makes life somewhat easy. What do others do when faced with being on the water all day? Food? Drinks? Just something different to talk about. <BR> <BR>Eric

drumnwake420 09-30-2004 8:44 PM

I am a diabetic and i can say that wakeboarding has been the best thing for me since i found out that i was a diabetic. I am not yet insulin dependant but I have been able to control it with diet and exercise i get from watersports. I always carry food and water with me and a glucometer on the boat. I am very conscious of how I feel as I ride throughout the day and all and all I feel that wakeboarding is the best thing that I am doing for myself as a diabetic.

fox 10-01-2004 7:30 AM

Good deal on being type II! I have been type one for about 10 years and now boarding for three. Sometimes I do have a little trouble telling if I'm shakey because I'm tired or going low. I usually keep a couple of coke's in the cooler for quick energy too. <BR> <BR>Eric

depswa 10-01-2004 8:29 AM

My buddy Todd Girvin is diabetic. He's also on the pump. We originilly thought the insulin was what made hime ride so well, but who knows?

fox 10-01-2004 10:32 AM

Dan, <BR> <BR>Ask you buddy if he has any problems with the sites coming out/adhesive wearing down. I took a good spill this summer and it actually came out in a good wipeout. I'd be curious if he has some way of preventing that. <BR> <BR>Eric

skydog96 10-01-2004 11:01 AM

yo eric, <BR> i am 21 and have been a diabetic since i was 12. i have been on the insulin pump since i was 17. wakeboarding is my life. since im usually the driver my insulin pump stays right by the driver seat. i unhook when i ride, re hook when i come back in. ya ive had sites rip out all the time.i have mine hooked up to my outer thigh(sp). most people do there abdomen. i feel that the leg is easier for sports and other activities. <BR>the most imporntant thing to me is to make sure i have backup supplies all the time. weather its another infusion set, or a spare syringe. also i make sure i keep some king of sugar on the boat. i always grab like a squirt at the gas station, just in case, and just make sure everyone knows thats my drink, dont touch it. <BR>so ya diabetes is a pain, but it can be dealt w/. <BR> <BR> <BR>Skylar

blastmaster 10-01-2004 3:45 PM

Holy cow I cant believe you guys mentioned this now. What timing. My oldest son Matt was diagnosed 2 weeks ago as type 1. He's 13 and boy have we had some changes lately and havent ridden at all. I will have him post up here later with some questions, especially bout the pump and riding or maybe hit you guys with some email if thats cool. He really lost his stoke this summer and has been lathargic and no energy for months. He lost 12 lbs. Now he's been on insulin 2 weeks and he's freakin ravinous on the food and has energy again. <BR> <BR>Thanks much. <BR> <BR>Rick

mhsb1029 10-01-2004 9:30 PM

Awesome thread!

fox 10-02-2004 1:16 PM

Skylar, thanks for posting. It is quite an adjustment. I went to OWC about 2 weeks after getting the pump and was really anal about it. Now I'm a lot more casual. I usually don't carry extra insulin on board, cause I'm right on the lake. Do you pump a little extra before you disconnect or not? <BR> <BR>Rick, I can really understand how bummed your son must be. It's a bit of a shock and it does change alot...but not everything. He is certainly welcome to PM me if he likes, as can you. My best advice is to find a doctor you trust, and follow what he tells you to the best of your ability. My doctor is about my age, on a pump, and runs marathons. <BR> <BR>Eric

howie 10-02-2004 1:28 PM

THis is a great thread my brother in law just started boarding this year and is dia from 7 he is 25 now thanks for info on this thread .

obsurfer 10-04-2004 11:16 AM

Hi I've been type one since 23 now 45. I still use the novapen and syringes. Never even thought about the pump,because of surfing. But I usually eat a liitle extra before i surf and keep plenty of extra food on board.

skydog96 10-04-2004 1:26 PM

yo steve i surf, and am on the pump, you should look into it. going on the pump was the best thing ive ever done.

fox 10-04-2004 1:54 PM

Medtronic sold a pump saying it was waterproof. They have since nixed that saying that it's ok to get splashed but not dunked. That's ok by me, cause I don't like the thought of my $4000 pump sinking to the bottom of the lake!! However, there is a company called Deisetronic (sp) and I have seen their pump at the bottom of a fishtank, so I guess it would work. <BR> <BR>The only time I really had trouble was at OWC. I was unhooked for a couple hours at a time. I would periodically reconnect..bolus a unit or two and go back to riding. <BR> <BR>Eric

rock_n_boardin 10-04-2004 4:18 PM

Sorry to be ignorant but what is a pump exactly.

tazz 10-04-2004 4:31 PM

Wow,this thread hits home. My 12 year old daughter was diagnosed last year with type one. she has adjusted well. We now have a medtronic 512 pump, it realy make life for her easier. She is an avid boarder(just learned to do an olie and starting to get some good air). As far as boarding we just check her level before getting on the boat and make sure shes a up. she disconnects from the pump, boards then puts it back on. we keep some hard candy and soda in the boat in case she feels low. <BR> <BR>As far as keeping the site on we use the big square pieces of tape that you can get from medtronic. They come indivdually wrapped. I just cut a hole the size of the round plastic piece that is attached to her. this then covers the tape that is attached to the plactic piece. those that use the paradigm quick set will know what I'm talking about. We stay on a houseboat on Oroville for weekends and this setup will last her for days, and that includes swiming a lot. <BR> <BR>Rick H - I would be glad to answer any questions you have. I was in you postion a year ago and have learnded a lot. give me a e-mail. <BR> <BR>I am thinking about putting together a one day diabetic camp for kids next year. The theme for the day would be wakeboarding/sking. I was going to get some people with boats that are willing to spend the day teaching the kids to get up on a board. probably at Folsom Lake. Try and get some of the local dealers involved for sponsers, maybe bring a demo boat out ect. What do you think? <BR> <BR>Brad

tazz 10-04-2004 4:36 PM

I forgot to change my e-mail in my profile. its <a href="mailto:tazzi@usamedia.tv">tazzi@usamedia.tv</a> <BR> <BR>Thanks, Brad

greatdane 10-04-2004 4:41 PM

Great thread. <BR> <BR>Do any non-diabetics check their blood sugar regularly (monthly)? <BR> <BR>A friend of mine suggested that I should check mine periodically since I am over 40. He recommended the fasting glucose check for a number less than 110. I guess 110 to 120 means pre-diabetic and 120+ means diabetic. <BR> <BR>Anyone else heard of this?

fox 10-05-2004 6:57 AM

Hey J French..no harm. A pump is a medical device that will deliver insulin through a catheter to a small subcutaneous infusion set stuck to you abdomin. It replaces taking shots, and acts more like healthy pancreas so your control is better. They aren't common, but they are the best thing until there is a cure. There is a doctor here in Cincinnati that has done a couple of transplants with good success, but he is losing funding...bummer. <BR> <BR>Brad, that is a great idea. I think a lot of people with diabetes quit living their lives. The message for people needs to be clear: You can do all of the things you used to do by planning ahead a bit and taking the right precautions. I am on the other side of the coutry but would love to help in any way. <BR> <BR>GD... not sure what the numbers should be for non-diabetics, but good control to me is between 80-120 before meals. I would think somewhere between 50-74 for a non-db. <BR> <BR>Eric

big_t 10-05-2004 7:30 AM

I am a type 2, I take my meter out on the boat. I use the cooler under the seats of the malibu for food and orange juice. I put the orange juice in a metal canteen. It says "DO NOT DRINK" on it.

obsurfer 10-05-2004 11:33 AM

GD I think diabetics are constantly thinking about food because we have to. I have tested friends and noticed when they get below 95 they get that hungry feeling. Sometimes faint feeling if the are skinny. This is where we as diabetics can start the roller coaster ride. This is why I stay away from regular soda and hard candy. I get high (<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/crazy.gif" border=0>)too fast and get a splitting headache. So to my friends I tell them if are hungry don't eat candy or soda its bad for ya. And I insist they eat some the extra fruit I've brought. I must sound like their mom but I always seem to get a big thanks at the end of the day.

obsurfer 10-05-2004 11:41 AM

Last thing I did when my sugar was low. Not thinking, left new board on the cooler. Turned around and heard it fall off the boat trailer. Should have ate the apple before pulling the boat out! Maybe a pump is sounding better. Thanks

skydog96 10-05-2004 3:47 PM

yo brad, <BR> I think your camp would be a great idea, i too have thought about doing that. when i was 12, 13, 14 i went to a teen family diabetic camp called bearskin meadow for a week in the seqoia forest. I had alot of fun and it was an awesome experience for me my parents and at the time my 6 y/o non diabetic brother. there were tons of activities and alot of education for the parents. and as i got older i went to teen sleep away camps in big bear, we had boating activities. but like this thread the camps were very helpfull to me and my family because we got to see how other diabetics handled there diabetes in a day to day basis. trade tips, tell stories, that kind of thing.

skydog96 10-05-2004 3:50 PM

you guys should check out the sillouette infusion set. , also moving the site around, to either your outer thighs or your upper butt region, really helps from it being torn out, as its under your board shorts.

greatdane 10-05-2004 4:50 PM

Thanks Steve. <BR> <BR>I have sympathy for diabetics. Its a tough problem. Hopefully, stem cells will pave the way for a fix. <BR> <BR>Websites say non diabetics should read below 110 after a 6 hour fast. My blood measured 103 so it is looking fine for now. <BR> <BR>I understand that lipids (fat in the blood) are what cause the onset of type 2. So, exercise and weight management are key.

tazz 10-05-2004 5:46 PM

I will be researching the day camp idea. I will keep those interested up on how its going here on this board. Look for future post asking for help. <BR> <BR>Brad

blastmaster 10-05-2004 7:06 PM

Hey guys: <BR>I am both really shocked &amp; surprised how long this thread has grown, I figured a few posts and it would die. The names of the different pumps and your suggestions are fascinating to us and very helpful so thanks alot. <BR> <BR>Brad: You can definitly count on my boat and help organizing a day event I joined a Yahoo group called sacdiabetieskids(I think) that is run by Matts endocronologist Dr Prasam. We are unbelievably impressed by him and am sure he would commit some support. Also there is a Redding subchapter I hear. My email is <a href="mailto:rickh@rcip.com">rickh@rcip.com</a>. <BR> <BR>Thanks again Walkeworld. <BR> <BR>Rick <BR> <BR> <BR>

obsurfer 10-06-2004 1:02 AM

I would love to help out at a camp for kids! My brothers have had type one since they were 3 and 8 years old. I was lucky mine did not start till I was 23. <BR> Thanks Skydog I'll check into it. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by obsurfer on October 06, 2004)

fox 10-06-2004 6:45 AM

Hey Rick, <BR> <BR>I too am surprised by the longevity of the thread. I wasn't trying to "evangelize" here but to test the water so to speak and see how many like me there are and what they do. <BR> <BR>Eric

SDEndurance 08-30-2012 12:17 AM

I know this is old but I came across this while googling ways to wear a cgm while wakeboarding. I'm type 1 since age 14....23 now. I wear a medtronic pump and am on a clinical trial for the awesome medtronic enlite sensor....but the study doesn't approve of wakeboarding and time awauy from the cgm so I was googling a solution. I wear my sites on my hipp below my bikini and wear board shorts so I almost never rip one out:-)

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