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ralph 01-24-2019 2:10 PM

Time restricted eating/intermittent fasting
Any gym heads doing this? How long for? What do you think of it?

jarrod 01-24-2019 3:57 PM

I just started Monday morning after learning about it on a Joe Rogan episode. One of his guests who was a professional athlete was raving about it.

I'm currently fasting from 5 PM to 9AM with no sugar, no processed food, no alcohol, and no red meat. I feel good. The only hard part is breaking the habit of walking into the kitchen for snack and constant eating. Giving up dinner was easy, but breakfast has been a struggle. I would compare it to quitting smoking or any other habit.

ralph 01-24-2019 4:06 PM

I've been doing it for a month now, first week was the hardest. I'm doing 8pm to 12am. Skipping breakfast is easier for me with the family, dinner time is quite social for us. I'm suprised how it hasn't effected on the bike performance, I'm doing 60 mile ride fasted and not eating for 2hrs after I get home. I've dropped 8 pounds which wasnt really the goal, I'm 5 pounds under race weight now.

pesos 01-24-2019 6:26 PM

Been thinking about trying this. Have a good link?

ralph 01-24-2019 8:02 PM

Search for Dr Ronda Patrick, Dr Peter Attia or Dr Jason Fung

pesos 01-24-2019 11:05 PM

I feel like it'd be a lot easier to eat 10-6 or 12-8 than 9-5... although I guess it also depends on what hours you're sleeping - I need to start getting to bed earlier again. Totally cutting out all sugar and red meat would be tough - i don't eat a ton of red meat and don't really care for steak but I gotta have a burger now and then (although the impossible burger isn't bad at all with a fried egg and avocado on it).

ralph 01-24-2019 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by pesos (Post 1984845)
I feel like it'd be a lot easier to eat 10-6 or 12-8 than 9-5... although I guess it also depends on what hours you're sleeping - I need to start getting to bed earlier again. Totally cutting out all sugar and red meat would be tough - i don't eat a ton of red meat and don't really care for steak but I gotta have a burger now and then (although the impossible burger isn't bad at all with a fried egg and avocado on it).

12-8 is the most natural for me, especially because it doesn't seem to effect my training.

Time restricted eating isn't a diet, it's a schedule. That said, I'm tending to eat cleaner, the fasting makes you want to eat nutrient dense non processed food. Not sure why.

jarrod 01-25-2019 8:02 AM


Originally Posted by pesos (Post 1984845)
I feel like it'd be a lot easier to eat 10-6 or 12-8 than 9-5... although I guess it also depends on what hours you're sleeping - I need to start getting to bed earlier again. Totally cutting out all sugar and red meat would be tough - i don't eat a ton of red meat and don't really care for steak but I gotta have a burger now and then (although the impossible burger isn't bad at all with a fried egg and avocado on it).

I haven't red into dietary specifics. But I don't believe that all foods are good / bad for all people anyway. The red meat and sugar were a personal choice based on how I believe those foods impact me. I'm having some stomach issues...mostly heartburn symptoms...so my goal was to give my gut a break and try to allow time to heal. Nightly Manhattans have become a bad habit. :confused:

Dinner is the easiest for me to give up. These days I'm usually still satisfied around dinner time from a big lunch. And eating dinner late before bed causes discomfort for me. My family is also very informal about dinner. And Wes you touched on it.....bed time is a factor. I'm in bed by 9pm and up at 5am.

The first week is very difficult. It really made me realize how much I was eating out of boredom, when I really wasn't hungry at. I've known for years that thinking of food as an energy source instead of a pleasure is the healthy route, but over time I slipped into indulgence. I'm about 10 pounds over weight and hoping to have the same results as ralph.

fly135 01-25-2019 8:32 AM


Originally Posted by jarrod (Post 1984861)
I'm having some stomach issues...mostly heartburn symptoms...so my goal was to give my gut a break and try to allow time to heal. Nightly Manhattans have become a bad habit. :confused:.

I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia around 1980, and took pills for it for about 3 decades until I tried eating aloe. Bought this stuff at first and it worked. Then I started growing aloe in the yard and eating it directly. No pills for heartburn in years now.


My personal diet involves a large breakfast with lots of fiber, nuts/seeds/ fruits/veggies, and then nothing until dinner. Tons of digestive enzymes in papaya, pineapple, banana, mango. Good for the gut. As you noticed, what puts on the pounds is boredom eating. Which usually involves a lot of processed sugar and starchy fatty food.

jarrod 01-28-2019 8:31 AM

Thanks bud. I'll try anything.

scotthons 01-28-2019 3:10 PM

I've been doing intermittent fasting for about 6 months now. I can only commit to 4-5 days a week. My window is fasting from 6pm to 10am. The first week was difficult, but shockingly got very easy. I am down about 9 pounds and probably won't lose anymore. I am not nearly as shredded as I was 10 years ago, but now pushing 40 with 3 kids I guess I won't complain much.

ralph 04-05-2019 4:44 PM

I'M 70 hours in to a 5 day water fast now. Interesting experience.

ralph 04-07-2019 12:32 PM

12 hrs to go. I feel euphoric, I can see how anorexic's get stuck in the rabbit hole. Down 10 pounds, hopefully I'll come up 6 pounds on the refeed, I don't want to lose any muscle mass.

psudy 04-08-2019 7:17 AM

You should just go on Naked and afraid. Everyone loses weight on that show.

ralph 04-08-2019 9:31 AM

Oh it's not for weight loss, I'm already at ideal weight, if anything now race season is over i want to put some weight back on. The goal is to drive down insulin, reduce chronic inflammation, reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, stimulate stem cell production and autophagy. Basically prevents cancer and alzheimer's, makes you younger on a cellular level. It's funny once you hit late 40's your perspective on life changes a bit and longevity and health span start to become important.

ralph 04-08-2019 9:36 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Finished up with glucose at 4.4mmo/l and ketones at 3.1mmo/l. Pretty good GKI for a first prolonged fast. Very happy. Plan is to do another one in Dec

wombat2wombat 04-08-2019 12:13 PM

Ralph, do you take Tumeric by chance? I take 2 a day & my joint pain & swelling is near non existent, only time I notice it anymore is if I run out of Tumeric. Tumeric is also supposed to ward off a lot of diseases especially cancers.

ralph 04-08-2019 8:20 PM

No mate, not as a supplement. Being a liberal homo I occasionally have a tumeric latte. I've heard it's an excellent natural anti inflammatory tho.

wombat2wombat 04-09-2019 6:03 AM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 1987771)
No mate, not as a supplement. Being a liberal homo I occasionally have a tumeric latte. I've heard it's an excellent natural anti inflammatory tho.

With how fast you pansy's gave up your guns I sort of figured that, mate.

ralph 04-09-2019 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by wombat2wombat (Post 1987779)
With how fast you pansy's gave up your guns I sort of figured that, mate.

Worse than that, not being a gun guy I had no guns to give up so I sent in some dangerous looking cutlery. Got to eat everything with a plastic spork now.

wombat2wombat 04-09-2019 2:50 PM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 1987785)
Worse than that, not being a gun guy I had no guns to give up so I sent in some dangerous looking cutlery. Got to eat everything with a plastic spork now.

You've never owned a gun? That's like saying "I've never held my own dick cause I don't have one"

ralph 04-09-2019 10:58 PM

We just don't have gun culture here. If your from the city you just don't come across them. I think ive fired a rifle twice in 46 years. Never even held a hand gun.

bass10after 04-15-2019 10:44 PM

ww has really slowed down when i'm clicking on a kiwi fast thread smh

Matt0520 04-16-2019 8:33 AM

Time restricted eating/intermittent fasting
I switched over to it and love it. I currently eat almost 3,000 calories and eat from 12-8PM. Which is work lol but I’ve actually lost body fat after bumping up calories. So it up-regulated the metabolism as expected. I get a little hungry in the AM, but a workout is a good way to forget about that, and after a workout and shower, turning the dial to “cold” in the shower is an quick and easy way to wake up and get the benefits seen from things like cryotherapy.

Also a huge believer in food quality. No meal plan or schedule will work without eating the right macros and quality stuff. I have an autoimmune thyroid disease and have almost put it in remission with just dietary changes. (Antibodies went from 300+ to under 90 in the last couple years...now almost down below 34, which is “normal”).

EverlyWell’s food sensitivity test is a great way to isolate what foods do and don’t agree with your system. For me the usual suspects were cut out, dairy, wheat, yeast, gluten, and some randoms like black pepper, blueberries, and seasame seeds. I went from 210 to 185 in 4-6 weeks after making those changes, doc guessed most of the weight lost was inflammation and excess water retention. Have stayed around 185 for the last 3 years. I typically repeat the test every 6 mos. [emoji1360]

ralph 04-16-2019 5:20 PM

That's amazing Matt, I love hearing stories of people taking control of their health and having great results. I've been doing contrast showers, have a short shower as normal then do 20s full cold, 10s as hot as you can stand. 5 cycles then 2min cold. You feel amazing afterwards.

95sn 04-17-2019 2:11 PM

Ralph, you would make a terrible prisoner of war, you like the interrogation tactics too much.

acurtis_ttu 07-17-2019 6:30 AM

I've been doing this for about 20/21 years. with the exception of water and sometimes alcohol. I don't eat from abt 7pm to 6:30/7am. At 43 , I'm in good enough shape that people come up to me on a regular basis at pools and ask what I do. I tell them I've been fasting like this for a long time, I'm consistent, and I spend alot of money on food. I've had 80% of my food prepped for me for 10+ years now.

pesos 07-17-2019 6:32 AM

who/what do you use for food prep?

acurtis_ttu 07-24-2019 7:00 AM

Back in my mid/late 20s a local bodybuilder would prep his food...he prepped for me and a couple guys at the gym. Way before this was mainstream. I did that for a few years....people at the gym making my food. I had some really good years at work and hired a PT chef to cook them for me...expensive, but incredible food quality and receipies. the last 5 years have been great with all the food options. I currently use a local company. Im done wiht he chk/veg/sweet potato b.s. I did that for years. heres an example of what's in my current food prep.

atlantic salmon, mushroom, kale, red onion, extra virgin olive oil, olive oil, sea salt, parsley, ground black pepper, ground cumin, crushed red pepper, romesco sauce (red bell pepper, extra virgin olive oil, walnut, sherry vinegar, garlic, aged red wine vinegar, sea salt, smoked paprika, ground black pepper, ground cayenne pepper)

I just recently started looking for another PT chef thou to come by and cook/prep 2x wk. WE ( family) eat out most weekends.

ralph 07-24-2019 1:53 PM

How about Blue Apron? We have something here similar called my food bag, it is amazing.

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