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grant_west 09-29-2016 2:40 PM

Former Ms America Alicia Machado
Hey if you caught Monday nights debate where Hillary Clinton said she had former Miss universe in the audience that Donald Trump had said horrible things about. Well it looks like Miss Machado was a real piece of work. Her post miss universe work included a sex tape and some death threats. And that she was the former girlfriend and had a child with a Narco trafficker.


ifishok 09-29-2016 2:44 PM

I'm sure Bill Clinton could put her to work, there's lots of jobs she could do for him.

grant_west 09-29-2016 3:20 PM

Some interesting take always from that story

"A certain reticence is fair and appropriate when discussing the private lives of people alleging abuse at the hands of powerful men. The Clintons, of course, are no strangers to this, as they have been accused repeatedly of trying to smear women who’ve said President Clinton was sexually inappropriate with them"

Wouldn't it have been Hilarious if on Monday night's debate After Hillary spoke about "Trump's speaking down to women" if TRUMP would have said. "Hillary you & Bill are guilty of some of the same things. You have tryed to smear the Names of the women who claim Bill was sexually inappropriate with, your not the only one on this stage who has said bad things about women

shawndoggy 09-29-2016 4:25 PM

This whole thing is blowing up in his face except among the koolaid drinkers. He needs to let this go and get the news cycle back to policy.

grant_west 09-29-2016 6:07 PM

Shawn; Help me understand your post^^^

How is this blowing up in "His" face I'm assuming your talking about Donald? From where I stand Trump said some "No So Nice" things about a person that turns out to be "Not So Nice"

I saw it more as it blew up in Hillarys face. Making Ms Machado as the new poster child of the Clinton campaign and Ms Machado turns out to be quite a piece of work.

shawndoggy 09-29-2016 7:55 PM

Grant believe it or not women sympathize with her. Women also vote. It's a terrible play to double down on (like having fat old white surrogates like Newt basically say "she got fat, ha ha ha"). Not a great way to bring women who are on the fence over to the trump camp.

Trump needs to turn focus away from himself to HRC. That's what he did in the last month with a little message discipline. Now he's going back off script and it's not gonna do him any favors.

pesos 09-30-2016 10:21 AM

Shawn's correct. This is not doing him any favors and she doesn't have a sex tape.


grant_west 09-30-2016 11:06 AM

This is very typical of politics depending on who you support you see things through rose colored lenses. Just like the debate if you were a Hillary supporter or you saw Hillary as the victor if you were a Trump supporter or you saw him as the winner. My first post points out this in the Link. Talking about 1 sided media. And depending on who the media seems to be supporting at the moment you tend to see story's slanted to support their candidate.

The sex tape was not a Sex tape in the Traditional sence. But she did have sex with a roommate on a reality show, it was real enough for her at the time fiancé. A professional baseball player for the Phillies to call off their wedding.

Sorry folks I guess because I'm a Trump supporter I see it this way. Hillary drags out a washed up beauty queen with a dark past to blast Trump. This thing has week sauce all over it. And when you get down to it both sides have ditty laundry but IMO Clintons laundry stinks to high heaven.

Don't you love how Hillary bragged about having stamina to stand up to 11 hours of interrogation from a federal grand jury. I've said before and I'll say it again nobody can deflect like the Clintons.
Slick Willy was able to dodge impeachment for lying what makes you think Hillary is any more honest

pesos 09-30-2016 11:40 AM

Uh hate to break it to you G buy even Drumpf's friends concede he lost the debate.


shawndoggy 09-30-2016 11:44 AM

Grant you are proving my point. The koolaid drinkers love this. But he already has the koolaid drinkers. And there are not enough of them to get elected. He needs "independents" (aka morons who haven't made up their mind yet). Those people are notoriously fickle. This whole battle with a woman over her weight thing is completely unpersuasive to the people he needs to persuade. Having trouble understanding how you cannot see that.

grant_west 09-30-2016 11:59 AM

Wes: I guess it's a good thing that I don't turn to New Media to "help me" decide what I saw and came away with after the debate. Frankly after the debate and or state of the Union address's are finished its best to turn the channel or start watching Net Flix. These spin doctors on both sides telling you what you just saw and "who won or lost" is IMO ridiculous. Mabey the spin doctors convince these "Undecided" one way or another.

shawndoggy 09-30-2016 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1945967)
Mabey the spin doctors convince these "Undecided" one way or another.

That's exactly what happens which is why it's so important not to go full moron at this stage in the campaign. Trump basically lost the election this week.

pesos 09-30-2016 12:02 PM

Grant you just aren't getting it. This isn't a question of spin - Trump's literally pissed because his allies literally said he lost.

timmyb 09-30-2016 12:07 PM

Is this a Presidential campaign or a who can dig up more dirt on the other candidate competition? Trump fans feel like he won because he had better digs at her than she did at him. Clinton fans think she won because she had more in depth dirt on him and was able to get under his skin. WTH is going on?!?! Why are we talking about a sex tape during a campaign that doesn't involve either candidate directly?

psudy 09-30-2016 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by pesos (Post 1945954)
Shawn's correct. This is not doing him any favors and she doesn't have a sex tape.


Contrare mon fraire


Its on other sites

pesos 09-30-2016 12:11 PM

That's not what's meant by sex tape - that was made clear in the other article. When there's less shown than we've all seen published of the actual candidate's wife, his argument is a tough sell XD

psudy 09-30-2016 12:31 PM

Getting banged on TV( I believe it was live too) and making comments about the guys junk is a sex tape to me!

grant_west 09-30-2016 1:14 PM


Trump basically lost the election this week.
Ummm last time I check the Ellection was on Nov 11th.

Personally I think Hillary lost the election on September 11 when she had a cold, no wait she was heat stroked oh my bad I mean she had a seizure, oh wait I think the doctor said she had a walking pneumonia.

timmyb 09-30-2016 1:22 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1945979)
Ummm last time I check the Ellection was on Nov 11th.

Personally I think Hillary lost the election on September 11 when she had a cold, no wait she was heat stroked oh my bad I mean she had a seizure, oh wait I think the doctor said she had a walking pneumonia.

Wow. You should definitely check again...if you want Trump to win that is. :eek:

grant_west 09-30-2016 1:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You know I just thought of it driving down 101, and I have to share. Who remembers the alien versus predator movie poster. The tagline was "whoever wins we all lose" and frankly the alien and predator's have striking resemblance is to Hillary and trump let's think about it.

#1 First off The alien & The predator & Hillary and Trump are both from outer space!
#2 The alien has toxic blood like Hillary.
#3 The predator has bad hair just like Donald
#4 Hillary is a confirmed breeder just like the alien.
#5 The predator just like Donald shows up out of nowhere just to mess people up. And when the predator doesn't get his way he goes nuclear!

I'm sure you all can think of more LOL

denverd1 09-30-2016 1:48 PM

wow! WC thats too deep for a friday

doublemwa 09-30-2016 2:00 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1945979)
Ummm last time I check the Ellection was on Nov 11th.

Personally I think Hillary lost the election on September 11 when she had a cold, no wait she was heat stroked oh my bad I mean she had a seizure, oh wait I think the doctor said she had a walking pneumonia.


fouroheight68 09-30-2016 2:43 PM


Froggy 10-01-2016 5:33 AM

Its really simple both candidates have their flaws . So if you like what has happened in the past 16 years and don't mind high tax, high debt and a out of control deceitful government and court system
then Hill- lie- ry is your choice. If you expect any hope of change than you have to take a chance on the Donald. I look at the kids on one hand you have some of the most well spoken well educated and hard working young people I have ever seen . You don't get that way coming from a corrupt lying cheating family . As for Chelsea its clear the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

fly135 10-01-2016 12:28 PM

You do realize that all the reports on deficits under Trump and Hillary's policy plans show Trump's deficits in the trillions and Hillary's in the hundreds of billions. No, probably not. That's because it doesn't even nudge the bulls**t meter of a conservative when you claim that you will lower taxes and somehow magically balance the budget.

fly135 10-01-2016 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1945981)
#4 Hillary is a confirmed breeder just like the alien.

This will be news to Trump that he's not a confirmed breeder. If true then perhaps he can date his alleged daughter.

grant_west 10-01-2016 6:15 PM

Hey John are you still gonna "get lost" When trump wins in NOV

shawndoggy 10-01-2016 9:27 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1946035)
Hey John are you still gonna "get lost" When trump wins in NOV

A week ago, I'd have said that there's a very real possibility that he could win. Today? He's toast. Whatever momentum he had coming into the debates has been squandered and then some.

pesos 10-01-2016 9:32 PM

Froggy said:

" I look at the kids on one hand you have some of the most well spoken well educated and hard working young people I have ever seen ."

And he was talking about the TRUMP kids, BAHAHAHAHAHA. That's the funniest thing I've seen in any of these threads. One of them is constantly trying to get people to buy the outfits she wears to political events, and one of the boys actually said with a straight face this his dad "came from nothing." Classic.

Froggy 10-02-2016 5:42 AM

You see no difference between the Trump kids working in the private sector and Chelsea working for the Clinton foundation a so called nonprofit that has made her wealthy to the tune of twelve million .

fly135 10-02-2016 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1946035)
Hey John are you still gonna "get lost" When trump wins in NOV

The use of the word "still" in your question is not justified by any previous posts I've made. Nothing is likely to change in my life no matter who gets elected.

However, I'm not surprised that you would deflect from a legit point I made into something incredibly inane. Did you learn that at one of Trump's Universities?:rolleyes:

denverd1 10-04-2016 8:01 AM

the "still" in quotes makes me think you'd lick Hillary's butt given the opportunity

fly135 10-04-2016 8:11 AM


Originally Posted by denverd1 (Post 1946189)
the "still" in quotes makes me think you'd lick Hillary's butt given the opportunity

That's only because of your poor comprehension of the English language.

allzway 10-04-2016 8:19 AM


Originally Posted by timmyb (Post 1945972)
Is this a Presidential campaign or a who can dig up more dirt on the other candidate competition? Trump fans feel like he won because he had better digs at her than she did at him. Clinton fans think she won because she had more in depth dirt on him and was able to get under his skin. WTH is going on?!?! Why are we talking about a sex tape during a campaign that doesn't involve either candidate directly?

No kidding.... this is all about each team trying to make their candidate look better... when in fact they are both equally large POS.

grant_west 10-04-2016 9:46 AM

O Snap! Looks like Bill Clinton has someone claiming to be his son!


denverd1 10-04-2016 1:18 PM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1946190)
That's only because of your poor comprehension of the English language.

Eh, thats an old one. Got anything more current? you can only spout the same mindless drivel so many times.

fly135 10-04-2016 1:20 PM


Originally Posted by denverd1 (Post 1946218)
Eh, thats an old one. Got anything more current? you can only spout the same mindless drivel so many times.

Oh the irony. I'd say you provide evidence to the contrary.

denverd1 10-04-2016 1:21 PM

I know, you post SO MUCH nonsense it'd be hard to single out just one

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