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malcolm 04-03-2004 3:12 PM

After attempting numerous tantrums, I now have sharp pains on the inside of elbows. Does anyone have similar problems with sore elbows?

unclejessie 04-03-2004 7:03 PM

I've battled through the same thing and spoke to many guys who are better than me, who have experienced this as well. I first got that pain when I was learning a 360. It is happening because when you are landing (or attempting to save a landing) from a tantrum or 3, you end up really pulling on the rope. I call it "wakeboard elbow". Mine has gotten so bad that I have taken perscrition strength Naproxin to make the pain go away (only temporarily though). Naproxin is like advil, but better in my book. I carry it all the time now. I still get it now and then, especially if I start doing a bunch of one arm landing tricks. <BR> <BR>The fix is to learn how to land those types of tricks better. I know that sounds simple, but as my tantrum has gotten better and my 3 more consistant, now I don't get that pain as much. <BR> <BR>On the Tantrum, try fliping wake to wake instead of away from the boat. This is done by shaping your cut towards the wake. I "used to" not change my approach for a tantrum, but now I flatten the board and turn slightly towards the boat. This way when I land, I am not falling away from the boat, but rather towards the opposite shore and puts a ton less stress on the arm. <BR> <BR>As for the 3s, I use the same cut now as my tantrum, and I land them w/o yanking my out of my socket. <BR> <BR>Mineral Ice also works well to deaden the pain. <BR> <BR>Good Luck!

eas 04-05-2004 11:26 AM

Very commom and similar to tennis elbow...tendonitis (sp?)...that's why anti-inflamatories work temporarily. I get it every year. It's caused by weakness in the forearms. I didn't believe that either until I bought one of those wraps that you wear just BELOW the elbow...about $5 at Wal-Mart and the benefits are worth $50. Give it try; you won't be sorry.

sunsport 04-05-2004 12:53 PM

Good call Eric, I have done this also and it helped. Also Keep your joints as warm as possible before and during riding. <BR> <BR>Here is one that has been around forever: WD-40. Spray it on your elbow. I didn't believe it until I tried it. However, who know about the long term effects. I have this funny little twitch now.

wakehype 04-05-2004 12:54 PM

Yeah. Sounds like Wakeboarders Elbow. It is caused from the jerk of the rope, as others said.

peterslc 04-06-2004 2:46 PM

I have the same problem. I noticed when I ride in cold <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=weather&amp;v=55">weather</a>, the pain is much more severe. The pain always comes when I try and save a landing or land straight armed. So I'm trying one of those hyperextension elbow braces this weekend. Let you know how it works. Maybe I just need to learn how to ride more properly, but easier said than done.

calliegirl 04-06-2004 3:17 PM

ive gotten that pain before it sucks i get bad pains just like it in my knees as well i take aleve like 4 works like a charm lol

unclejessie 04-07-2004 12:23 PM

LP, <BR> <BR>I've noticed the pain is worse when it is cold as well. I thought I was crazy, but you've noticed that too. <BR> <BR>Another tip is wear a neoprene elbow brace. Just keeping it warm has always helped me.

mac_attack 04-07-2004 9:55 PM

Didn't read the comments but I had the same thing happen to me (with tantrums) but found out how to end the problem. I think for me it came from having my arm straight when I landed and the rope yanking on my arm. I started keeping my arms bent and closer into me (better form anyways)and my problems are gone now. Maybe it will work for you.

malcolm 04-08-2004 3:56 AM

I'll have to try the elbow wrap next time i ride but that wont be for a little while now. My beautiful wife gave birth to our first born on monday. So i'll have to find time between changing diapers.LOL

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