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lseghatch 07-25-2007 6:55 PM

Well I was skating today which wasn't very successful, I couldn't land much and everything was sketchy. I crashed on a shuv and bam my foot like twisted in the wash and then pain. <BR> <BR>By the time the boat got back to me the pain had disipated but I could still feel some dull pain for little while afterwards. walking isn't too bad but it hurts every now and then, not too often. Think any damage occured?

john30 07-25-2007 8:44 PM

Had something similar happen last sunday only my knee dislocated but went back into its original place. Felt dull pain the first day but then it was pretty swollen the next day. Couldn't put much weight on that leg without pain. Doctor said after x-ray that there was fluid present in my knee but didn't think there was a torn ligament beause usually the first sign is bruising. There was no bruising but he didn't want to rule it out. He told me to keep the weight off and come back friday and if my condition hasn't changed then he's gonna have me do an MRI. It's wednesday and I've already gone back to work (taking it easy) but I go back friday to see what the doc says.

john30 07-25-2007 8:47 PM

Def. have it checked and get some anti inflammatory pills to keep the swelling down. Sorry for the dbl post but I think you get the gist huh.

fly135 07-26-2007 7:33 AM

I jammed my knee almost 2 months ago stiff legging a landing off an A frame. Swelling and fluid in the knee. Very slow to heal, however I'm 51 and didn't do the ice/warm thing. I'm ready to go out and ride now but it's still not 100%. <BR> <BR>Even if there's no real damage joints heal slow. Lots of dull ache pain for a month, especially at night when trying to sleep.

lseghatch 07-26-2007 8:48 AM

Well there isn't any swelling taking place and I have no pain at night and can move it freely. Today I'm taking it easier and it doesn't feel as bad as yesterday. <BR> <BR>I need to ride sat or sunday so hopefully it's better by then.

fly135 07-26-2007 12:42 PM

No swelling is a good <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0> sign. I've tweaked my knee and not had swelling. You'll be good to go in no time.

treycleaton 07-26-2007 1:19 PM

Unfortunately, Swelling=blood....also, never never use heat on a joint injury, only cold....I hope you get better soon!

fly135 07-26-2007 5:49 PM

<i>"never never use heat on a joint injury, only cold...."</i> <BR> <BR>Until your doctor tells you to.

treycleaton 07-26-2007 7:10 PM

That's is actually from the ortho and PT team after I blew my knee out. The heat may actually irritate the joint...just passing on info

lseghatch 07-26-2007 8:05 PM

Well I went in just to see what it was and to make sure my high pain tollerance wasn't deceiving me. I sprained my kneed or agitated the miniscus as the doctor said. I am to wear a neoprene knee brace and take anitinflamatory meds for a week, then I am good to go. <BR> <BR>I can't wait to get back out as I was supposed to board this nice 90* weekend but I guess it can wait, just glad it's not major.

john30 07-26-2007 9:54 PM

Good to hear man, I go back in tommorow to see if I need to go in for an MRI but I'm pretty sure I'm all good. Cold is you friend when it comes to this type of injury though.

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