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-   -   Who can count all the grammar errors? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=806578)

rasorjb 06-22-2016 9:35 PM

Who can count all the grammar errors?
Exile XM9s strike again!http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/2016...027331b09c.jpg

RonBurgundy 06-22-2016 11:18 PM

That's actually amazing! Hahahaha.

You live on a lake or what?

markj 06-22-2016 11:53 PM

Poor spelling and grammar aside, he's got a point. Btw, can you imagine how that note would have read if G wrote it? Haha! You can also tell its been written by an older person because they clearly had to use a drafting tool (can't remember what it's called) that controls your penmanship and prevents your writing from going too far above or below the margin lines. I laughed at the "gay nightclub mix" reference. He must not be THAT old to know what that is plus he has enough of a sense of humor to use that label. Maybe consider waving to him as you bump some Frank Sinatra next time you buzz by his house. Or you could just do like he asks and turn that $hit down unless you don't mind being "that guy."

simplej 06-23-2016 3:28 AM


We have the same issue. Neptune 8.0s get real loud.

It's a lake, lakes are loud in general. Boats are loud, people are loud, music is loud, fireworks are loud. If people can't handle it cranked for a few seconds while you go by with a wake boarder in tow then so be it. Assuming that you are playing it during reasonable hours, of course

bcd 06-23-2016 5:04 AM

Failed physics too, speed of sound is constant.

ian_ashton 06-23-2016 6:43 AM

I absolutely love that you seem proud of blasting gay nightclub music on your lake.

Rock makes friends, "gay night club" music makes letters like this.

chpthril 06-23-2016 6:45 AM

Flip the switch under the nose cover and the sound will jump over their house like it does the back seat passengers.

sidekicknicholas 06-23-2016 7:23 AM

Gay nightclub mix .... report them to police for a hate crime.

501s 06-23-2016 8:25 AM

I've never actually seen people wakeboarding while listening to "Gay Nightclub Music", which makes me think that you aren't actually riding and are instead just parked and floating on the lake. If you are just parked on the lake with your tower speakers aimed right at those folks house with the Music blasting I can totally see what they are pissed off. If you are just pulling riders and they have to hear it for a few minutes while you drive by, than I don't think you are doing anything wrong at all.

DavidAnalog 06-23-2016 8:35 AM


Originally Posted by chpthril (Post 1938219)
Flip the switch under the nose cover and the sound will jump over their house like it does the back seat passengers.

That was very sarcastical.

rallyart 06-23-2016 11:17 AM

The speed of sound does change with the density and nature of the medium it is traveling through. Not a significant change over water as opposed to the air twenty feet above the water though. However, sound travels more effectively in the air over smooth water than it does through open air. This is caused by the temperature change over the water and the water surface reflecting the sound waves back up. The temperature change it air over the lake amplifies this reflection by providing a thermocline effect that also reflects some of the sound back down toward the water. It's not Grade Four science but it is very real and easily found most evenings across a lake. A conversation can be heard and understood one mile away, sometimes, that could not be heard thirty feet up the beach as the sound travels through what is effectively a pipe like you might see in a playground.

newwhit 06-23-2016 2:22 PM

^grammatical errors? :)

rasorjb 06-23-2016 2:27 PM


Originally Posted by 501s (Post 1938233)
I've never actually seen people wakeboarding while listening to "Gay Nightclub Music", which makes me think that you aren't actually riding and are instead just parked and floating on the lake. If you are just parked on the lake with your tower speakers aimed right at those folks house with the Music blasting I can totally see what they are pissed off. If you are just pulling riders and they have to hear it for a few minutes while you drive by, than I don't think you are doing anything wrong at all.

Nah, we don't crank the towers when we are floating around. Wife's little bro was surfing, WITH THE ROPE since he was learning, so he wasn't even falling a lot.

denverd1 06-23-2016 2:29 PM

Makes me want some exiles

racer808 06-23-2016 2:38 PM

There are so many genres of gay night club music, I wish he would be more specific. And the hand writing reminds of those notes serial killers leave. You may want to be careful with this bigoted gay club music hater. In fact, I think you should put this costume on & go to his house & apologize for being un"bear"able on the water


markj 06-23-2016 3:38 PM


fence_sence 06-23-2016 4:19 PM

Grammatical errors aside, I have to side with the letter writer. I most likely hate your music. You most likely hate mine. As a common courtesy, I don't force mine upon you.


deuce 06-23-2016 8:27 PM


Originally Posted by bcd (Post 1938209)
Failed physics too, speed of sound is constant.

I audibly laughed. You're living right.

Though I could roll with sound ordinance guys if I have a place on the lake(not really an option here), I'd understand that's not reasonable when trying to get water(knowing what I know).

That is not to say it wouldn't be frustrating. I'm an early riser, wouldn't bug me a bit. My wife and kids, meh. I think Powell, closer to marinas, more likely to get blasted from 6:00-9:00 AM. Going to drop a note on the houseboat next door.

07launch22ssv 06-24-2016 8:50 AM


Originally Posted by ian_ashton (Post 1938218)
I absolutely love that you seem proud of blasting gay nightclub music on your lake.

Rock makes friends, "gay night club" music makes letters like this.

Ian.........I thought better of you......

rasorjb 06-24-2016 9:47 AM


Originally Posted by racer808 (Post 1938297)
There are so many genres of gay night club music, I wish he would be more specific. And the hand writing reminds of those notes serial killers leave. You may want to be careful with this bigoted gay club music hater. In fact, I think you should put this costume on & go to his house & apologize for being un"bear"able on the water


I don't even want to know what you Google'd to find this picture...

rasorjb 06-24-2016 10:00 AM

Also, just did some research into the city municipal code for noise ordinances. The area around the lake is zoned, however the lake itself is not. Additionally, there is an exemption for "sounds created by watercraft."


07STI 06-24-2016 10:29 AM

Do you know who left the note?

rasorjb 06-24-2016 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by 07STI (Post 1938372)
Do you know who left the note?


ian_ashton 06-24-2016 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by 07launch22ssv (Post 1938358)
Ian.........I thought better of you......

Is that a compliment or did I let you down with my music choices? lol

06-24-2016 11:09 AM

I'll never understand the people who think it's cool to piss somebody off on the water.

07STI 06-24-2016 11:25 AM

Some people in this world are just always pissed off...They'll always have something to complain about. Maybe this is one of those people...maybe your music was obnoxious.

Either way, I think it's tacky to leave an unsigned note. If you can't look someone in the eye and say what you're putting in the note to their face, then don't bother writing it. If the person was ready/willing to say what's in the note to your face, then they can sign the damn note.

The unsigned note probably does nothing...You may even turn the music up next time out just to spite them. But if the person asked you to stop by and talk about it, maybe you could find some common ground.

skiboarder 06-24-2016 11:26 AM

I live near the water and understand the letter. You may think that your skrillex-diplo-robot orgy soundtrack is the jam and the key to you stomping your your next wake surf 360, but crazy stereos can be annoying. Save it for the party beach.

It is like the guy with the bullhorn under the hood of his caprice.

rasorjb 06-24-2016 3:42 PM


Originally Posted by skiboarder (Post 1938386)
I live near the water and understand the letter. You may think that your skrillex-diplo-robot orgy soundtrack is the jam and the key to you stomping your your next wake surf 360, but crazy stereos can be annoying. Save it for the party beach.

It is like the guy with the bullhorn under the hood of his caprice.

For the record I can't stand dubstep....and robot orgies....

bass10after 06-24-2016 5:09 PM

you probably deserved the letter, but to what extent only you would know... I know i've been deserving of a few notes over the years. Yours is actually pretty funny. Best line of the whole thing "first lesson you must of missed in 4th grade" lol the irony. Could've been a lot worse. oops my bad- Could of been a lot worse:D

tracktor 06-24-2016 5:23 PM

Heck, everyone at my lake listens to the same music as me...........

Whether they want to or not....................

ian_ashton 06-25-2016 5:16 AM

To instigate you should pump some Beethoven or like bagpipes or something. Damn, I bet bagpipes through XM9s would be deafening.

What is your setup?

WheelerWake 06-25-2016 6:33 AM

Taking pride in annoying someone with load music is similar to a guy taking pride in chewing up all the smooth water pulling tubers close to wakeboarers..

06-25-2016 7:51 AM


Originally Posted by WheelerWake (Post 1938449)
Taking pride in annoying someone with load music is similar to a guy taking pride in chewing up all the smooth water pulling tubers close to wakeboarers..

He was already wakesurfing so was chewing up the water as well.

rasorjb 06-25-2016 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by ian_ashton (Post 1938444)
To instigate you should pump some Beethoven or like bagpipes or something. Damn, I bet bagpipes through XM9s would be deafening.

What is your setup?

Gen 1 ZLD
SX65M (x6)
XM9 (x4)

grant_west 06-25-2016 12:58 PM

What I find funny is this

Everyone makes noise but not everyone realizes it. In fact I think the people that get the most pissed off are the ones that THINK they are perfect.


Do you Have a Lawn Mower
Do you have a Leaf Blower
Do you have a Harley
Do you have a Dog
Does your Home have a AC unit.
Do you have Kids
Do you ever have people over your home to Party

I could go on and on. But I think you get the point. All the things above make noise. These things most likely disturb other people at one time or another.

Why is it a No no to play music loud on the lake at night BUT it ok for you to have your Dog barking all night. (Btw I am not on the side of the guy blasting the Gay night club mix)

Or why is it OK for you to fire up the Leaf blower at 6:00 Am as I'm enjoying coffee on my deck waking up looking at lake ( I'm sure many other people are sleeping) and are annoyed but some how it ok for Captin leaf blower.

Why is it ok for the Guy to have open pipes on his Harley blasting all over the town.

I think the key is for us All to be aware of what noise we are making and how it can effect other people.

06-25-2016 3:14 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1938459)
What I find funny is this

Everyone makes noise but not everyone realizes it. In fact I think the people that get the most pissed off are the ones that THINK they are perfect.


Do you Have a Lawn Mower
Do you have a Leaf Blower
Do you have a Harley
Do you have a Dog
Does your Home have a AC unit.
Do you have Kids
Do you ever have people over your home to Party

I could go on and on. But I think you get the point. All the things above make noise. These things most likely disturb other people at one time or another.

Why is it a No no to play music loud on the lake at night BUT it ok for you to have your Dog barking all night. (Btw I am not on the side of the guy blasting the Gay night club mix)

Or why is it OK for you to fire up the Leaf blower at 6:00 Am as I'm enjoying coffee on my deck waking up looking at lake ( I'm sure many other people are sleeping) and are annoyed but some how it ok for Captin leaf blower.

Why is it ok for the Guy to have open pipes on his Harley blasting all over the town.

I think the key is for us All to be aware of what noise we are making and how it can effect other people.

None of those are ok. But this would be like firing up your lawnmower and putting a speaker next to the exhaust and bragging about how badass it is to be loud and obnoxious. Same thing as people with Harley's. The majority won't look at you revving your bike and think, "man. I'm really glad that guy is doing that right now. "Just like nobody wants to hear your weird club music blasted over tower speakers pointed out towards other people. This comes from somebody with tower speakers. Some people just overdo it. If you think you need the music to be deafening to you while you're riding you are just ignorant.

501s 06-25-2016 10:13 PM

My favorite line of this whole thread is "man, I'm really glad that guy is doing that right now". Hilarious.

sandm01 06-26-2016 7:40 AM

it's a funny note but all kidding aside..
4 in the afternoon, have fun and rock the tunes. he should need to get over it as G points out. lots of other noise that is much more annoying.
8pm in the evening, turn the **** off. that's what will drive loud music ordinances and watercops to police the area and now your 4pm is gone
should also clarify if you were riding while playing tunes or parked. if riding, music should come and go and he'll have to get over it. if you are parked and it's blasted, have some respect for others and turn the towers down.

funny where I live. no one would dare mow their lawn at 7am as it would drive all kinds of noise complaints and a visit from the popo, but 6" of snow and we're all out with snowblowers running as early as 2:30am and no one cares..

fence_sence 06-26-2016 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1938459)

Why is it a No no to play music loud on the lake at night BUT it ok for you to have your Dog barking all night. (Btw I am not on the side of the guy blasting the Gay night club mix)
Not ok

Or why is it OK for you to fire up the Leaf blower at 6:00 Am as I'm enjoying coffee on my deck waking up looking at lake ( I'm sure many other people are sleeping) and are annoyed but some how it ok for Captin leaf blower.
Not ok

Why is it ok for the Guy to have open pipes on his Harley blasting all over the town.
Not ok

These are all A-hole scenarios that are exactly the same as the tower speaker abusers. They all say F you, I don't care about anybody but myself. The guy doing 55 in the fast lane. The guy cutting the lift line just so he can ride up with his buddy. The guy on his phone at the stop light. The guy who leaves his cart in the middle of the isle while he tries to figure out whick loaf of bread to buy down at the end of the isle. There's a million scenarios just like these. It all boils down to a lack of common courtesy. I can only have my toes stepped on so many times before I started tripping people.

grant_west 06-26-2016 3:24 PM


I noticed you left out Dogs barking! IMO this is the WORST noise pollution of all. Here is my thinking.
When ever people are:
A. Blasting music.
B. Harley riding.
C. Mowing/Blowing the yard.
D. Running your loud A$$ AC unit.
In all these examples above at least 1 person is getting enjoyment out of it.
But I can't see how anyone enjoys barking Dogs even the owner! And this seems to be the most common noise pollution in my hood.

Back to the "Loud Ass AC" comment. I think its nice to sleep with the windows open at night. After the sun Gos down and the place starts cooling down its nice to shut off the AC and open the windows and let the cool fresh air in. But the neighbors start blasting the AC then it's a Chain reaction. I can't sleep with their AC blasting so I Have to close the windows and then I have to turn on my AC. It's pretty lame.

rallyart 06-26-2016 5:57 PM

I had a neighbour who would fire up his chainsaw and cut wood on the beach some Sunday or Saturday mornings. He was a really nice guy who would help you with anything.
Interestingly, he only did it when someone nearby on the lake had a loud party way into the night.. The hungover drunks never seemed to catch on though. Of course, they also left their two dogs out at night because they were loud in the house.

It's much easier to make an effort to let other people live their lives without having to compensate for you. I wish that was a more common thought.

WheelerWake 06-27-2016 4:49 AM


Originally Posted by rallyart (Post 1938492)
he only did it when someone nearby on the lake had a loud party way into the night.. .

I like this guy

06-27-2016 10:17 AM

Safe to say this thread backfired on OP.

rasorjb 06-27-2016 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by TheWakeIsReal (Post 1938520)
Safe to say this thread backfired on OP.

The OP isn't worried about it :)

I just loved how it evolved to anywhere between 6AM and late at night... this went down at one in the afternoon...

fence_sence 06-27-2016 11:34 AM


I left barking dogs out by mistake. I hate it too man.

06-27-2016 1:56 PM


Originally Posted by rasorjb (Post 1938524)
The OP isn't worried about it :)

I just loved how it evolved to anywhere between 6AM and late at night... this went down at one in the afternoon...

Figured. Most people who force the entire lake to listen to your music don't care much. Of course it's heightened between the times of 6 A.M. and the evening, but believe it or not, people don't want to listen to your music either. Usually the people who post about their tower speakers are warriors anyways so at least it's only bad for these people on the weekends.

rasorjb 06-27-2016 2:21 PM


Originally Posted by TheWakeIsReal (Post 1938539)
Figured. Most people who force the entire lake to listen to your music don't care much. Of course it's heightened between the times of 6 A.M. and the evening, but believe it or not, people don't want to listen to your music either. Usually the people who post about their tower speakers are warriors anyways so at least it's only bad for these people on the weekends.

I assume you mean weekend warrior? Nah this happened on a Wednesday.

DavidAnalog 06-28-2016 6:49 AM


Originally Posted by rallyart (Post 1938492)
I had a neighbor, named Jason, who would fire up his chainsaw and cut wood on the beach some Sunday or Saturday mornings. He was a really nice guy who would help you with anything.
Interestingly, he only did it when someone nearby on the lake had a loud party way into the night.. The hungover drunks never seemed to catch on though.

No kidding?

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 3:00 PM.