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-   -   Wakecraft sunk at Tulloch (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=781257)

trevorg7 07-03-2010 9:59 PM

Wakecraft sunk at Tulloch
4 Attachment(s)
Not clear on the entire story but what I heard is too many folks in the bow, took on some waves and lost.

This was at Drifters about 7pm. Took them two hours or so to get it up and back on the trailer.

Tulloch was nuts today....


h2ohangtime 07-03-2010 10:22 PM

Which button did you say was for the bilge pump?

bawshogg 07-03-2010 11:20 PM

Wow. Lon???? Was he at tulloch this weekend?

you_da_man 07-04-2010 1:30 AM

Did it sink at the dock? If so, how did he take on waves that big at the dock?

trevorg7 07-04-2010 6:26 AM

I have not heard it from the owner, just passers by but no, no waves that big at the dock. Drifters Marina is just inside the 5 mph zone so I am guessing they were overloaded at speed, slowed down and the bow dipped. The took on some waves and got swampped. I guess they limped to the docks (not sure why they didn't head for the ramp as it is closer) and then sunk or people moved around and dipped a side or something.


tyler97217 07-04-2010 7:29 AM

wow... that totally sucks and is hard to look at. I could only imagine.....
Suppose it was Dulong?

hatepain 07-04-2010 7:40 AM

He's on the east coast so Dans out...Bummer bad way to start your 4th weekend eh?

grant_west 07-04-2010 11:53 AM

WOW Trevor : Looks like your new vacation spot is the hot bed for some Lake Drama. LOL Enjoy it while you can Tuesday you will have the lake back to yoursef. I feel sorry for who's ever boat that is. Weather you overload'd your or not boat it's still a bad situation for everyone. The guy gets his boat trashed and the lake gets some extra oil and gas it dosen't need. Im pretty sure I have seen a red wake craft of the lake before with side swipe I wonder if thats it.

gunz 07-04-2010 2:06 PM

hopefully they guy will come on here and not act like a complete tool=Lon.

epic1 07-04-2010 2:52 PM

that might have been lons new boat that he paid cash for... If not, that sucks. That is a nightmare for sure.

07-04-2010 3:31 PM

i just don't understand how you can do this. im not from cali, but have encountered huge waves and rollers and all that in all different types of boats. aside from ripping a huge hole in the hull i just don't get it. i feel sorry for the guy and hope everything works out, but what happened? and just a tip, if water is coming in the bow, reverse!

rallyart 07-04-2010 4:27 PM

RM, boats over 20' are not required to have flotation in them to keep them from sinking. Some builders do put in flotation but I don't know if any wake boat manufacturer does. If you have lead or steel weight you increase the chance of being swamped and then sunk.
It will be interesting to find out what actually happened. At least the bow is up. You see some where the owner must be glad he had a rope attached that floats.

07-04-2010 4:35 PM

correct craft uses foam. hopefully his insurance covers it. i personally wouldn't even want my boat back after that happened regardless. bad mojo.

epic1 07-04-2010 6:14 PM

how does ballast factor into insurance? seriously, how would that work?

07-04-2010 6:46 PM

if it's integrated ballast it doesn't count, but i'm sure an ins. company would scoff at a sunken boat with bags, but you could take them out most likely w/o them knowing. disclaimer:don't commit fraud

99_slaunch 07-04-2010 9:05 PM

^^^ Fraud? I think that falls under the... Don't ask don't tell clause.

epic1 07-05-2010 11:39 PM

is this place going to implicat all of us in a R.I.C.O. insurance investigation?

deltabri 07-06-2010 8:55 AM

It wasn't Lon's boat. He was out "Stuntin" at Pedro. I yelled sinking X80 on the PA, he turned his head but not his boat.

rodltg2 07-06-2010 9:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
That was my old Wakecraft. Don't know if it still owned by the guy I sold it too or not. Sad to see, loved that boat.

This is what it use to look like.

razzman 07-06-2010 10:55 AM

Sad. Easy to see how the bow could have buried overloaded with peeps if he suddendly chopped throttle at speed.

209WAKECRAFTINC 07-06-2010 5:00 PM

good news!
The boats back on top of the water as we type..

brett564 07-06-2010 5:35 PM

Could it have been a drain plug?

2006maliblue 07-06-2010 5:55 PM

So Lorence, what happened? And how the heck did they get the electronics dried out and boat operating again already? I don't doubt its out of the water. They wouldn't leave it in! But how'd they get it running again so quick? And don't try telling us the boat in your profile pic is the same one as the one that sunk the graphics are totally different.

209WAKECRAFTINC 07-06-2010 8:54 PM

To be honest no one really knows. We disconnected all electronics and took it out to our lake to make sure there was not a leak and everything was perfect as far as the seals and hoses. No no no the boat on my profile pic. is my personal boat I got to design to match my truck for a photo shoot..

2006maliblue 07-06-2010 9:32 PM

So you guys just tested to make sure it floats. Trying to find a leak? You guys going to total it or ? Seems you'd have to go through the motor and tranny and replace all the electronics? Seems like a pain but I guess it can be done and often is. Could be just dipped or caught a rail and the water over took it. Or could be a leak that only shows up when the motor is running. Sucks for whoever owns it. I know I'd be heart broken if my boat went down and to be honest I wouldn't want it back. Just pick out a new one and start over!

kikitlo 07-07-2010 8:31 AM

Thats crazy. I rented that dock space the previous weekend.

209WAKECRAFTINC 07-07-2010 12:18 PM

wellll went through motor n tranny b4 we lake tested it n everything is fine and it runs great. I sunk a centurion back in 02 where lovely wood was still used in the boats and that sucked bad! Id rather have an ex girlfriend go overboard n sink before that happens again..

RanchDweller 07-07-2010 1:11 PM

So how did the boat sink? Does someone actually know? It is great to hear the boat is back up.

three6ty 07-07-2010 1:17 PM

You have sunk 2 boats in your life!!!

You are doing something very wrong!!!!!!

hematoma 07-07-2010 2:07 PM

Whatever you do Lorence, don't buy a private plane.

07-07-2010 2:16 PM

Not much of a story here. I dont think we are hearing from someone who knows much about what happened. Probably a buddies- cousins- friends-brother deal.

guido 07-07-2010 3:53 PM

Sinking boats really isn't that hard to do. I've seen it plenty of times. Particularly on busy weekends with lot's of boats around and a boat full of weight.

About 9 years ago we had to cut loose a boat we were towing because we were taking water over the nose of my Sanger badly. It was 2' chop and we couldn't move fast enough to get the nose out of the water. Bad news.

I've also seen boats rolled by yacht waves. It happens so quick you'd never know it was coming. As I mentioned a few weeks back, one of the most experienced drivers I know almost sank their SAN about a month ago. Took water from a yacht over the gunnel and fill up to the seat level. Bad news.

As for getting that boat running again... Argh! I'd bet you could get it running pretty easily, but I'm sure it'll have all types of problems down the road. Everything from computers, to guages and harnesses. Bad times.

07-07-2010 5:05 PM

Was cruising across the lake once with 3 friends in the boat - 2 in the bow and 1 sitting back at the stern. We were heading to the local party cove and when we got close the guy that was sitting at the back came up to the observer seat to take a look at the action - that put all 4 of us at or in front of the steering wheel. I was busy looking around at all the boat traffic and when I slowed down the nose of the boat dropped below the water line and we immediately started taking a 6 inch sheet of water over the bow. The two in front started screaming and ran to the back. When I saw what was happening I gunned it and that pulled the nose back out but in about 20 seconds we took on enough water to fill the boat almost to the floor - it was scary. We laughed about it later after the bilge pump emptied the engine compartment and everything dried out but for about 30 seconds there it was was pretty scary - especially for me since it was my boat.

209WAKECRAFTINC 07-08-2010 10:23 AM

Nooo u gotta read (e double u)... I've only sunk (1) ONE boat in 02 and we were flying across the water and lake mclure didn't put a marker on a island that was about 6 inches inches under water n it ripped all the underwater gear off n that was that.. and I actually fly atleast once a week (shane) lol. When its time to go its time to go that's the way I see it. (Ross) nobody knows what happend cuz nobody seen it happen.. I do all the marketing and graphics here

colombiansurfer 07-08-2010 12:04 PM

We had an situation over the 4th where an 50 footer was coming around the point rolling and it is clearly marked idle speed and not boats over 30'. His rollers were well over my bow and I could not turn around except go through it since it was a small passing. We took on 2 waves and before the first one hit the floor, I already had the bilge on manually and the blower. Pressed all the empty buttons on the sacks, just in case I had some water in there, trimmed up, gun the motor and kept moving to the closes shore line just in case. Later the guy was caught, arrested for BUI, Careless/wreckless and assault. The DNR witnessed everything and later found me to make sure I was okay. He said that I did everything right and not to worry about gunning it in the no wake zone. They towed that boat in at $20.00 a foot and later we found out that he had an controlled substance on the boat. The DNR was happy because they now have a new boat! Scarey moment for sure, because my 4 year old son was up front and the wife jumped to grab him. He is okay, just thought it was fun to get wet. No problems with the boat afterwards, just dried everything out and detailed it the next day.

Snowmobilejer 07-08-2010 12:14 PM

This is always painful to see, but the likely cause is this.....
1 Attachment(s)
Well, as you can see I also have a love for Wakecrafts. I'm on my second one (sold the first one) which is a year old now. I guess until you own one you just can't really appreciate the workmanship that goes into these boats. They spare no expense. They are beautiful works of art. I'm done with the promo now because I also love the other boat brands too....they each have their unique characteristics which give the owner a fierce sense of brand loyalty. I'm like this with my boats and snowmobiles. Attached is a picture of mine with the tower left at home.

There are only a few possible reasons as to why a Wakecraft would sink in this situation. It is equipped with not 1, but 2 high volume bilge pumps. 1 in the bow, and 1 in the stern. It is very hard to sink this boat with a big wave over the bow, or by over-loading it because these pumps go to work automatically and pump out huge amounts of water--but I suppose not impossible to sink if you really tried and this was your sole purpose. The easiest way to sink a Wakecraft is to back it into the water with your wife and children screaming at you (I'm married) during a busy holiday weekend while trying not to tie up the launch ramp because of the long line of boats waiting to be put in. I've been there. And then you forget to put in the 2 stainless steel threaded plugs.........sweet! It's not the owner's fault. It's his wife's fault, I bet he is married too. Just kidding about the wife comment-- sort of..... In some of the pictures you see a couple of swimmers wearing goggles. Hummmm, I wonder what is going on there.....or back on I should say. Pretty smart though. So why and how could a leak over-run a ski boat equipped with 2 high volume bilge pumps, and 2 deep cycle batteries, left tied up at a dock for a couple of hours in pretty calm water? He shut the master battery switch off before leaving it for a couple of hours. Big mistake!!! You just lost your bilge pumps. You should never turn your master battery switch off when your boat is in the water. Maybe switch it to battery 1 or battery 2 to be safe, but not OFF. Perhaps somebody up there didn't like him and did this to him. Who knows. But yes I believe that is your boat Rod isn't it. Lawerence is correct, it is running. I talked to the owner of Wakecraft this morning and his crew basically attacked it when it got back to the factory and the engine is running perfectly. But, it has a long way to go still....after all....it was under water. I love those ZR6 engines. They can take a beating. I am surprised it is running given all the computers etc.. these days. This is just my synopsis as a very seasoned Wakecraft owner. Plus, I've sunk 2 boats before. 1 was a bayliner with the above mentioned plug scenario. And another was an outboard ski boat that hit a submerged island and 30 MPH and tore the bottom out of it. I hate lakes that drop by 2 feet a day in the summer. Oh and I almost forgot, on this sinking I had a 6 month old (now 6 years old) baby whom I had to swim to shore with. Yes that was traumatic. And the Sheriff's reply to this one was, gee, I guess we better mark this object. Ya think? Take care guys... Jer

strife 07-08-2010 12:16 PM


When its time to go its time to go that's the way I see it
Not the kind of attitude I want from my pilot. Hopefully, your not a commercial pilot. I think you may need some Martha King.

baitkiller 07-08-2010 12:31 PM

Jeremy, not to stir the pot but Per NFPA and ABYC there are two (2) conductors allowed and mandated as un-switched power. One is the auto bilge function and the other is the stereo memory power (yellow). There shall be no other un-switched power.

If your auto bilge does not operate when I test it with the batteries off it is considered a deficiency requiring correction.

And no, I don't care if that is how it came from the factory.

As you were.

epic1 07-08-2010 12:34 PM

David, how do you trim aup a vdrive?

07-08-2010 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Snowmobilejer (Post 1606020)
Well, as you can see I also have a love for Wakecrafts. I'm on my second one (sold the first one) which is a year old now. I guess until you own one you just can't really appreciate the workmanship that goes into these boats. They spare no expense. They are beautiful works of art. I'm done with the promo now because I also love the other boat brands too....they each have their unique characteristics which give the owner a fierce sense of brand loyalty. I'm like this with my boats and snowmobiles. Attached is a picture of mine with the tower left at home.

There are only a few possible reasons as to why a Wakecraft would sink in this situation. It is equipped with not 1, but 2 high volume bilge pumps. 1 in the bow, and 1 in the stern. It is very hard to sink this boat with a big wave over the bow, or by over-loading it because these pumps go to work automatically and pump out huge amounts of water--but I suppose not impossible to sink if you really tried and this was your sole purpose. The easiest way to sink a Wakecraft is to back it into the water with your wife and children screaming at you (I'm married) during a busy holiday weekend while trying not to tie up the launch ramp because of the long line of boats waiting to be put in. I've been there. And then you forget to put in the 2 stainless steel threaded plugs.........sweet! It's not the owner's fault. It's his wife's fault, I bet he is married too. Just kidding about the wife comment-- sort of..... In some of the pictures you see a couple of swimmers wearing goggles. Hummmm, I wonder what is going on there.....or back on I should say. Pretty smart though. So why and how could a leak over-run a ski boat equipped with 2 high volume bilge pumps, and 2 deep cycle batteries, left tied up at a dock for a couple of hours in pretty calm water? He shut the master battery switch off before leaving it for a couple of hours. Big mistake!!! You just lost your bilge pumps. You should never turn your master battery switch off when your boat is in the water. Maybe switch it to battery 1 or battery 2 to be safe, but not OFF. Perhaps somebody up there didn't like him and did this to him. Who knows. But yes I believe that is your boat Rod isn't it. Lawerence is correct, it is running. I talked to the owner of Wakecraft this morning and his crew basically attacked it when it got back to the factory and the engine is running perfectly. But, it has a long way to go still....after all....it was under water. I love those ZR6 engines. They can take a beating. I am surprised it is running given all the computers etc.. these days. This is just my synopsis as a very seasoned Wakecraft owner. Plus, I've sunk 2 boats before. 1 was a bayliner with the above mentioned plug scenario. And another was an outboard ski boat that hit a submerged island and 30 MPH and tore the bottom out of it. I hate lakes that drop by 2 feet a day in the summer. Oh and I almost forgot, on this sinking I had a 6 month old (now 6 years old) baby whom I had to swim to shore with. Yes that was traumatic. And the Sheriff's reply to this one was, gee, I guess we better mark this object. Ya think? Take care guys... Jer

Now thats how you put an explanation/story together. Jer, can only imagine what you went through with your 6 mos old. Glad it worked out.

Lawerence, guess i was hoping to hear a little more...took on some water, limped to the dock and tried to tie it up..or... it was tied up, came out in the morning and someone took the back of the boat...etc.

smitty1258 07-08-2010 1:05 PM


Originally Posted by epic1 (Post 1606033)
David, how do you trim aup a vdrive?

He has trim tab. Either lenco or bennet.

RanchDweller 07-08-2010 2:23 PM

My boat is only equipped with one 500 GPH (gallon per HOUR) bildge pump. I am sure one of those waves can easily put 100 gallons in your boat. I don't think that my OEM pump could handle very much. How many of you have installed larger or dual pumps? This is always my worst fear, taking on a couple of big rollers and totally swamping the boat.


hematoma 07-08-2010 2:51 PM

I went overkill on my old girl, I have to much time and sweat into this thing to watch it hit the bottom. I had 2 one in front and one in the back, now I have a 3rd in the middle. The lakes here in Az average anywhere from 50-300ft you aint getting it back lol. That 50ft is at the end of the launch.

guido 07-08-2010 3:04 PM

Yikes... those pics are scary.

gwnkids 07-08-2010 3:06 PM

got to love Lake Powell

mendo247 07-08-2010 3:10 PM

Boats float and Boats sink. Not sure what the big deal is. It happens. Thats why I make sure EVERYTHING is covered under my ins policy. As long as everyone walks away its a great day!

colombiansurfer 07-08-2010 3:12 PM


Originally Posted by epic1 (Post 1606033)
David, how do you trim aup a vdrive?

I have Lenco tab on the back - Like the Taps for Tige, the surf tab for mastercraft, etc.. I think almost all the boats now are putting tabs on there boats.

talltigeguy 07-08-2010 3:22 PM


Originally Posted by baitkiller (Post 1606032)
Jeremy, not to stir the pot but Per NFPA and ABYC there are two (2) conductors allowed and mandated as un-switched power. One is the auto bilge function and the other is the stereo memory power (yellow). There shall be no other un-switched power.

If your auto bilge does not operate when I test it with the batteries off it is considered a deficiency requiring correction.

And no, I don't care if that is how it came from the factory.

As you were.

I have been harping at the MC website whenever I get a chance about this. MIne came from the factory that way and it is unacceptable.

My Tige was wired straight to the battery.

2 bilge pumps cannot keep up with a big roller or two over the bow. It happens so fast you have no idea what hit you.

209WAKECRAFTINC 07-08-2010 3:29 PM

I guess some people don't get........NO ONE KNOWS WHAT HAPPEN YET.. lol unless there's any witnesses..

jtnz 07-08-2010 7:45 PM


Originally Posted by Snowmobilejer (Post 1606020)
Attached is a picture of mine with the tower left at home.

Damn dude that looks sick, so much better, maybe all Wakecraft owners should leave their towers at home. I'm sure it's a great boat but that tower is awful.

209WAKECRAFTINC 07-10-2010 9:13 AM

Tower is what makes the boat.. maybe some people just don't have taste.. : )

bjeremi 07-10-2010 1:11 PM

LOL Jos I was about to say the same thing! I love the lines of that boat but dang that tower just kills the look every time. As much as people dog on that tower you would think they might change it.

wake77 07-11-2010 5:58 AM

Where is Dan when you really need him?

epic1 07-11-2010 11:42 AM

trim tab, got ya. Never thought about that.

rodltg2 07-11-2010 7:17 PM

Yep, that is my old boat. The loser that bought it from me , stiffed my on the down payment. I told him he could pay me a few weeks after that sale date, but he never did. Just a bunch of excuses. It been 2 years now, so I pretty much wrote it off. Total loser, KARMA!!

209WAKECRAFTINC 07-13-2010 10:54 AM

Everywhere I go with my wakecraft people are actually loving the tower n take pics. Of it.. they actually put it in alliance wakeboard magazine they loved it so much! Who in there right mind would change sumn that more people love then hate? Maybe that's why were still in business and aren't 1 of the many boat companies who went under.. hmmmm I'm just sayin lol

alans 07-13-2010 10:55 AM

What wakeboat company went under?

colombiansurfer 07-13-2010 11:12 AM

Yeah I want to know that too. What company went under?

polarbill 07-13-2010 11:19 AM

What is it with wakecraft people?

alans 07-13-2010 11:29 AM

Why is the boat named after the engine that is in it? Are the new models going to be called ZR 409's since the ZR6 is gone?

wake77 07-13-2010 4:19 PM

"What is it with wakecraft people?"

I know, between this guy and Dan, it makes we want to punch the owner of Wakecraft in the face.

grant_west 07-13-2010 6:28 PM

I talked with the several of the people that were there the day this happend . They have all said they thought the people that were opperating the boat either didn't know what the hell they were doing or they were drunk. This is comming from people that saw them drive the boat out of the marina Hrs before it came back sunk. They said they could barley get the boat out of the marina with out crashing into the docks or other boats. People said that after the boat sunk at the marina they were diving underwater into the boat at the Marina to get their BEER! LOL and after the boat sunk and leaked gas and oil all over the marina they wanted to get a refund from the Marina for the slip they had rented, LOL I guess they were also not happy at the people that were heckeling them from the restraunt balcony for sinking the boat.

209WAKECRAFTINC 07-13-2010 10:09 PM

Well lil jeremy.. when u build a boat by scratch without all these million dollar budgets it makes u proud n appreciate the boats u build a weeeee bit more then goin and buying 1 off a lot.. if u can't respect that then go build 1 and punch yourseld in the face when your done after u realize the pride u have after.. : )

epic1 07-13-2010 10:23 PM

and u are trying to rep your business typing like that. u might want to type a weeeee bit better. Even if I could afford it, I would not now.

getssum 07-13-2010 10:43 PM

Lorence might be setting himself up as the new Lon.....

chattwake 07-14-2010 6:00 AM

That's good pr right there.

07-14-2010 6:31 AM


Originally Posted by 209WAKECRAFTINC (Post 1608128)
Well lil jeremy.. when u build a boat by scratch without all these million dollar budgets it makes u proud n appreciate the boats u build a weeeee bit more then goin and buying 1 off a lot.. if u can't respect that then go build 1 and punch yourseld in the face when your done after u realize the pride u have after.. : )

Wow, really, really dude? ....

07-14-2010 7:02 AM

Wow I looked at that site LORENCE and you have a nice boat and a nice site....but after hearing you I want nothing to do with you. You sound like a complete douche and maybe related to Lon in some way. Dude really, that is not the way to rep the boat. Geez.

alans 07-14-2010 7:11 AM

I still want to know what wakeboat manufactures went out of business? Lorence obviously is not in a management or ownership type roll at Wakecraft, it would be unfair to Wakecraft for any of us to make that assumption.

colombiansurfer 07-14-2010 7:40 AM

I wonder why he cannot answer that question on who went under?? I know across the board all of the plants cut back, but none of them went under. Maybe is we ask David Telling of Wakecraft what his guy Lorence is talking about, we might be able to get some answers. What do you think Lonrence?

wakereviews 07-14-2010 7:41 AM

maybe Chopper boats went out of business?

07-14-2010 8:24 AM

Anyone else notice that if you go to wakecraft.com the first boat on the homepage is the one that sunk lol

wake77 07-14-2010 9:15 AM

"Well lil jeremy.. when u build a boat by scratch without all these million dollar budgets it makes u proud n appreciate the boats u build a weeeee bit more then goin and buying 1 off a lot.. if u can't respect that then go build 1 and punch yourseld in the face when your done after u realize the pride u have after.. : )"

Thanks for solidifying my stance.

P.S. I don't care if they were hand-carved from a single piece of wood, by one man, with a pocket knife, it gives you no right to be a douche and create some story about "1 of the many boat companies who went under.. hmmmm I'm just sayin lol". In this case, it looks like Wakecraft is the one that went under.

polarbill 07-14-2010 9:44 AM

Personally I think Wakecrafts are the ugliest boat on the planet. I think they are the Pontiac Aztec of the boating world. Then again I just want to fan the flames right now.

colombiansurfer 07-14-2010 10:06 AM

I guess we have a new Dan/Lon. Let the hating begin!

mywakeisbiggerr 07-14-2010 10:27 AM

wakecrafts suck anyways

chattwake 07-14-2010 10:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)

07-14-2010 10:35 AM

I think we should send this thread to WakeCraft and see what upper management is going to say about this "free pub" they are getting. I am sure they will love all the negative posts. Got a feeling this guy is the guy to licks the stamps at that place.

rodltg2 07-14-2010 10:56 AM

I dont really know what companies he's referring to that went out of business, but here are a few, althouhg not big players really. Chopper Boats closed their doors, Svfara Marine closed and sold thier molds to Campion, Malibu stopped production in Merced,Aftershock Power boats has closed down,Elan Boats has closed, Ski Pro Extreme has closed,

colombiansurfer 07-14-2010 11:09 AM

I thought Svfara is still around - but they are in Canada (B.C.)

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