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grant_west 10-13-2014 8:20 AM

Ebola in the US.
You can thank this POS ( Thomas Eric Duncan) for our first case of Ebola contracted on us soil.
This guy is a Liberian and lied about being in direct contact with a infected person. He came here and came down with Ebola.


A nurse some how contracted Ebola while caring for this guy.

IMO they should have put this guy back on the plane he came over on and sent him home.
I feel so sorry for the nurse has contracted it. I hope she can recover

fly135 10-13-2014 8:34 AM

So you think the plane that brought him over was going to take him back?

timmyb 10-13-2014 8:40 AM

The media is making Ebola a way bigger deal than it needs to be. I work in the healthcare industry, we are more worried about TB, the flu and enterovirus than we are about Ebola right now. 50k-60k people in the US will die from the flu this year and it is airborne, 1 person has died from Ebola which requires a bodily fluid transfer to contract it. You do the math on your risk of getting it.

grant_west 10-13-2014 9:01 AM

Tim: I don't care about the flu. A day or 2 in bed and your good to go. Ebola a much diffrent story. This stuff is nasty. How could a nurse in a full containment suit contract it if it's nothing to worry about. And as far as Overreacting I will error on the side of caution

rlwagens 10-13-2014 9:19 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1895252)
Tim: I don't care about the flu. A day or 2 in bed and your good to go. Ebola a much diffrent story. This stuff is nasty. How could a nurse in a full containment suit contract it if it's nothing to worry about. And as far as Overreacting I will error on the side of caution

Exact mentality that leads to the unnecessary expense and deaths associated with influenza every year. And from all I've researched and heard she wasn't wearing "a full containment suit," she was wearing a mask, gown, shield and gloves. Pretty standard PPE for droplet precautions. Chances are I'm sure they're gonna be upping the guidelines to airborne type precautions, which again the media is going to latch onto for a good fear story. I'm more than willing to admit there's a lot of CDC and hospital shortcomings in this story, but comments like this do nothing but encourage the unnecessary fear that the media is trying to invoke in their coverage. Really pointless and not helping anything or anyone.

timmyb 10-13-2014 9:39 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1895252)
Tim: I don't care about the flu. A day or 2 in bed and your good to go. Ebola a much diffrent story. This stuff is nasty. How could a nurse in a full containment suit contract it if it's nothing to worry about. And as far as Overreacting I will error on the side of caution

Well, you can listen to the media or you can listen to actual Dr's. I will listen to the Dr's. Again, do the math, only 4,000 people worldwide have died from it. Now go back to eating red meat and sugar and stop worrying about heart disease that kills over 600,000 people in the US every year. :D

timmyb 10-13-2014 10:33 AM

9 reasons to calm the F down:

behindtheboat 10-13-2014 3:44 PM


Originally Posted by timmyb (Post 1895260)

This new case shows that it is not contained as they thought, and processes/training currently in place are not enough. The sky is not falling, but this needs to be thought of as more serious than Elite Daily and their "facts" seem to think. Education and awareness are key here in US just as they are in West Africa, and will help combat the more common virus' and diseases. Heart disease takes years of chosen exposure and lifestyle, this is obviously different and current protective precautions thought to be sufficient, have not been.

phathom 10-13-2014 4:20 PM

Sweat and saliva are bodily fluids. Just saying. It's not like HIV where there has to be specific bodily fluids exchanged.

aricsx15 10-13-2014 5:08 PM

The ebola cure is similar to the cure for AIDS

grant_west 10-13-2014 5:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Timmy; The #2 reason in your Link.

They Say it's "Pretty Difficult to Contract it" Tell that to the Nurse that contracted it in a full containment department of the hospital! I doubt she was swapping spit with the dude.

iShredSAN 10-14-2014 7:01 AM

Timmy: First you inform us that we should listen to doctors instead of the media, then immediately after that you post a link written by none other than "the MEDIA"... Also, that article is horrible journalism and most of those points could be easily debunked.

A-dub: Well said!

psudy 10-14-2014 8:14 AM


ralph 10-14-2014 3:11 PM

Bigger fish to fry IMO. A scared population is easier to control, don't be afraid of the unknown, google is your friend.

barry 10-14-2014 3:18 PM

They're liars, they prove it day after day. Because they're liars nobody knows what to believe.... I'm not certain they know what to believe.

ralph 10-14-2014 3:53 PM

Which "they" are you referring too?

barry 10-14-2014 3:58 PM

Media, CDC, et al.

grant_west 10-14-2014 4:29 PM

What do you guys think about the fact the guy lied about being in Concatct with a infected person. IMO they should have put the guy on a inner tube and gave him a free pull behind a Chinese shipping vessel back to his home with a "get well" card!

timmyb 10-14-2014 5:18 PM


Originally Posted by iShredSAN (Post 1895322)
Timmy: First you inform us that we should listen to doctors instead of the media, then immediately after that you post a link written by none other than "the MEDIA"... Also, that article is horrible journalism and most of those points could be easily debunked.

A-dub: Well said!

That article is in line with the Dr's for the company I work for.

timmyb 10-14-2014 5:22 PM

Everyone is concentrating on the one nurse that got infected but the little side blurb is that there were like 48 clinical staff that treated this same patient that are all being watched but only the one has the symptoms. So if none of them come down with it, what mistakes did she make? Seriously, until thousands of people in this country have contracted Ebola, you still have a better chance of winning the lottery.

timmyb 10-14-2014 5:23 PM

What ever happened to Swine Flu or Bird Flu that was going to kill us all? The media loves this crap!

joeshmoe 10-14-2014 6:53 PM

Don't forget about mad cow disease, did anyone ever die from that? I know we can't sell our beef to china because they are fearful of Mad Cow disease.

behindtheboat 10-14-2014 7:38 PM


Originally Posted by timmyb (Post 1895391)
Everyone is concentrating on the one nurse that got infected but the little side blurb is that there were like 48 clinical staff that treated this same patient that are all being watched but only the one has the symptoms. So if none of them come down with it, what mistakes did she make? Seriously, until thousands of people in this country have contracted Ebola, you still have a better chance of winning the lottery.

And the side blurb that none of them were being monitored until she presented symptoms, while monitoring herself via the hospital recommendation. They also nearly expect some of those now being monitored to also be infected. There's facts and interpretations, I'm not going to argue on our differing interpretations. She may have made a mistake, but to immediately conclude that is not looking at the big picture. The CDC is coming out and admitting they should have acted better, quicker, have now formed a team, and will implement enhanced training, likely bumping up treatment of a potential ebola patient to airborne pathogen level (but wait, it's not airborne... http://www.nature.com/srep/2012/1211...srep00811.html ). So maybe there was a "break in protocol", or maybe what was previously thought as sufficient enough as PPE and protocols was not, and she was acting just as she trained. They're acting pretty quickly to implement these new reaction teams, training and protocols. You're right, you have very little chance of getting ebola. But I think you would like to keep it that way, and the current way is not doing that. It's not ebola to fear really, it's our mentality and actions towards containing it, which are seeming more and more imaginary every day.

I'm curious what specialty the physicians you work for may be in?

bftskir 10-14-2014 7:55 PM

Ebola has been around at least since 1976 and usually runs its course in areas with little to no medical care available...I'm not worried...yet

Ewok01 10-15-2014 3:47 AM

Timmy, I think what all the fear about it is that it's supposed to be a rural African viral infection. Health care professionals know the geographic region of the origin and there should have better protections in place to keep the virus in place and not let it spread. I'm sure the doctors would love to contain the flu to a small area as well so it doesn't spread as rapidly and kill as many people. Even though I'm not worried about getting it, I'm concerned about the governments health care professionals not doing enough to keep it out of our country and to keep it from spreading now that it's here. Nobody wants to go out like that and they expect that the health care professionals are working to keep it isolated, which doesn't seem to be the case.

fly135 10-15-2014 8:01 AM

I'm as afraid of Ebola as I was of Saddam. I guess that means we need to spend $2T, kill 4,000 soldiers, and destabilize some region of the world.

psudy 10-15-2014 8:33 AM

No JA. We just need to firebomb Dallas.

fly135 10-15-2014 8:47 AM

^or that

TerryR 10-15-2014 3:51 PM

"I'm as afraid of Ebola as I was of Saddam. I guess that means we need to spend $2T, kill 4,000 soldiers, and destabilize some region of the world. "

That's is definitely a possibility. The Dems might fund it cuz its a popular topic right now. Eboma is meeting today to discuss it.

ttrigo 10-15-2014 4:06 PM

"and to keep it from spreading now that it's here"

which is why it makes perfect sense to transport infected people, via plane, to a whole other region of the country to get treated!! WTF is that all about? how about you isolate the infected people to one location (Dallas), and fly doctors in to see them, if they dont have the specialists needed in Dallas?

i could die from the flu in a month, but Im still more worried about infectious diseases from third world countries, as long as we continue to allow anyone and everyone to come over here without the proper health screenings.

grant_west 10-15-2014 5:59 PM

Here we go. A 2nd nurse from the Texas hospital has come down with Ebola.

phathom 10-15-2014 6:27 PM

Well it's in Portland now. Kid flew into PDX with it.
My brother in law works construction at the hospital the kid is being taken to be treated at.

Just got word that at the hospital, they started flashing the lights, went over the loud speaker alerting everyone that this is not a drill and to get themselves into isolation immediately.

This was minutes ago.

phathom 10-15-2014 6:45 PM

False alarm there. They took him to another hospital instead, just found out that the tests came back and is not ebola.
It was presumed because he was coming from Nigeria and got a fever and started vomiting while in flight.

augie_09 10-15-2014 7:07 PM

There was a false alarm here in KC also. Man suspected of it, but passed his initial test.

I am glad the news is dramatic about this and reports every little thing about it. So they blow it out of proportion, at least we know and can then go educate ourselves about how it spreads, its incubation period, mortality rates, etc.

I've been watching too much walking dead lately (season 5 premiere was Aaamazing), but hearing on the news that dog in the US may have contracted it was way more disturbing than a 2nd nurse. Dogs run around slobbering on everything and everyone. but then again, isn't rabbies spread the same way? It hasn't taken over the world.

timmyb 10-15-2014 7:27 PM

Eff it, I'm throwing in the towel, we're all going to die.

timmyb 10-15-2014 7:29 PM

Humans are ruled by fear, whether it be the Bible, the law or your Dad's belt. The media is ruling our country.

Cabledog 10-16-2014 3:19 PM

^ You mean destroying it.

timmyb 10-16-2014 4:15 PM

Apparently everyone forgot that Ebola was first discovered in 1976...I wonder if it was going to kill the entire world back then too?

behindtheboat 10-16-2014 5:44 PM


Originally Posted by timmyb (Post 1895547)
Apparently everyone forgot that Ebola was first discovered in 1976...I wonder if it was going to kill the entire world back then too?

You're making less sense every post you make. What is your point? You don't like the media? Merely looking at the numbers of cases recently compared to historic cases of ebola (in your link) shows how aggressive this latest epidemic is.

timmyb 10-17-2014 8:46 AM

I will just jump on the media bandwagon with you guys (are ya'll Seahawks fans too by any chance? :D )
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/d_V__HfvwZI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ttrigo 10-17-2014 11:11 AM

One of the lab workers where the original US case started, is on a cruise right now. They're in isolation as we speak. Why the eff were they allowed to travel?
Oh yeah, I've got a friend on that same ship! Panic or not, we know much less about the transmission of Ebola than we or the experts think.

psudy 10-17-2014 11:50 AM

There is some serious ball dropping going on and I don't mean the good kind. If this was some sort of airborne death virus(knock on wood) we could be in serious trouble.

fly135 10-17-2014 1:44 PM


snyder 10-17-2014 2:13 PM

What I find hilarious is how you can carve even this Ebola discussion right down the middle on WW of Obama supporters and the rest of us.
It seems pretty clear to me that the folks most interested in downplaying it, or more accurately poopoo'ing on folks discussing it and the real possibility that it could get worse before it gets better due to the ineptitude (yet again) of this administration (CDC), is really a veiled attempt at either supporting their man, or at least attempting to deflect from their wrong-headed support of this admin.
"nothing to see here, you guys are just crazy fox news racists" when the truth is, there's a clear and obvious issue at play here where Obama's naive, world citizen, open borders, idealism is standing firmly in the way of us doing what is necessary to actually prevent the spread of this virus by simply restricting travel to the US from KNOWN hot spots. Meanwhile he's all too happy to restrict travel to/from Israel just to put pressure on Netanyahu to accept a cease fire deal w/the palestenians... how does that make any sense?
Are we all gonna die from this tomorrow? no. Is it scary, hell yes. and it's more scary each day as the CDC's bumbling stumbling efforts to do nothing more than repeat, "nothing to see here.... move along folks". Let's just create another cabinet position/czar. yeah, That'll fix it. more government.

john211 10-17-2014 2:19 PM

"CDC worried travel ban over Ebola would hurt African economies"

Belize just called. "No thank you for not thinking of our economy before introducing Ebola to the Western Hemisphere."

john211 10-17-2014 2:19 PM

Guatemala just called.

john211 10-17-2014 2:20 PM

El Salvador just called.

john211 10-17-2014 2:21 PM

And so on. Brazil just called.

john211 10-17-2014 2:27 PM

Know what Saudi Arabia is doing during this Hajj season? Imposing a travel ban on Ebola countries.

Why? Because they don't want Ebola in their country.

behindtheboat 10-17-2014 2:33 PM


Originally Posted by timmyb (Post 1895598)
I will just jump on the media bandwagon with you guys (are ya'll Seahawks fans too by any chance? :D )
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/d_V__HfvwZI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

What does heart disease have to do with Ebola? You can't get heart disease by touching someone with it. You can choose a healthy lifestyle to try and avoid heart disease. Why are you so interested in pushing back on awareness and coverage of ebola, and so concentrated on heart disease especially and comparing it to an infectious disease that we seem to be learning more and more FACTS about every day, or at least how unprepared we are to contain it. What's with the attitude to everyone else on the thread? You're starting to seem troll-like.

john211 10-17-2014 2:41 PM

The Dallas nurses' association just called.

behindtheboat 10-17-2014 2:43 PM

Here's a random link on the history of virus' and epidemics. If you read the first paragraph it will tell you how ebola is on course to decimate most historical epidemic numbers since modern medicine became available.


john211 10-17-2014 2:43 PM

Carnival and Royal Caribbean just called.

Jmorlan 10-17-2014 3:36 PM

Ebola in the US.
Imo those territories need to be isolated, and remain isolated.
Want to send treatment and aid? Fine. Personnel and equipment need to be sent to those territories, not brought back into the US.
Upon return, contaminated equipment should remain in those territories and be destroyed. It should not be brought back into the US, and personnel should be heavily evaluated, to ensure there isn't a possibility of them returning to the US infected.

fouroheight68 10-17-2014 3:42 PM


Originally Posted by behindtheboat (Post 1895629)
Here's a random link on the history of virus' and epidemics. If you read the first paragraph it will tell you how ebola is on course to decimate most historical epidemic numbers since modern medicine became available.


You're right, that is random. Thanks for the waterski score update though.

fouroheight68 10-17-2014 3:44 PM

I remember reading "The Hot Zone" when it first came out in 1995. I was in 5th grade. Looking back, that was a really odd book for a 5th grader to read, but it sure stuck in my mind. Very relevant to today's outbreak.

Jmorlan 10-17-2014 3:47 PM

Except our weakling of a president doesn't have the balls to do his job. And at the end of the day, his job is to do what's right by our country, and it's citizens.


has he ever done that?

bftskir 10-17-2014 8:03 PM

So the first nurse is reportedly doing well and fully expected to recover and survive...so there's really nothing to see here.

bftskir 10-17-2014 8:05 PM

Boat prices are more likely to cause death

wake77 10-18-2014 6:10 AM

Never waste a chance to turn something into political finger pointing. Duncan did not fly from West Africa into the US, he flew into the US from Brussels. I laugh every time I hear the mention of stopping flights from the three countries in West Africa to the US. The truth is, there are no direct flights from Liberia, Sierra Leone, or Guinea to the US. So all of you guys that are suggesting restricting flights that don't exist anyway, what is the solution? Stopping all international travel?

Jmorlan 10-18-2014 7:36 AM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1895675)
Never waste a chance to turn something into political finger pointing. Duncan did not fly from West Africa into the US, he flew into the US from Brussels. I laugh every time I hear the mention of stopping flights from the three countries in West Africa to the US. The truth is, there are no direct flights from Liberia, Sierra Leone, or Guinea to the US. So all of you guys that are suggesting restricting flights that don't exist anyway, what is the solution? Stopping all international travel?

I was having this exact conversation with my buddy yesterday. Trying to explain to him, that people fly out from "the hot zones" and disperse around the world, which in turn, end up catching a flight from Europe, Asia, wherever, and end up back in the US.
And that it is basically impossible to control

wake77 10-18-2014 7:48 AM

Jmorlan, certain entities/people/politicians are guilty of spreading dishonesty by implying that Obama and the CDC are allowing Ebola Airlines to fly directly into the US from one of the three aforementioned countries. Dislike Obama and his policies all you want, but to allege that he is responsible for Duncan or other infected Ebola patients entering the country, is unfounded and political fear-mongering.

shawndoggy 10-18-2014 8:26 AM

should be able to listen to this story in a few: http://www.npr.org/2014/10/18/357153...ebola-missteps

Sounds to me like the "blame" in Dallas falls pretty squarely on the hospital. They (NOT CDC) messed up and didn't treat the contagion as seriously as they should've because they didn't require their nurses to wear full hazmat suits for the two days between admission of Duncan as a suspected ebola patient and confirmation that he did in fact have ebola.

So if anyone is to blame it's Texas.

fly135 10-18-2014 9:06 AM


Originally Posted by shawndoggy (Post 1895682)
So if anyone is to blame it's Texas.

Whoa now Nellie. That's way too hard for right wingers to parse.

shawndoggy 10-18-2014 9:24 AM

So for those of you with big stockpiles of guns and stuff how many of you are stocking up on ppe and training your families how to use them?

Jmorlan 10-18-2014 9:31 AM

Before I became the gas station Arab, I was a hazmat dude for 4yrs. Ain't no thang but a chicken wang

TerryR 10-20-2014 11:06 AM

Quote, "Sounds to me like the "blame" in Dallas falls pretty squarely on the hospital. They (NOT CDC) messed up and didn't treat the contagion as seriously as they should've because they didn't require their nurses to wear full hazmat suits for the two days between admission of Duncan as a suspected ebola patient and confirmation that he did in fact have ebola. "

The CDC had time to warn the hospitals and re-train them on the protocals. The Nurse's Association have publicly said that the hospital employees were not prepared for ebola.

Instead, President Selfie insisted on pushing the story that there is nothing to see here and that intellectuals shouldn't take any additional precautions against ebola. He is a horrible CEO and he allowed the CDC to take a business as usual approach.

I would not encourage fear but i would encourage an abundance of caution.

From what i'm reading, ebola is doubling every three weeks. The major difference this time is that the epidemic is also in urban areas with lots of citizen movement. The average person infects more than two people. In the past due to isolation, ebola was contained to smaller villages until the population was decimated and there was a shortage of hosts, which stopped the spread.

Quote, "Jmorlan, certain entities/people/politicians are guilty of spreading dishonesty by implying that Obama and the CDC are allowing Ebola Airlines to fly directly into the US from one of the three aforementioned countries."

Don't passports list the countries you've visited? it seems controlling the people who want to come to the US from W. Africa would be easy if we ban-- or restict to quarantine-- the people from the area.

pesos 10-20-2014 11:58 AM


snyder 10-20-2014 2:59 PM


wake77 10-20-2014 5:05 PM

"Instead, President Selfie insisted on pushing the story that there is nothing to see here and that intellectuals shouldn't take any additional precautions against ebola."

How so? I have read a variety of news reports and haven't seen the one about not taking "additional precautions against ebola". But you have proven by point, Terry. There is no concern in your posts, just all of the same anti-Obama talking points that have been all over talk radio and Fox News since Duncan was diagnosed with Ebola.

Laker1234 10-20-2014 8:48 PM

The “Real” truth about this administration is materializing, and as most of us expected, they haven’t a clue of what’s going on, or how to fix it.

pesos 10-21-2014 1:00 PM

Seriously thank god for Ebola. With gas so cheap and unemployment so low, I was worried Grant & co.'s collective head might explode!

john211 10-21-2014 2:37 PM

"With gas so cheap and unemployment so low, ...."

Maybe the US healthcare system can stamp down an ebola introduction, but to date there have been lapses and what has been done has been expensive. Very expensive. There were 70 workers in Dallas involved to attend one patient for less than a 10 day time period ... and who died. And his death may give rise to lawsuits for the prejudicial inablility to provide the only known purported miracle drug? One great threat for sure to US prosperity is the spiraling cost swirling around healthcare. So here is what maddens reasonable people about the administration's policy toward ebola.

1 - travel sanctions are thought not necessary because either the US way of handling health threats can handle it or else travel sanctions are bad because they would weaken 3 economies (about the 3 tiniest economies not just in west africa but on the planet).
2 - one Liberian traveler gets into the US, sick with ebola, and is examined once but misdiagnosed,
3 - he gets correctly diagnosed second time, and is taken in by a hospital,
4 - he is given very expensive care (did he bother to buy a traveler's health insurance policy? hell no, he is leaving Liberia and entering the US),
5 - and all this expensive effort was spent to no good end, he didn't survive,
6 - in the meantime, schools were shut down, and I believe cleaned (and not cheaply, it wasn't like the 'merry maids' were hired), and then best of all
7 - and even though there was an intensive and expensive effort spent, lawsuits maybe pending for lapses of curing a Liberian patient of ebola .... that the effort wasn't good enough, intensive enough, expensive enough. In other words, he may win the lottery for not contracting and staying in liberia but instead traveling and infecting the US.

"With gas so cheap and unemployment so low, ...."

Maybe the US healthcare system can stamp down an ebola introduction, but if it jumps to Rio or Columbia or Venzuela, there will be the potential for immense hardship if not economic destabilization. All of that will lessen our 'gas being so cheap and unemployment so low.'

If the pathway to countries in the western hemisphere to south of the US were from the US ... we will look as stupid as stupid is.

TerryR 10-21-2014 5:32 PM

Jeremy, Quote, "I have read a variety of news reports and haven't seen the one about not taking "additional precautions against ebola". "

If so, you weren't listening. In the time between the outbreak and the first patient in the US, the CDC Director repeatedly said that Protocols were in place, they had it under control, don't worry. But, the truth is the hospitals were unprepared and were not on alert as shown by the missed diagnosis in Dallas.

This administration has had repeated screw-ups from many departments due to poor oversight.

wake77 10-21-2014 6:59 PM

Terry, how many hospitals do you estimate are in the US? Protocols can be in place, but if the hospital staff does not follow the protocols (which appears to be the case in Dallas), stuff happens. I mean honestly, what on this planet is 100% fail-proof? The cases of Ebola here in the US, that have been handled by the CDC, have all ended successfully with no other people exposed and the patients being cured.

The rest of your post is political delusion brought on by the Ebola fear-mongering. I guess ISIS wasn't scary enough, now we have to prey on the gullible with the fear of contracting Ebola.

wake77 10-21-2014 7:25 PM

"1 - travel sanctions are thought not necessary because either the US way of handling health threats can handle it or else travel sanctions are bad because they would weaken 3 economies (about the 3 tiniest economies not just in west africa but on the planet)."

Is that provable, or are you just sharing an opinion? Nigeria, which neighbors the "three tiniest economies", is not having a massive outbreak of Ebola. And contrary to what is being blasted all over conservative talk radio, this is not the effect of a travel ban (or "travel sanctions") or sealing off the Nigerian border. Former TN US Senator Bill Frist (R), a physician that has completed over 150 lung and heart transplants (and certainly someone more qualified to speak on the nature of the Ebola "crisis" than me), has publicly opposed the travel restrictions many are proposing. Frist told the AP, a travel ban "would be ineffective from a public and personal health perspective and would be grossly counterproductive to ensuring a cooperative, inclusive and closely aligned effort to eradicate the virus".

timmyb 10-22-2014 6:31 AM

Fact - more people have been married to Kim Kardashian than have died in the US from Ebola. :D

john211 10-22-2014 2:10 PM

" "1 - travel sanctions are thought not necessary because either the US way of handling health threats can handle it or else travel sanctions are bad because they would weaken 3 economies (about the 3 tiniest economies not just in west africa but on the planet)."

Is that provable, or are you just sharing an opinion? "

... perhaps hyperbole. Of the number of administration-offered rationales to not impose travel sanctions is that it would destabilize the three hot countries. So what then? Better let the contagion travel and risk the impact on countries with a cumulative population in the billions?

I see reports that several of the border nations have imposed travel sanctions. I can't authenticate that as fact myself but a CCN Sunday morning news show had Texas Senator Ted Cruz as a a guest, and he reported that as so. (I have seen that reported in other media outlets as well.) The interviewer was turning the thumbscrews tight on every responsive remark Senator Cruz made ... but not on that contention. Saudi Arabia imposed a travel ban too.

Are these three economies the three tiniest in this Universe and our parallel one too? Well I'm sure I could Google a query for a list ... but I'll just speculate.
Top quartile?
Second quartile?

I bored. Curious Jeremy. Do you teach like advanced placement courses? Do you bring your politics into the classroom?

(Actually, I'd rather teachers be about as objective as can be. But given you're in Texas, I'd rather you buck against the state school board pretty firmly.)

wake77 10-22-2014 4:15 PM

I'm a math teacher (TN, not TX). No politics involved. Just like there doesn't need to be any politics involved in this discussion. I don't think not imposing travel restrictions has anything to do with the economies of the three countries. Nigeria has imposed no travel restrictions. Read it for yourself:


Look at the last bullet point of the article.

bftskir 10-22-2014 10:11 PM

The second nurse Amber...released no ebola.

But 150 people per day are flying in to the US east coast ...every day. Be afraid. Be very afraid. They are coming from the 3 hotspots in west africa.

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