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markj 06-11-2019 2:15 PM

Biden's campaign promise to cure cancer
You can't make this stuff up. This shows just how incredibly sad and desperate the libs are. Creepy Joe's words speak for themselves. Crazy chit like this just shows how bad he's gonna get his as$ kicked in 2020. I mean Trump is gonna have to rape a nun or have some seriously bad economic stuff happen to lose in 2020.

markj 06-11-2019 4:48 PM

He’s the equivalent of a wilting flower that was never very pretty to begin with. He’s the carnation of politicians. Lol

markj 06-11-2019 5:01 PM

After the election, I guess Creepy Joe can always become a prosperity preacher.

Can you imagine the air temp in the room if he and the inventor of the internet, Algore were there together? A lotta hot air for sure.

denverd1 06-12-2019 2:37 AM


just searched and found this gem of a headline: "Biden leads Trump by 'landslide proportions' in new national poll".

will be funny watching the dems heads explode as they cannibalize their own party


wombat2wombat 06-12-2019 2:49 AM

Biden's an idiot & it's obvious the DNC has stacked the deck against anyone but him. They apparently didn't learn from the Sanders debacle. It's sad neither party can field anyone worth a **** due to how deprived politics & attacks have become.

grant_west 06-12-2019 8:20 AM

Yes I wonder who Donna Brazil is going to feed the debate questions ahead of time this go round.
You know when it gets close and the final few dams can smell the barn. They are going to start cannibalizing each other big time. Yes and I saw that they were saying that if the election was run today that Biden would win by 12 points what a joke is this the same media that told us Hillary in a landslide

95sn 06-12-2019 9:12 AM

Because cancer is such a liberaltard cause. Guess your families all have avoided cancer.
Its a problem only if he treats campaign promises like the grifter.
Trump, the genius said he would drain the swamp, has he? Scoot Pruitt, Ryan Zinke, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Alex Azar.... and any of the other dozen or so who quit in disgust of trump, who were fired or quit because of scandal.
I wonder who trump will claim is menstruating during 2020 debates like last time. Im pretty sure he still thinks he is running against Clinton.

Because the GOP is full of help.
Never Forget! remember that little saying after 9/11??? NEVER FORGET!

oops, F*uck those firemen.

DeltaHoosier 06-12-2019 9:36 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1989469)
Because cancer is such a liberaltard cause. Guess your families all have avoided cancer.
Its a problem only if he treats campaign promises like the grifter.
Trump, the genius said he would drain the swamp, has he? Scoot Pruitt, Ryan Zinke, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, Alex Azar.... and any of the other dozen or so who quit in disgust of trump, who were fired or quit because of scandal.
I wonder who trump will claim is menstruating during 2020 debates like last time. Im pretty sure he still thinks he is running against Clinton.

Because the GOP is full of help.
Never Forget! remember that little saying after 9/11??? NEVER FORGET!

oops, F*uck those firemen.

certainly looks like the liberals are trying to use that for all they can. They just got $7.5 BILLION again in 2015 of which they used $5 BILLION. That does not even count the BILLIONS they used since 2001. Even then the Republican leadership said they will have to look at it as the fund has not run out of money. What the liberals want is a fund for life that they can turn into an entitlement. Sounds like the GOP has helped a crap load if you ask me.

At the end of the day on Trump. At least he is not a democrat. I guess we have found your candidate now haven't we. Maybe this time you will vote.

markj 06-12-2019 10:27 AM

[QUOTE=95sn;1989469]Because cancer is such a liberaltard cause.

No, fool. You know what the problem is here and then you try to change the subject like the dishonest partisan hack wolf in sheep's clothing that you are. Hell, why doesn't he promise 40 acres and a mule to all da black folk too while he's at it? Friggin shameless panderer if there ever was one..... And how arrogant would you have to be to even say you're gonna cure cancer if you're elected POTUS? Better yet, how stupid is your audience to believe it? Only libtards are stupid enough to believe a grandiose, unprecedented promise like that.

95sn 06-12-2019 12:57 PM

Yes fool. Are you trying to say its ok trump can promise to drain the swamp, lock her up, great medical insurance for less $ and build a wall. Thats different, right Fool? You should just get back to forcing women to have babies they dont want and late night Walmart shopping. Stupid audience...lol dont yall still think trumps s*hit dont stink? Gonna drain the swamp, gonna get us medical insurance, as he tariffs your ass into the ground and $$ to the richest. libtards are so dum. Thank you sir, can I have another. get your nose way up there, umm. heaven.
His kid died of cancer, im sure he is going to fund cancer research. thats all I hear him saying.

markj 06-12-2019 4:23 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1989475)
Yes fool. Are you trying to say its ok trump can promise to drain the swamp, lock her up, great medical insurance for less $ and build a wall. Thats different, right Fool? You should just get back to forcing women to have babies they dont want and late night Walmart shopping. Stupid audience...lol dont yall still think trumps s*hit dont stink? Gonna drain the swamp, gonna get us medical insurance, as he tariffs your ass into the ground and $$ to the richest. libtards are so dum. Thank you sir, can I have another. get your nose way up there, umm. heaven.
His kid died of cancer, im sure he is going to fund cancer research. thats all I hear him saying.

Spoken like a true libtard sheeple. I clearly touched a nerve with you. Lol No, I think you need to either learn to read or listen to the text of what he said. You have that choice. Maybe you should get back to murdering children and acting like it’s a civil right for women to kill a child for the sake of convenience like the selfish bastard you are. The wall would be under construction right now if it wasn’t for your as$hole comrades in congress. Yeah, stupid audience. That means YOU. Get used to to Trump in 2020. It’s comin for idiots just like you who think you can keep wrecking this country with your phony PC schitt that makes normal people run scared just for being normal. F you and yours.

markj 06-12-2019 4:33 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1989475)
Yes fool. Are you trying to say its ok trump can promise to drain the swamp, lock her up, great medical insurance for less $ and build a wall. Thats different, right Fool? You should just get back to forcing women to have babies they dont want and late night Walmart shopping. Stupid audience...lol dont yall still think trumps s*hit dont stink? Gonna drain the swamp, gonna get us medical insurance, as he tariffs your ass into the ground and $$ to the richest. libtards are so dum. Thank you sir, can I have another. get your nose way up there, umm. heaven.
His kid died of cancer, im sure he is going to fund cancer research. thats all I hear him saying.

Btw, you are honestly a worthless pos. You didn’t even vote and you want to talk anything about politics. Typical feckless, liberal, loser trying to lie and claim to have been a conservative who “somehow” is objective. Ha! What a joke of a human you are!

wake77 06-13-2019 2:20 AM

How is that any different than proclaiming to "Drain the swamp", "Mexico is going to pay for the wall", etc.? I would much rather hear a candidate proposing to do something that is going to actually benefit the American people as opposed to satisfying his/her own ego. Joe Biden lost a son to cancer. I am sure the cause is near and dear to his heart. I guess instead of investing in cancer research, we should pump more money into Space Force.

wombat2wombat 06-13-2019 3:10 AM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1989484)
How is that any different than proclaiming to "Drain the swamp", "Mexico is going to pay for the wall", etc.? I would much rather hear a candidate proposing to do something that is going to actually benefit the American people as opposed to satisfying his/her own ego. Joe Biden lost a son to cancer. I am sure the cause is near and dear to his heart. I guess instead of investing in cancer research, we should pump more money into Space Force.

You're a special kind of stupid to be against Space Force cause you don't like the name are ignorant enough to think it's spaceships & flying saucers. Derp

grant_west 06-13-2019 3:18 AM

Let’s be honest, Biden’s “Cure Cancer” BS is way better then Cory Bookers & Kamala Harris “Slave Reparations” payments. Talk about Grifters, Thank Gawd, The Dem 2020 clown car is packed to the rim this election cycle is gonna be so fun to watch these hyenas tear each other to shreds

DeltaHoosier 06-13-2019 6:37 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1989475)
Yes fool. Are you trying to say its ok trump can promise to drain the swamp, lock her up, great medical insurance for less $ and build a wall. Thats different, right Fool? You should just get back to forcing women to have babies they dont want and late night Walmart shopping. Stupid audience...lol dont yall still think trumps s*hit dont stink? Gonna drain the swamp, gonna get us medical insurance, as he tariffs your ass into the ground and $$ to the richest. libtards are so dum. Thank you sir, can I have another. get your nose way up there, umm. heaven.
His kid died of cancer, im sure he is going to fund cancer research. thats all I hear him saying.

You are the only person I have ever met that believes campaign talking points. So let me understand this...... You hate Trump. Don't believe a word the guy ever said, yet have spent 2.5 years bitching about things that he said that did not come true in your eyes. Do you see a problem here?

denverd1 06-13-2019 7:57 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1989475)
Yes fool. Are you trying to say its ok trump can promise to drain the swamp, lock her up, great medical insurance for less $ and build a wall. Thats different, right Fool? You should just get back to forcing women to have babies they dont want and late night Walmart shopping. Stupid audience...lol dont yall still think trumps s*hit dont stink? Gonna drain the swamp, gonna get us medical insurance, as he tariffs your ass into the ground and $$ to the richest. libtards are so dum. Thank you sir, can I have another. get your nose way up there, umm. heaven.

His kid died of cancer, im sure he is going to fund cancer research. thats all I hear him saying.


Nobody is claiming ANY of them keep campaign promises. How you're still jerking off to Hillary is mind blowing.

markj 06-13-2019 8:51 AM

The part that’s so funny is Biden is already so desperate and so deceiving this early in the game that he is willing to tell such an unprecedented whopper to get elected. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’d bet a large sum that no candidate, of any party world-wide, has ever uttered words similar to “if you elect me, we're gonna cure cancer.” I mean that is Loserville. Like 95sn level. Like military-grade Loserville.

Hell, I’d even vote for Biden if he could guarantee a cure.

wombat2wombat 06-13-2019 10:25 AM

For the last time; The question isn't if politicians are corrupt, it's how corrupt.

95sn 06-13-2019 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 1989476)
Spoken like a true libtard sheeple. I clearly touched a nerve with you. Lol No, I think you need to either learn to read or listen to the text of what he said. You have that choice. Maybe you should get back to murdering children and acting like it’s a civil right for women to kill a child for the sake of convenience like the selfish bastard you are. The wall would be under construction right now if it wasn’t for your as$hole comrades in congress. Yeah, stupid audience. That means YOU. Get used to to Trump in 2020. It’s comin for idiots just like you who think you can keep wrecking this country with your phony PC schitt that makes normal people run scared just for being normal. F you and yours.

aye aye skipper. I just sent a $100 to Planned Parenthood, I am not selfish. How many murders ya think that pays for?
Denverd, malleable mark is the one who believes campaign promises, I was trying to let him know its just a cause biden cares about. (correction, I have never voted for any Clinton ever)
Biden, lol you guys all worried about the only guy as old as trump, or is it the 13 point beat down in the polls. (trumps polls). quickest two to their dirt naps.

markj 06-14-2019 4:10 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1989502)
aye aye skipper. I just sent a $100 to Planned Parenthood, I am not selfish. How many murders ya think that pays for?
Denverd, malleable mark is the one who believes campaign promises, I was trying to let him know its just a cause biden cares about. (correction, I have never voted for any Clinton ever)
Biden, lol you guys all worried about the only guy as old as trump, or is it the 13 point beat down in the polls. (trumps polls). quickest two to their dirt naps.

Well, at least you're finally admitting the truth that you are contributing to murder.

Keep yappin about polls. That worked out real well for you in 2016.

grant_west 06-15-2019 3:52 PM

LOL I love these Polls example flash back to 2016 “Hillary over TRUMP by a Land Slide” LOL LOL LOL Say what you want about TRUMP, He has made everyone doubt the Media and that’s great we have all been lied to for years. Fake News” did you even hear that b4 Daddy told you,or did you believe everything the media told you like “Hillary By a Landslide”

wake77 06-17-2019 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1989546)
LOL I love these Polls example flash back to 2016 “Hillary over TRUMP by a Land Slide” LOL LOL LOL Say what you want about TRUMP, He has made everyone doubt the Media and that’s great we have all been lied to for years. Fake News” did you even hear that b4 Daddy told you,or did you believe everything the media told you like “Hillary By a Landslide”

Show me a "Poll" from then that said "Hillary over TRUMP by a Land Slide". Just about every poll I saw had them statistically tied (within the margin of error).

wake77 06-17-2019 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by wombat2wombat (Post 1989487)
You're a special kind of stupid to be against Space Force cause you don't like the name are ignorant enough to think it's spaceships & flying saucers. Derp

No, it's just a colossal waste of money just like Reagan's Star Wars. You're ignorant enough to think it's actually going to result in anything.

Let's add billions to an already bloated DoD budget.

markj 06-17-2019 6:11 PM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1989577)
No, it's just a colossal waste of money just like Reagan's Star Wars. You're ignorant enough to think it's actually going to result in anything.

Let's add billions to an already bloated DoD budget.

Hmm. Pretty sure Reagan’s Star Wars (or the threat of it) was the nail in the coffin for the USSR. They knew they couldn’t match our military spending and folded.

95sn 06-19-2019 10:47 AM

Mark, you are right, You cant make this stuff up!
Trumps gonna cure cancer, cure aids and put us on Mars. Now who are you voting for?


"I can promise you that I will never, ever, ever let you down. I won't."

markj 06-20-2019 3:04 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1989638)
Mark, you are right, You cant make this stuff up!
Trumps gonna cure cancer, cure aids and put us on Mars. Now who are you voting for?

Okay that’s it. I’m voting for Biden...

95sn 06-20-2019 11:57 AM

Points for having a sense of humor.

grant_west 06-22-2019 5:42 PM

Black people need reparations how long until the government issues a check or Joe Biden guarantees them 40 acres and a mule

markj 06-24-2019 5:03 AM

One thing's for certain. If reparations were to ever come to pass and people had to prove they were descendants of slaves through DNA samples, there would be a TON of cold cases solved.

95sn 06-24-2019 7:16 AM

And a ton of people who are innocent and convicted released. Whatever way you choose to look at it.

markj 06-24-2019 8:33 AM

True, but much more of the former. They just caught the the golden state killer that eluded authorities for decades. That dude is beyond evil.

DeltaHoosier 06-24-2019 9:56 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1989735)
And a ton of people who are innocent and convicted released. Whatever way you choose to look at it.

Now, now, now.....If they are accused then they are certainly guilty. Why else would someone be accused?

95sn 06-24-2019 11:54 AM

And, the golden state killer is an old white ex-cop. Reparations? Great connection cowboy. Wouldn't OJ fit better?

You retract this? Cause you stick foot in mouth often, like military grade often.


The part that’s so funny is Biden is already so desperate and so deceiving this early in the game that he is willing to tell such an unprecedented whopper to get elected. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’d bet a large sum that no candidate, of any party world-wide, has ever uttered words similar to “if you elect me, we're gonna cure cancer.” I mean that is Loserville. Like 95sn level. Like military-grade Loserville.

markj 06-24-2019 5:03 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1989741)
And, the golden state killer is an old white ex-cop. Reparations? Great connection cowboy. Wouldn't OJ fit better?

You retract this? Cause you stick foot in mouth often, like military grade often.

Sorry you were too stupid to understand the context, boy. I first mentioned the fact that there would be many cold cases solved if they used DNA for....
Then, I mentioned the golden state guy to display the fact that I support it regardless of race since that’s how all of you libtards look at things. What does OJ have to do with anything? Dang. You are a waste of blood. You are the current, undisputed libtard WW jester now. Enjoy your reign while it lasts! There have been 3-4 before you who eventually died under their own brain-dead weight. Go back and read the first 120 pages. Based on history, I’m betting you have another few months of supremacy. Meanwhile, thanks for the cheap entertainment. Sincerely, all normal people.

wake77 06-25-2019 7:23 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 1989584)
Hmm. Pretty sure Reagan’s Star Wars (or the threat of it) was the nail in the coffin for the USSR. They knew they couldn’t match our military spending and folded.

It had nothing to do with Star Wars. Do you guys just make up history as you go? To win internet arguments?

markj 06-25-2019 7:37 AM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1989769)
It had nothing to do with Star Wars. Do you guys just make up history as you go? To win internet arguments?

Nice try, but you can't reclaim your top spot as WW jester back yet while 95sn has it. Go to the back of the line and wait your turn again.

wake77 06-25-2019 8:23 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 1989772)
Nice try, but you can't reclaim your top spot as WW jester back yet while 95sn has it. Go to the back of the line and wait your turn again.

So you do invent history? Instead of lying, why don't you just admit you are a dumbass and type "I have nothing relevant to post"? At least you would be more genuine.

95sn 06-25-2019 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by markj (Post 1989749)
Sorry you were too stupid to understand the context, boy. I first mentioned the fact that there would be many cold cases solved if they used DNA for....
Then, I mentioned the golden state guy to display the fact that I support it regardless of race since that’s how all of you libtards look at things. What does OJ have to do with anything? Dang. You are a waste of blood. You are the current, undisputed libtard WW jester now. Enjoy your reign while it lasts! There have been 3-4 before you who eventually died under their own brain-dead weight. Go back and read the first 120 pages. Based on history, I’m betting you have another few months of supremacy. Meanwhile, thanks for the cheap entertainment. Sincerely, all normal people.

I dont think any White Folk will be taking any DNA tests to get any reparations. Stupid, Boy.

markj 06-25-2019 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1989794)
I dont think any White Folk will be taking any DNA tests to get any reparations. Stupid, Boy.

You are so dense. I pity you. I'm not gonna even explain any more.

95sn 06-25-2019 12:01 PM


I first mentioned the fact that there would be many cold cases solved if they used DNA for....

One thing's for certain. If reparations were to ever come to pass and people had to prove they were descendants of slaves through DNA samples, there would be a TON of cold cases solved.
How you gonna catch a white guy?

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