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-   -   midwest wake fest? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=226325)

wakeboarder23 05-02-2005 8:14 AM

havent been before but prolly going to go this year, <BR>hows it all work, i dont have a boat so are there people willing to pull or hows it all work

mjmurphy53711 05-02-2005 3:40 PM

from what ive heard.......pulls are not hard to find just be prepared to spread the love and pitch in on gas. Forrest....if you read this ive offered my rave slider for use in the past and we just never connected on it to seal the deal, are you interested?

cgutzmer 05-03-2005 10:37 AM

Yeah Last year I gave pulls to guys from all over that didn't come with boats. You will have no problem finding someone to give you a pull. You will be amazed at how many boats will be there. Its a good time..

wakeking933 05-03-2005 12:53 PM

where is it going to be

ripr 05-03-2005 1:27 PM

Just be friendly, introduce yourself, and pitch in for gas...you'll have no problem finding rides. <BR> <BR>At least one girl for each guy helps as well. <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.midwestwakefest.com" target="_blank">http://www.midwestwakefest.com</a>

wazzy 05-03-2005 9:08 PM

Mike.... we may be interested in using your slider this year..... How hard is it to transport? <BR> <BR>MWWF is held at 4-Star Marina in Ottawa, IL.... <BR> <BR>Make sure to check out the website and spread the word....

skibum69 05-04-2005 5:18 AM

How hard is it to get an RV/camping spot. I am thinking about coming down but the website makes it sound like first come first serve on the campsites. I will be driving from atleast 6 hours away.

wazzy 05-04-2005 8:39 PM

There is plenty of room on the penninsula (it's a big area).... but the camp sites are taken as first come first serve....so you may not get exactly where you want if you show up later... However there really is NO bad area on the penninsula.....

mjmurphy53711 05-05-2005 4:10 PM

forrest it is easy to transport for me, i can bring it and with access to one outlet have it up and running in less than an hour.....trust me on this....they only thing is i would like to make sure i have no liability for injuries

wazzy 05-08-2005 9:04 PM

MIKE.... hit me off forum at <a href="mailto:MWWF4u@hotmail.com">MWWF4u@hotmail.co m</a>

mjmurphy53711 05-09-2005 3:52 PM


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