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roughrivermike 03-23-2009 8:25 AM

OK, this might sound like a dumb question. I got a drysuit for my daughter because the water temp is in the low 50's. She is very small 65lbs. A size 6 womens drysuit worked perfectly and gives her many years left to use it. Because it was too large for her it was kinda difficult to get her vest over it, plus its a new vest and I don't want to ruin it. Can vests be worn under a drysuit or does that defeat the buoyancy?

hawkeye7708 03-23-2009 8:30 AM

They can definitely be put inside the drysuit. I never wear a jacket OVER the drysuit. Why get it wet? Not to mention the drysuit itself actually does offer a fair bit of buoyancy itself. Final verdict: You CAN wear it under the drysuit without any loss of buoyancy. <BR> <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/680542.jpg" alt="Upload">

jayp 03-23-2009 8:33 AM

I wear a vest under my drysuit.

stoked_32 03-23-2009 9:27 AM

I was wondering what are you opinions on cga vs. non-cga underneath a drysuit? I currently rock a ncga under mine and I figure that if I ever took a hard crash that pushed all the air out of the drysuit, the noncga would be enough to float me along with whatever air was leftover in the drysuit. What do you think?

detonate69 03-23-2009 9:53 AM

Always wear a CGA vest IMO with a drysuit. What happens if a seal busts and you start taking in water? I can tell you right now you will start to go down. I've seen it happen. Odds are you'll never have a problem. But usually with me "Murphy's Law" is in full effect. lol.

stephan 03-23-2009 10:03 AM

Now this is me personally, but I never wear a vest under my drysuit. I would not recommend that for your young daughter. It's been debated here many times and I think the consensus is if you bust seal you are still neutrally buoyant, you won't sink. It may be dumb, but in all the years I've never had issue.

sp0tts 03-23-2009 10:11 AM

Like heavy said, you bust a seal you are neutrally <BR>buoyant. Everyone I ride with wears their vests underneath their drysuits.

jayp 03-23-2009 11:50 AM

I have a non CGA comp vest that I wear under my drysuit. I wear a CGA vest any other time.

andy_nintzel 03-23-2009 12:25 PM

I am with Big Heavy on this one, I am sure I am going to get a ton of crap for this but I never wear a life jacket with my dry suit. I have had my drysuit fill with water several times and I didnt sink. Not saying its the correct way to go but its what I do. But Hey I also were a non-CGA Comp vest, so apparently I am hurting the sport.

trentj6930 03-23-2009 12:30 PM

It isn't going to hurt if she wears a vest underneath. Don't overlook the fact that some people are not "neutrally buoyant" at the surface. I don't become neutral until about 3 feet under water.

eviltweak 03-23-2009 5:27 PM

i where a vest over my dry suit it just keeps things compact if the suit is baggier

johnsvt 03-23-2009 7:04 PM

I don't wear a vest, but I also don't try anything new in a drysuit.

roughrivermike 03-24-2009 4:26 AM

I appreciate the input

stokemetercom 03-24-2009 5:43 AM

I don't wear a vest with a drysuit. I get the risks. If I were to wear one, I would put it over the suit to keep the staypuff look to a minimum.

gsabate 03-25-2009 5:03 PM

I wear the vest inside. One thing I think is a good idea is to let the air out through the neck seal after you jump in the water. I've seen the zipper blow open on hard falls and think it's cause there was to much air inside. Not sure just a thought.

bhog 03-25-2009 5:13 PM

I never wore a vest under my drysuit but this year I have. I had a scare I hopped in the water and zipper wasnt zipped all the way. I never tried to get in the boat so quick. It made me think if that thing filled with water I would be at the bottom.

rnopr8 03-25-2009 8:49 PM

Come on guys...I can't even believe you would suggest a little girl wear a drysuit without a vest. <BR> <BR>Mike...have her wear the vest underneath the drysuit. That's what I do and as Britt mentioned...you never know when you will get water inside the drysuit for whatever reason. It becomes like fishing weighters if she gets water in it and will sink her in a heartbeat. Last year my zipper wasn't all the way closed. I had a vest on...thank God...and I couldn't get in the boat because my legs were so weighted down with water.

mobv 03-26-2009 3:18 AM

I paid a $150 fine for allowing another adult to ride behind my boat without a vest with his dry suit. The officer stopped us to check if it was under the suit since he could not see it on top of the suit. Boat owner gets the ticket.

bill 03-26-2009 1:57 PM

i normally wear a CGA vest when i ride but when i wear a drysuit i wear a non approved vest inside the drysuit..works great.

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