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halifaxwakerider 08-10-2013 7:16 AM

DEFY: Danny Harf
I just got this wake movie a week ago and have already watched it 3 times!! Such amazing footage and high definition picture, I would definitely recommend it to any wakeboarding enthusiasts out there!

Does anyone know of any other full length wakeboarding movies like this one??


JamesHawk101 08-10-2013 10:40 AM

Lipsmack is another good one. There are some shorter ones like Republication and This Time Around.

VinnyA 08-10-2013 2:45 PM

Penny, Slick City, Out of the Pond and Lipsmack are all on itunes and are good grabs. Not full movies but there's also Ronix's free podcast on itunes that they update regularly with videos that aren't always on youtube.

If that doesn't satisfy you you could leave the itunes store and check out Noisia Vision and In-Transit.
And if you're like me and just cannot stop watching any/everything wakeboarding that was ever recorded you could check out my ThrillOn's wakeboarding playlist. I tag all my favorite/what wake videos I think are best.


halifaxwakerider 08-11-2013 4:31 AM

Awesome Ill check those out for sure. Thanks!

V8_Killer 08-13-2013 9:11 PM

I own most wakeboarding movies and DEFY is by far my favorite overall. I got it signed at the Dallas PWT in 2012 by Murray and Rusty. Meant to have Parks sign it too but forgot, but he didn't sign some other stuff.

Global Warning is a good one as well, and the intro alone is worth the price of the movie.

simplej 08-14-2013 4:02 AM

How was in transit vs say lip smack?

VinnyA 08-14-2013 6:13 AM

Lip smack is different in the sense that it was a team film, In Transit is kind of like out of the pond or older wake movies where each rider has their own part. The Soundtrack is awesome and for me that can almost make/break a film lol
Anyways the parts are Chris O'Shea, Danny/Chad/Watson, Mitch Langfield, Brad Smeele/Chris O'Shea/Gabe Lucas/Chris Abaide on a winch trip in texas, Brad Smeele, Randall Harris/ricky G/Melissa Marquadat, Brenton Preistly, Dean Smith and then last but not least Harley.

The editing is cool in the sense that a lot of the riding is timed with hits in the music and I really liked that haha like when chris oshea bonks on a rail and it's timed with a tamborine hit or when dean smith lands hard and it's timed with a bass hit. etc.
I hadn't seen much of Chris Oshea, mitch langfield, or brenton preistly before this movie so their parts are the ones that stood out the most, because their level of riding is incredible. The song in Dean's part is my favorite though, it's Ephemeral Artery by Neon Indian. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqHagzDRLic

migs 08-14-2013 9:52 AM

Slick City is an awesome vid.

whiteflashwatersports1 08-14-2013 11:26 AM

Hyperlite rewritten - opening is so awesome. Watch it in surround sound and turn it up - bad ass.

behindtheboat 08-14-2013 11:50 AM

You could have bought my DEFY. Pre-ordered it, watched it once and wasn't impressed, I'm not really into helicopters... but don't need to get into that argument of saving the long length videos. Lipsmack, Slick City, Out of the Pond and Box of Fun are well worth it.

stang_killa_ss 08-15-2013 2:31 PM


VinnyA 08-16-2013 5:16 PM

If you enjoy wakeskating; Noisia vision and Integrity's team film "Ride among us". Both are legit.
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/26371007?byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=00f8fc" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/26371007">Integrity Wake "Ride Among Us" Trailer</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/forthegator">For The Gator Productions</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

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